Beautiful photo/story, 2 dads w/newborn son

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN


I have seen plenty of birth announcements posted in both the Coffee Shop and the Tavern. In fact one of them was KG's latest grandchild just a few weeks back. Now are you alleging that KG is not a hetero?

koshergrl said:
My son and the fam are here...omg my grandson is amazingly adorable. He's so freaking cute and funny..I wonder if everybody who sees him thinks he's as adorable as I do, because he's just over the top crazy cute...and I have decided that yes, they all agree.

He is the cutest baby in the world. And except for my own and my granddaughter, he's the cutest baby that has ever existed.

well fine,and that's where they should be
not jammed down the rest of the boards people here, so we need to be beat down for not fweeeling like we need to, SWWWOOOON

The hypocrisy never ends with you, does it?

If this OP had been opened in the Lounge you would have been screeching about bringing "politics" into a no politics zone.

Current Events is the appropriate forum for this OP.

But let's face it, as long as there is anything to do with gays in any thread you will be throwing a hissyfit because that is what you do around here!
Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

You must be against fostering or adopting, then.

Fostering and adopting result from extenuating circumstances and not contrivance. Homo parenting as well as many single mom parenting situations are created intentionally. Big difference.
Intentionally creating a situation where a kid is denied the chance to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

We are the real parents, both legally and where it matters...raising responsible contributing members of society in a loving and supporting environment.

When gays decide to have children together, it's 100% planned...unlike straights...where only about 60% plan for them. :eusa_whistle:
Until Sunni "man", I've believed about muslims the same as I believe about other groups - that there are good and bad, that they're not all ignorant and backward and vile ugly people. Maybe its just the men. Maybe the women aren't as vile and nasty as Sunni "man". One thing for sure, Sunni "man" is a waste of skin and I think its likely all male muslims are as well.

Yes, Luddly, keep fighting for equal rights - except for the people your bigoted stupidity allows you to hate.

What a fucking idiot.
Accusing people of hatred, and then calling them idiots? Doesn't sound like the response of somebody that made a good case.

He talks about equality, but posts hate messages regarding a group of people.
That's daft.
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
I've just noticed he's banned so I've added the "@ mention" so he'll see and be able to respond if/when he returns.
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Seriously though, muslims are shit people. Also, I support gay rights completely, but settle the fuck down with your corny ass "beautiful photo" bullshit, you fucking dork.

Another fucking idiot.
Love gays; hate Muslims.

Jesus fucking H. Christ on a pair of lollipop sticks - you want equality and love, but post hate.
Your stupidity is beyond the ability of most village idiots.
You must be against fostering or adopting, then.

Fostering and adopting result from extenuating circumstances and not contrivance. Homo parenting as well as many single mom parenting situations are created intentionally. Big difference.
Intentionally creating a situation where a kid is denied the chance to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

We are the real parents, both legally and where it matters...raising responsible contributing members of society in a loving and supporting environment.

When gays decide to have children together, it's 100% planned...unlike straights...where only about 60% plan for them. :eusa_whistle:

Homos are not the real parents. Never have been and likely never will be. If that situation is 'planned' it is selfish child abuse. No consideration for the kid and what it should have the right to; the opportunity to be raised by its real parents. Not to mention that is has bad implications on the society as a whole because it has been demonstrated that pluralities of non-structured families lead to social decay. Empirical.
It's like the left doesn't realize that normalization of same sex relationships has a definite life span that will end.
I wonder why right wingers are anti homosexual. It's not like some of their leaders haven't dabbled in it a bit. Ex president dubya, ex senator larry craig for example. When a democrat does something not too cool or perverted, like anthony weiner, republicans go viral. Then even the dems turned against him. When david vitter's perversion problem became public, he got a standing ovation from republicans and his base keeps voting for him. Then of course we had the congressional pageboy scandals in the 80's. Congressional page boys being molested by republican congressmen. Oh, Mark Foley ring a bell? Republicans are such hypocrites. I think that some of the right wingers initiating all these anti gay threads may be closet gays. They can't get off the subject.
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I wonder why right wingers are anti homosexual. It's not like some of their leaders haven't dabbled in it a bit. Ex president dubya, ex senator larry craig for example. When a democrat does something not too cool or perverted, like anthony weiner, republicans go viral. Then even the dems turned against him. When david vitter's perversion problem became public, he got a standing ovation from republicans and his base keeps voting for him. Then of course we had the congressional pageboy scandals in the 80's. Congressional page boys being molested by republican congressmen. Oh, Mark Foley ring a bell? Republicans are such hypocrites. I think that some of the right wingers initiating all these anti gay threads may be closet gays. They can't get off the subject.

Closeted gays are still gays. No matter what wrapping they temporarily cover themselves with.

The issue isn't political. It's social. You may say there isn't a difference and you'd be wrong. Political winds shapeshift, like closeted homosexuals. Social moorings are more permanent: harder to move and for good reason. Ships without anchor are turned into splinters on the rocks of social upheavals like trying to make deviant sex "normal" through stealing the word "marriage".

If you need any further answers as to why socially-normal people of both parties reject gays marrying, just look at the picture in the OP here. It is viscerally-repulsive and goes against the very marrow of the bones of a normal person who knows a mother belongs in that baby's life. Actually, a policeman and child protective services officer belongs in its life right at present.
I wonder why right wingers are anti homosexual. It's not like some of their leaders haven't dabbled in it a bit. Ex president dubya, ex senator larry craig for example. When a democrat does something not too cool or perverted, like anthony weiner, republicans go viral. Then even the dems turned against him. When david vitter's perversion problem became public, he got a standing ovation from republicans and his base keeps voting for him. Then of course we had the congressional pageboy scandals in the 80's. Congressional page boys being molested by republican congressmen. Oh, Mark Foley ring a bell? Republicans are such hypocrites. I think that some of the right wingers initiating all these anti gay threads may be closet gays. They can't get off the subject.

Closeted gays are still gays. No matter what wrapping they temporarily cover themselves with.

The issue isn't political. It's social. You may say there isn't a difference and you'd be wrong. Political winds shapeshift, like closeted homosexuals. Social moorings are more permanent: harder to move and for good reason. Ships without anchor are turned into splinters on the rocks of social upheavals like trying to make deviant sex "normal" through stealing the word "marriage".

If you need any further answers as to why socially-normal people of both parties reject gays marrying, just look at the picture in the OP here. It is viscerally-repulsive and goes against the very marrow of the bones of a normal person who knows a mother belongs in that baby's life. Actually, a policeman and child protective services officer belongs in its life right at present.

Challenge for @Katzndogz, @Silhouette and @RoshawnMarkwees!

All 3 of you have alleged that removing the homophobic bigotry from society will result in some kind of "social downfall".

So your challenge is to provide credible unbiased independent studies proving that there a definitive causal connection between social collapse and the removal of homophobic bigotry.

Challenge for @Katzndogz, @Silhouette and @RoshawnMarkwees!

All 3 of you have alleged that removing the homophobic bigotry from society will result in some kind of "social downfall".

So your challenge is to provide credible unbiased independent studies proving that there a definitive causal connection between social collapse and the removal of homophobic bigotry.

You pose the easiest challenges.

Here's your social downfall. These folks getting the legal shoehorn into forcing adoption agencies via their "married" status to let them access our nation's most vulnerable children.

Read the social downfall and weep:
Challenge for @Katzndogz, @Silhouette and @RoshawnMarkwees!

All 3 of you have alleged that removing the homophobic bigotry from society will result in some kind of "social downfall".

So your challenge is to provide credible unbiased independent studies proving that there a definitive causal connection between social collapse and the removal of homophobic bigotry.

You pose the easiest challenges.

Here's your social downfall. These folks getting the legal shoehorn into forcing adoption agencies via their "married" status to let them access our nation's most vulnerable children.

Read the social downfall and weep:

Your own homophobic bigoted threads do not meet the standards set in the challenge;

So your challenge is to provide credible unbiased independent studies proving that there a definitive causal connection between social collapse and the removal of homophobic bigotry.

I will give you a whiffed ball for that other post but you still have a strike against you.

This time try to focus on what is actually required and address that specifically.

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