Beautiful photo/story, 2 dads w/newborn son

All you have is this lie you have told yourself that homosexuals abuse children. You don't have any support for it.

All it is is you denying the truth to justify your prejudice.

Cluck some more about it, you aren't making the compelling case you think you are.
Hey Lockejaw, has he successfully diverted the topic away from gays' obvious inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts as a matter of pride and turned it around to make it a diversion yet?

If you want to refocus him, remind him that heteros don't parade sex acts in public, soberly, as a matter of "pride" as a subcultural value:

Just how obtuse does someone have to be to ignore the blatant hetero sexual innuendo that is promoted by advertising everything from clothes to cars to candies?

Heteros don't need a parade because they are surrounded by sex 24*7. But if a gay couple walks down the street holding hands or dares to kiss in public that is an "inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts"?

Men and women on beaches wearing thongs all summer long isn't inappropriate but a gay couple holding their newborn is "inappropriate exposure of children"?

wow, talk obtuse
there is a majority of hetrosexuals in this what do you want from the rest of us?
we should shower you as being, SPECIAL? let you beat us over the head forever?
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All you have is this lie you have told yourself that homosexuals abuse children. You don't have any support for it.

All it is is you denying the truth to justify your prejudice.

Cluck some more about it, you aren't making the compelling case you think you are.
Hey Lockejaw, has he successfully diverted the topic away from gays' obvious inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts as a matter of pride and turned it around to make it a diversion yet?
If all you can do is bitch about a parade, you haven't an argument.

If you want to refocus him, remind him that heteros don't parade sex acts in public, soberly, as a matter of "pride" as a subcultural value:
Yes they do. Ever been to mardi gras?

Mardi gras is not something done every week in every town USA in broad daylight, in anticipation of children being present. Mardi gras has tons of booze and drugs and behaviors that nobody is "proud" of the next day. The two events couldn't be more different. Gay pride parades are sober displays of lewd sex acts on a thoroughfare in the center of town in anticipation that kids of all ages will be there. If you take your kids to mardi gras where you expect the same types of scenes while folks are drunk, you should get a visit from child protective services..

If the LGBT cult is proud of these behaviors in front of kids in broad daylight in public, what else are they "proud" of behind closed doors with adopted kids?
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No, they did not get "first tier status".

Children have been raised by other than so called "traditional" environments since time began.

Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.
No, they did not get "first tier status".

Children have been raised by other than so called "traditional" environments since time began.

Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

You must be against fostering or adopting, then.
No, they did not get "first tier status".

Children have been raised by other than so called "traditional" environments since time began.

Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

You must be against fostering or adopting, then.

Fostering and adopting result from extenuating circumstances and not contrivance. Homo parenting as well as many single mom parenting situations are created intentionally. Big difference.
Intentionally creating a situation where a kid is denied the chance to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.
This is one of the proper alternatives to abortion.

Why murder a child when a two loving parents are willing to raise the child?

WTF are you talking about? The lady was a surrogate, meaning she meant to get knocked up. And even so, being raised in a traditional family enviroment is what is best for children, period. It's worked for us quite well since humanity began, there is no reason why homosexual couples should get first tier adoption status, if at all.

I wasn't talking about this particular case, I just noticed how it could help reduce baby-killing.
Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

You must be against fostering or adopting, then.

Fostering and adopting result from extenuating circumstances and not contrivance. Homo parenting as well as many single mom parenting situations are created intentionally. Big difference.
Intentionally creating a situation where a kid is denied the chance to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

Some women get pregnant and choose to give their baby away.
Mardi gras is not something done every week in every town USA in broad daylight
pride is only one day a year.
in anticipation of children being present. Mardi gras has tons of booze and drugs and behaviors that nobody is "proud" of the next day.
The two events couldn't be more different.
They are almost exactly the same. You only see a difference because one parade is centered around gay people.
Gay pride parades are sober displays of lewd sex acts on a thoroughfare in the center of town in anticipation that kids of all ages will be there.
Nope, it's just a parade. Lewd sex acts aren't permitted in public. Sorry you are full of shit.
If you take your kids to mardi gras where you expect the same types of scenes while folks are drunk, you should get a visit from child protective services.
because heterosexual behavior is typically illegal.

If the LGBT cult is proud of these behaviors in front of kids in broad daylight in public, what else are they "proud" of behind closed doors with adopted kids?
The behaviors you made up?

Strawman fallacy isn't a decent argument.
Legal marriage gives homos that first tier status. That is the greatest objection. Children have not been raised by alternatives to their real parents on any majority or plurality level until recent generations in America. The problems that has created are plainly clear. Contriving alternatives not only contributes to the social problems unstructured families cause but is essentially child abuse. Denying a human the opportunity to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.

You must be against fostering or adopting, then.

Fostering and adopting result from extenuating circumstances and not contrivance. Homo parenting as well as many single mom parenting situations are created intentionally. Big difference.
Intentionally creating a situation where a kid is denied the chance to be raised by its real parents is child abuse.
Too bad for you the courts don't see it that way.
Hey Lockejaw, has he successfully diverted the topic away from gays' obvious inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts as a matter of pride and turned it around to make it a diversion yet?

If you want to refocus him, remind him that heteros don't parade sex acts in public, soberly, as a matter of "pride" as a subcultural value:

Just how obtuse does someone have to be to ignore the blatant hetero sexual innuendo that is promoted by advertising everything from clothes to cars to candies?

Heteros don't need a parade because they are surrounded by sex 24*7. But if a gay couple walks down the street holding hands or dares to kiss in public that is an "inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts"?

Men and women on beaches wearing thongs all summer long isn't inappropriate but a gay couple holding their newborn is "inappropriate exposure of children"?

wow, talk obtuse
there is a majority of hetrosexuals in this what do you want from the rest of us?
we should shower you as being, SPECIAL? let you beat us over the head forever?

Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.
Just how obtuse does someone have to be to ignore the blatant hetero sexual innuendo that is promoted by advertising everything from clothes to cars to candies?

Heteros don't need a parade because they are surrounded by sex 24*7. But if a gay couple walks down the street holding hands or dares to kiss in public that is an "inappropriate exposure of children to sex acts"?

Men and women on beaches wearing thongs all summer long isn't inappropriate but a gay couple holding their newborn is "inappropriate exposure of children"?

wow, talk obtuse
there is a majority of hetrosexuals in this what do you want from the rest of us?
we should shower you as being, SPECIAL? let you beat us over the head forever?

Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN
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wow, talk obtuse
there is a majority of hetrosexuals in this what do you want from the rest of us?
we should shower you as being, SPECIAL? let you beat us over the head forever?

Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN
Yes they wouldn't. I don't think anybody is saying the lady wasn't valuable in this. Why would you think anybody ifs even suggesting that?
wow, talk obtuse
there is a majority of hetrosexuals in this what do you want from the rest of us?
we should shower you as being, SPECIAL? let you beat us over the head forever?

Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN


I have seen plenty of birth announcements posted in both the Coffee Shop and the Tavern. In fact one of them was KG's latest grandchild just a few weeks back. Now are you alleging that KG is not a hetero?

koshergrl said:
My son and the fam are here...omg my grandson is amazingly adorable. He's so freaking cute and funny..I wonder if everybody who sees him thinks he's as adorable as I do, because he's just over the top crazy cute...and I have decided that yes, they all agree.

He is the cutest baby in the world. And except for my own and my granddaughter, he's the cutest baby that has ever existed.
Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN


I have seen plenty of birth announcements posted in both the Coffee Shop and the Tavern. In fact one of them was KG's latest grandchild just a few weeks back. Now are you alleging that KG is not a hetero?

koshergrl said:
My son and the fam are here...omg my grandson is amazingly adorable. He's so freaking cute and funny..I wonder if everybody who sees him thinks he's as adorable as I do, because he's just over the top crazy cute...and I have decided that yes, they all agree.

He is the cutest baby in the world. And except for my own and my granddaughter, he's the cutest baby that has ever existed.

well fine,and that's where they should be
not jammed down the rest of the boards people here, so we need to be beat down for not fweeeling like we need to, SWWWOOOON
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Does the term hypocrisy ring any bells?

If it is fine for heteros to do things in public why is it verboten for gays?

Equality for all doesn't mean that the majority gets to dictate to the minority.

This is social studies 101. Treating everyone equally is what it is all about.

show me any 'hetors" posting birth announcements on this board?
I BIRTHED two Children and damn it was PAINFUL..but I didn't run here to beat my chest as if I was, SOMEONE SPECIAL...
I mean REALLY? GIVE us all a break...this is no more special, than us women, WHO ACUTALLY carries and giveS BIRTH to these children you all like TO use a PROPS..They wouldn't have that baby, without a WOMEN


I have seen plenty of birth announcements posted in both the Coffee Shop and the Tavern. In fact one of them was KG's latest grandchild just a few weeks back. Now are you alleging that KG is not a hetero?

koshergrl said:
My son and the fam are here...omg my grandson is amazingly adorable. He's so freaking cute and funny..I wonder if everybody who sees him thinks he's as adorable as I do, because he's just over the top crazy cute...and I have decided that yes, they all agree.

He is the cutest baby in the world. And except for my own and my granddaughter, he's the cutest baby that has ever existed.
See, it isn't shoving things down your throat when straight people do the exact same thing.

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