Beautiful Weather - Windows are Open


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
.... but I'm afraid to go upstairs because I heard stuff blowing around and I'm pretty sure paperwork and other light weight items are strew across the upper level of the house.....
yep same here, stuck in side, working and taking breaks goofing off on here cause my job is making me brain dead!
it was only my mortgage re-fi paperwork blowing around upstairs.. no big deal... LOL!
Looked like rain this morning, but stayed nice til I got back from the range
same was real nice the last 2 days & is still warm but cloudy. gonna get cold this weekend & the rest of the endless leaves are falling. I hate fall clean up. BUT it's supposta get back to the 60s next week. I'll take it.
It's nice where I am at too. Since you work at home do you ever walk around the house naked so you can enjoy the breeze whiffing through the house? Maybe give the yard man a thrill?

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