Because........of course he does.

LOL your buddies on the left are pushing for quarantine not Trump and that NOT Trump is why small businesses are failing as well as large ones.

"...and that NOT Trump is why small businesses are failing as well as large ones.""

Go get an adult to explain it to you child to stupid to understand simple facts.

That would be "....too stupid", oh fucking illiterate Trumpette.
I understood what he meant. It was obvious. Did you just not get it?

"and that, NOT Trump, is why small businesses are failing as well as large ones."

Yes, I appreciate his grammatical ignorance, and he's also wrong.
Trump wasted 67 days before walking away from the crisis.
If that doesn't sound like much, let me remind you that 127,000 people have died in 129 days.
(March 1 was when first U.S. death was announced).
Every single day mattered, except to Trump.
If he had followed the guidance of scientists and experts, we wouldn't have had this rolling shut down in the first place nor the loss of tens of thousands of lives.
So, you are writing fiction now?

Trump did NOT shut down anything. That was all Governors. Why? Because the President does NOT have the authority to shut down or open up any state.

And while your busy rewriting history, those 127,000 dead i 128 days came from Governors putting covid 19 positive patients in with the elderly (The most vulnerable).

It was the Governors, Democrats mostly, who were responsible for those 127k dead.

So, wake up, stop trying to rewrite history, and start being a decent human being.
Our magnificent Pres.Trump is the best and last hope for America.
So the cost for him to buy votes in order to win really doesn't matter.
I'm sure you can agree with that? ... :cool:
Hannity, is that you?
Trump did NOT shut down anything. That was all Governors. Why? Because the President does NOT have the authority to shut down or open up any state.
Don't be a fucking moron. He has the power to declare a national emergency and thus invoke the authority to declare martial law. He claimed to possess the plenary authority to re-open the economy. If that's so why couldn't he shut it down?
Trump did NOT shut down anything. That was all Governors. Why? Because the President does NOT have the authority to shut down or open up any state.
Don't be a fucking moron. He has the power to declare a national emergency and thus invoke the authority to declare martial law. He claimed to possess the plenary authority to re-open the economy. If that's so why couldn't he shut it down?
Who is the moron? You imbeciles all screamed at the top of your lungs that he did not have the authority to open up the economy, and he does NOT. Nor does he have the authority to close it down.

There has to be a clear and imminent threat of the loss of life in order to declare martial law. This virus is barely above a cold as a threat and not one that is clear and imminent.

Every shut down was done on the order of a state Governor you low-IQ waste of breath.

After costing the nation trillions of dollars in debt and economic damage as well as thousands of lives with his totally botched response to COVID the King of Debt is eager to spend more taxpayer money in a last ditch effort to buy votes. Despicable doesn't begin to describe this soulless leach on America.
Right, because using taxpayer dollars to buy votes is good and righteous and holy when Democrats do it.

Trump has promoted himself as being BETTER than Democrats, remember?
Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?

So he doesn't purport to be better and smarter than the Democrats?
And you bought into that?
In Trump's defense, Democrats set the intelligence bar pretty low.

After costing the nation trillions of dollars in debt and economic damage as well as thousands of lives with his totally botched response to COVID the King of Debt is eager to spend more taxpayer money in a last ditch effort to buy votes. Despicable doesn't begin to describe this soulless leach on America.
Right, because using taxpayer dollars to buy votes is good and righteous and holy when Democrats do it.

Uh, no. No it's not.
There don't seem to be too many Democrats willing to condemn their party's view that the public treasury is their own personal slush fund for buying votes.
Trump did NOT shut down anything. That was all Governors. Why? Because the President does NOT have the authority to shut down or open up any state.
Don't be a fucking moron. He has the power to declare a national emergency and thus invoke the authority to declare martial law. He claimed to possess the plenary authority to re-open the economy. If that's so why couldn't he shut it down?
Can you imagine the kolektive pants-shitting from the left if Trump had done as you insist he should have? It would have rivaled Krakatoa.

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