Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

85% black. Doesn't mean all the players want to go all political. Most just want to play ball and collect a nice paycheck. I was not crying at all. I was Making a point that something that happened 30 yrs ago may be held against a person in leftist land. You play the race card because it’s low hanging fruit and you attribute your failures in life on white people and those like Jason Whitlock and Candace Owens who disagree you call them traitors. You’re a typical dogmatic Leftist controlled zombie. It’s pretty sad.
What's sad are your cuck boy arguments. A racist who's too much of a cuck and a coward to admit what you clearly are even when you're anonymous online. You claimed jews were enemy #1 of BLM, that black activists athletes are not doing enough while dismissing what they have done, that racism isn't real, but cancel culture is and no one should get upset over racist iconography. You're clearly a racist, it's incredibly hilarious to me what a weak one you are though since you obviously feel shame enough to know not to admit it. I guess shame does work.
We can talk about Asians and Jews on their own merit. Critical race theory is centered around slavery and black history in America. Why can’t you just focus on that subject. It makes you seem dismissive about the things being said. Why not engage and reflect understanding? even if you don’t agree
Because to me CRT is divisive and it doesn’t make any sense as it focuses on the negatives that impacted one group more than a generation ago and you’re being dishonest again. We can then have a class on women’s rights and how they had very few until most recently. Or how about all the negatives about America? These sort of discussions are not only dishonest, they are divisive. It would be like discussing how a sports team treated one or two players unfairly when 1000s went through the system. I would say why can’t we discuss the 1000s who had good experiences and you would say that’s fine but for now let’s just focus on the two that had terrible experiences only. It paints a very different and in my view dishonest picture.
What's sad are your cuck boy arguments. A racist who's too much of a cuck and a coward to admit what you clearly are even when you're anonymous online. You claimed jews were enemy #1 of BLM, that black activists athletes are not doing enough while dismissing what they have done, that racism isn't real, but cancel culture is and no one should get upset over racist iconography. You're clearly a racist, it's incredibly hilarious to me what a weak one you are though since you obviously feel shame enough to know not to admit it. I guess shame does work.
Here we go again. The retarded parrot is back. Kwak…cuck….kwak…cuck…kwak….cuck. Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. You are obsessed with this shame. It doesn’t work long term and BLMs impact has been more negative and divisive than positive. Why? Because of people like you. Any jackass can play the race card. You’re case in point.
Here we go again. The retarded parrot is back. Kwak…cuck….kwak…cuck…kwak….cuck. Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. You are obsessed with this shame. It doesn’t work long term and BLMs impact has been more negative and divisive than positive. Why? Because of people like you. Any jackass can play the race card. You’re case in point.
Not everyone who disagrees with me, just morons who can't help but reveal themselves with their dipshit contradictory arguments. You're against cancel culture which you claimed was an infringement on free speech but when we got down to it turns out cancel culture is just the free speech you disagree with. And then when that hilarious plot twist is revealed you pivot to claiming racism doesn't exist and that Black people are just not doing enough to help themselves out. It isn't an argument that's fooling anyone so why pretend as if you have all this concern for black Americans when it's so obvious you don't? That's what makes you a cuck. That we've shamed you and your kind so much that you feel the need to pretend. Again. Shaming seems to work just fine.
Not everyone who disagrees with me, just morons who can't help but reveal themselves with their dipshit contradictory arguments. You're against cancel culture which you claimed was an infringement on free speech but when we got down to it turns out cancel culture is just the free speech you disagree with. And then when that hilarious plot twist is revealed you pivot to claiming racism doesn't exist and that Black people are just not doing enough to help themselves out. It isn't an argument that's fooling anyone so why pretend as if you have all this concern for black Americans when it's so obvious you don't? That's what makes you a cuck. That we've shamed you and your kind so much that you feel the need to pretend. Again. Shaming seems to work just fine.
Doesn’t matter what I tell you as you dismiss it unless I agree with you. Why? You’re a retarded parrot.
You making yourself look like an ignorant moron spouting off junk science is amusing to me you dumbass cuck. Keep it up. I'm not sure how you plan on owning me by making yourself seem stupid but I'm willing to see where it goes. :laughing0301:
Smash Whatever Reminds You of Your Inferiority

The Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve are incapable of judging what is stupid. Their jealousy and their fear of being found out as unevolved pre-intelligence humanoids lead them to aggressive outbursts in the hope that mindless howling will make their shame go away.
You want to battle. I understand now. You're very angry. So what side do we Jews fall on? You don't want my opinion you just want to belittle me. If you want to fight then let's go to the flame zone. Start the thread. Unlikely you do that as you're a coward. You use the race card because you are unhappy with yourself and your life. I often tell my kids about ignorant bigots like you. To you I am white. To whites I am a Jew. We see bigotry everywhere and laugh it off. You are controlled by it. I feel sorry for you. War you want, war you got.
Who Writes Their Script? Who Pulls the String on These Talking Crash-Test Dummies?

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it in order to make themselves feel like winners.
Smash Whatever Reminds You of Your Inferiority

The Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve are incapable of judging what is stupid. Their jealousy and their fear of being found out as unevolved pre-intelligence humanoids lead them to aggressive outbursts in the hope that mindless howling will make their shame go away.
Moron, the generational increases in IQ have shown environmental factors have a much greater impact on IQ than any hereditary genetic traits and there are plenty of Whites on the bottom of that curve, a lot of them supposedly relying on debunked science from last century as a centerpiece for their identity.
Coerced Conclusions

It is logically inconsistent to believe that Jefferson was right about so many things and not consider that he may also have been right about racial inferiority.
No, that is not "logically inconsistent." Your faulty conclusion IS illogical.
Sixty Years of Reconstruction II

True. And the tyrants were the Abolitionists. They eventually did have their way, but Whites fought back and stopped the unleashing of savage nation-wreckers. Then, a century later, Whites turned yellow. The elitists behind this societal collapse are never blamed, though they themselves blame the Jews for all of it.
Smash Whatever Reminds You of Your Inferiority

The Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve are incapable of judging what is stupid. Their jealousy and their fear of being found out as unevolved pre-intelligence humanoids lead them to aggressive outbursts in the hope that mindless howling will make their shame go away.
Screen door on submarine equals bad idea
Better idea than teaching CRT to those who didn’t sign up for the class. Should be a college elective versus a middle or HS requirement.
Unfortunately for the children many things get taught in class that they didn't sign up for but they learn them anyways and go about their lives. I wasn't very fond of some of the books we had to read in English class... But I read them anyways. whoa is me.
Unfortunately for the children many things get taught in class that they didn't sign up for but they learn them anyways and go about their lives. I wasn't very fond of some of the books we had to read in English class... But I read them anyways. whoa is me.
And it was a waste of time. Thanks for making my point. Those who want to take classic Lit classes may still do so.
Moron, the generational increases in IQ have shown environmental factors have a much greater impact on IQ than any hereditary genetic traits and there are plenty of Whites on the bottom of that curve, a lot of them supposedly relying on debunked science from last century as a centerpiece for their identity.
A Pat on the Back From the Patricians

Your sponsors feed you those myths so you'll be a loyal predator against Whites who weren't born rich, the mortal enemy of the entitled White race traitors.
A Pat on the Back From the Patricians

Your sponsors feed you those myths so you'll be a loyal predator against Whites who weren't born rich, the mortal enemy of the entitled White race traitors.
You'd think a poor cuck like yourself would want more allies against these entitled elites, but the enemy of my enemy...

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