Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Irish, Italians, Jews, Asians all didn’t have “ancient white privilege”’when they came as immigrants. They seemed to do just fine. I still do not see your point. Are you saying those groups weren’t discriminated against? How do you explain the success of Jewish people? Antisemitism is alive and well.
None of those groups had generations of slavery and systematic oppression in this country so you are not comparing like things. I don't see why you need to even do comparisons like that. We are talking about history and cause/effect. You admit that our system was racist so white privilege did exist in the times that we were founding our country and its institutions. Those institutions operated under racist pretenses for generations. So is it really that far out there think that some of that may still be there or at the very least look at the effects that it had on blacks in our society?
What Disney did was perfectly legal and should be. What you feel is right or wrong is simply a matter of your opinion. Suck it up snowflake.

Disney didn't call Carano a baby killer and if they had and someone was incited by that rhetoric they could probably have been sued in civil court. You're freedom of speech doesn't extend to liable or harassment.

I'm calling you a snowflake for crying about infringement on freedom of speech when really its just counter opinions. As I said, suck it up.

Again, that's simply not what happened. The NBA as an organization is increasing it's commitment to social justice both vocally and monetarily. That's not even how ratings work. Again they have contracts with broadcasters like TNT and that payment has already been made. Whether 10 or 10 million watch the game doesn't change one cent of revenue the NBA makes or doesn't make. You're arguments are weak and counter to actual reality. Work on better ones.

That's your opinion and you're free to feel salty about it.
Exactly what happened with the NBA. The rest of your post is regurgitation of your prior posts. Liable for being called a baby killer? Good luck with that. You called me a snowflake because I called you that first and it triggered you. The reason companies hire diversity personnel is to appease leftists and to keep the Govt off their back. It’s a bribe. Nothing more. It does zero to fight racism. Are you done calling me a cuck? What happened, snowflake?
They asked her what her preferred pronouns were and she said beep boop bop. She has a one on one with Ben Shapiro. Check it out and hear the story.
Afterwards you know she apologized for that right? If she didn't find it shameful why apologize? If it was shameful why are you defending it when she isn't? Also kind seems shame works after all.
Afterwards you know she apologized for that right? If she didn't find it shameful why apologize? If it was shameful why are you defending it when she isn't? Also kind seems shame works after all.
She did it because of Disney pressure. You should listen to her own words. She is far from ashamed. You’re like a broken record. You’re beginning to bore me with your victim mentality.
None of those groups had generations of slavery and systematic oppression in this country so you are not comparing like things. I don't see why you need to even do comparisons like that. We are talking about history and cause/effect. You admit that our system was racist so white privilege did exist in the times that we were founding our country and its institutions. Those institutions operated under racist pretenses for generations. So is it really that far out there think that some of that may still be there or at the very least look at the effects that it had on blacks in our society?
Slavery was in the South and again post slavery immigrants came to this country, were discriminated against and did just fine. Jews and Asians have excelled. How do you explain that if the country only favors the white males?
Exactly what happened with the NBA. The rest of your post is regurgitation of your prior posts. Liable for being called a baby killer? Good luck with that. You called me a snowflake because I called you that first and it triggered you. The reason companies hire diversity personnel is to appease leftists and to keep the Govt off their back. It’s a bribe. Nothing more. It does zero to fight racism. Are you done calling me a cuck? What happened, snowflake?
Again, you can live in whatever fantasy world you want to but the NBA is committing over 300 million dollars over the next 10 years to supporting black businesses and communities that was thanks to the negotiations and protests by players. But it's a real red flag of racism to suggest companies only hire minorities as appeasement and not because they might be the best qualified for the job. Does this revelation of your beliefs trigger me? Not at all. Your racism was pretty evident from that start.
Again, you can live in whatever fantasy world you want to but the NBA is committing over 300 million dollars over the next 10 years to supporting black businesses and communities that was thanks to the negotiations and protests by players. But it's a real red flag of racism to suggest companies only hire minorities as appeasement and not because they might be the best qualified for the job. Does this revelation of your beliefs trigger me? Not at all. Your racism was pretty evident from that start.
$30 mil per year is a pittance. Lillard makes more than that in a year from one team. NBA and it’s Jewish owners did it to shut the leftists up. What racism? LOL

Typical leftist. Accuses those who disagree with them of racism. So weak. You bore me.
We are done here. Go play your woe is me symphony elsewhere, snowflake.
$30 mil per year is a pittance. Lillard makes more than that in a year from one team. NBA and it’s Jewish owners did it to shut the leftists up. What racism? LOL
What a hilariously confusing set of beliefs you expressed in that short paragraph. :laughing0301:

Jews just threw money at blacks to shut them up/ there is no racism. You hilariously wonderful stupidity is why it's so easy to shame and embarrass your children and neighbors into disavowing your sort of inanity.
Typical leftist. Accuses those who disagree with them of racism. So weak. You bore me.
We are done here. Go play your woe is me symphony elsewhere, snowflake.
You just accused jews of being racist you dipshit.
What a hilariously confusing set of beliefs you expressed in that short paragraph. :laughing0301:

Jews just threw money at blacks to shut them up/ there is no racism. You hilariously wonderful stupidity is why it's so easy to shame and embarrass your children and neighbors into disavowing your sort of inanity.

You just accused jews of being racist you dipshit.
I said leftists not blacks. Shut leftists up. Blacks can me moderates and conservatives as can Jews. Hell I am a Jew and I am a moderate. The only racist here is you. You vilified Candace Owens did you not? I do not see color per se. I do see political ideologies and you smell of victimhood and handouts and the smell is strong and putrid.
I said leftists not blacks. Shut leftists up. Blacks can me moderates and conservatives as can Jews.
The league is overwhelming black. The players they were negotiating with for that deal are all black. But sure cuck. Keep retreating from all you positions like the coward you are.
Hell I am a Jew and I am a moderate. The only racist here is you. You vilified Candace Owens did you not? I do not see color per se. I do see political ideologies and you smell of victimhood and handouts and the smell is strong and putrid.
Says the person who jumped in this argument crying over Guns and Roses.
The league is overwhelming black. The players they were negotiating with for that deal are all black. But sure cuck. Keep retreating from all you positions like the coward you are.

Says the person who jumped in this argument crying over Guns and Roses.
85% black. Doesn't mean all the players want to go all political. Most just want to play ball and collect a nice paycheck. I was not crying at all. I was Making a point that something that happened 30 yrs ago may be held against a person in leftist land. You play the race card because it’s low hanging fruit and you attribute your failures in life on white people and those like Jason Whitlock and Candace Owens who disagree you call them traitors. You’re a typical dogmatic Leftist controlled zombie. It’s pretty sad.
Slavery was in the South and again post slavery immigrants came to this country, were discriminated against and did just fine. Jews and Asians have excelled. How do you explain that if the country only favors the white males?
Many blacks did just fine as well… the point isn’t to jump to the legal rights and comparing with other groups of migrants defenses. It’s looking at what was actually done and how it affected blacks in our society. Try looking at it with a non defensive pair of goggles
Many blacks did just fine as well… the point isn’t to jump to the legal rights and comparing with other groups of migrants defenses. It’s looking at what was actually done and how it affected blacks in our society. Try looking at it with a non defensive pair of goggles
Why just blacks? Why ignore Jews and Asians? Honest question.
Why just blacks? Why ignore Jews and Asians? Honest question.
We can talk about Asians and Jews on their own merit. Critical race theory is centered around slavery and black history in America. Why can’t you just focus on that subject. It makes you seem dismissive about the things being said. Why not engage and reflect understanding? even if you don’t agree

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