Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Right, I know we aren’t living in the past but I’m asking you a question which you didn’t answer. I never said anything about the rich, I asked about white men… can you just answer what I asked about?
Yes. In the past Jews were severely discriminated against. I dont cry Christian privilege. You’re asking dishonest questions in order to control the conversation
How about some self awareness guy, after all you basically tried to start a cry-a-thon for Guns and Roses.
GnR was just one example that obviously triggered your punk ass. Why? You’re constitutionally weak. So are you going to attack my kids next? Or are you going to pussy out?
GnR was just one example that obviously triggered your punk ass. Why? You’re constitutionally weak. So are you going to attack my kids next? Or are you going to pussy out?
No buddy, they obviously triggered you. You were the one who kept bringing them up. Again, have some self awareness my guy.
No buddy, they obviously triggered you. You were the one who kept bringing them up. Again, have some self awareness my guy.
I used them as an example in my Op and explained why. So you will pussy out. Understood, retarded parrot. Go troll elsewhere.
And your explanation was ass. Apparently protesting Guns and Roses is cancel culture and violation of their free speech. :laughing0301:
Cancelling them would be. I asked if it could happen and it triggered you to go on your multiple anti white rants. Like I said. If you have balls attack my kids too since you attacked my wife by calling me a cuck like a retarded parrot r are you too scared? Which is it?
Yes. In the past Jews were severely discriminated against. I dont cry Christian privilege. You’re asking dishonest questions in order to control the conversation
I didn’t ask about Jews either. Why are you having such a hard time giving a straight answer to a straight question? Not like you
Cancelling them would be. I asked if it could happen and it triggered you to go on your multiple anti white rants. Like I said. If you have balls attack my kids too since you attacked my wife by calling me a cuck like a retarded parrot r are you too scared? Which is it?
And what does cancelling them even mean? Why are you asking me attack your children? Is this how cucks behave?
And what does cancelling them even mean? Why are you asking me attack your children? Is this how cucks behave?
Love it. Such a coward. LOL


Retarded parrot 101

So you believe that Candace Owens has her beliefs because it makes her money not because she actually believes what she says. That just makes you a jackass. But we already knew that.
Love it. Such a coward. LOL


Retarded parrot 101

So you believe that Candace Owens has her beliefs because it makes her money not because she actually believes what she says. That just makes you a jackass. But we already knew that.
Can't explain cancel culture huh? Didn't think so.
Are picture books your level of education? Use your words. What does cancel culture mean?
It means shaming people into either not being allowed to state their beliefs publicly or apologizing for what they said or did, even if in the far past or face social media shaming, loss of job, loss of board seat etc.

That is what it means. Want to compare education levels. Happy to do it. You forgot to call me a cuck. What’s the matter, retarded parrot?

Because you’re trying to steer the conversation a certain way.
So what? Can you not hang if it is steered towards a point I’m making? You can always provide a counter argument but avoiding answering questions is a weak tactic. You’re better than that. I’ll answer your questions whether you steer them or not
It means shaming people into either not being allowed to state their beliefs publicly or apologizing for what they said or did, even if in the far past or face social media shaming, loss of job, loss of board seat etc.
And why isn't shaming a part of our right to free speech? How are we not allowing anyone to state their beliefs by voicing our own disagreement or displeasure? Do we not also have that right? Thank you for revealing cancel culture is nothing more than your hurt feelings over our free speech. As if that was evident already.
And that article is supposed to signify what? Come on buddy, use your words. You can do it...

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