Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Actually you do and yes, this is what makes you a troll.
No, so you can't address why you only call what the left does as "cancel culture" and ignore when the right does it?

Still waiting to hear about that time a poster on this board tried to cancel GNR that you claimed happened.
You said she was a black white supremacist. To me it means you believe she is less “black” than you.
Maybe to you it did but you're a moron and if you want to know what I mean by something and next time just ask. Candace isn't less black for profiting off of vocal support for white supremacy, she's just an opportunistic grifter.
You say I do not respond to arguments but you call my friend imaginary and refuse to discuss the crab mentality.
Why should I discuss the opinion of some asshole who isn't here to make his case himself? I've taken apart your arguments just fine without having to address the arguments of your neighbors cousins boyfriends uncle as relayed to us by you.
Most Orthodox Jews do not but convenient Jews do. Why? They still believe it’s the party of JFK. My parents were staunch liberals until Ilhan Omar came along. I am an Independent.
Again, I don't care. My point was that you don't speak for all jews or even most jews. Over 70% of Jewish voters voted for Biden and the Democratic party.
LBJ is worth $500bn? Building a school is nothing to him. Not sure how him living in a mansion in LA and yelling at score keepers at his kids games makes him a role model for the black community. Maybe he, Deval Patrick, Ice Cube and Mookie Betts should pool some of their monies and start a black bank to lend to 1000s of black owned businesses? IDK?
So now that you've retreated from they aren't doing anything to they aren't doing enough am I supposed to take you more seriously? No one said they had to take a vow of poverty or that building a school was the totality of James activism. All you have are more racist opinions without any facts in service of attacking the character of people trying to make a difference in defense of those actively working against it.
I never asked you to beg me. I offered my alliance but you do not want it.
I don't want your allegiance you desperate cuck. Go grovel to someone else.
Hell you call your own people white supremacists. Hell of a way to build a coalition…
Again, reality trumps this cuck fantasy you're living in. The Democratic Party has a giant coalition of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, gays straights, Christians, Muslims, atheists, rich coastal elites and poor hard working immigrants. On the other side is the white wing. I call it that because it's largely angry white evangelicals with a smattering of minority morons and opportunists.
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Simply Simian

Don't go ape on me. It might reveal something that had been known for tens of thousands of years before the Great Silencing.
You making yourself look like an ignorant moron spouting off junk science is amusing to me you dumbass cuck. Keep it up. I'm not sure how you plan on owning me by making yourself seem stupid but I'm willing to see where it goes. :laughing0301:
No, so you can't address why you only call what the left does as "cancel culture" and ignore when the right does it?

Still waiting to hear about that time a poster on this board tried to cancel GNR that you claimed happened.
Video tells you. My op says how long before they are cancelled. Meaning it hasn't happened yet
Maybe to you it did but you're a moron and if you want to know what I mean by something and next time just ask. Candace isn't less black for profiting off of vocal support for white supremacy, she's just an opportunistic grifter.

Why should I discuss the opinion of some asshole who isn't here to make his case himself? I've taken apart your arguments just fine without having to address the arguments of your neighbors cousins boyfriends uncle as relayed to us by you.

Again, I don't care. My point was that you don't speak for all jews or even most jews. Over 70% of Jewish voters voted for Biden and the Democratic party.

So now that you've retreated from they aren't doing anything to they aren't doing enough am I supposed to take you more seriously? No one said they had to take a vow of poverty or that building a school was the totality of James activism. All you have are more racist opinions without any facts in service of attacking the character of people trying to make a difference in defense of those actively working against it.

I don't want your allegiance you desperate cuck. Go grovel to someone else.

Again, reality trumps this cuck fantasy you're living in. The Democratic Party has a giant coalition of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, gays straights, Christians, Muslims, atheists, rich coastal elites and poor hard working immigrants. On the other side is the white wing. I call it that because it's largely angry white evangelicals with a smattering of minority morons and opportunists.
You want to battle. I understand now. You're very angry. So what side do we Jews fall on? You don't want my opinion you just want to belittle me. If you want to fight then let's go to the flame zone. Start the thread. Unlikely you do that as you're a coward. You use the race card because you are unhappy with yourself and your life. I often tell my kids about ignorant bigots like you. To you I am white. To whites I am a Jew. We see bigotry everywhere and laugh it off. You are controlled by it. I feel sorry for you. War you want, war you got.
If you have two legs do you have privilege over someone with one leg? I do Not get the difference, no. So do attractive people have privilege over ugly people? The rhetoric is divisive.
Yes and yes... What you speak of is individual privilege based on specific conditions as I addressed. The concept of white privilege is a different thing... as I explained.
You want to battle. I understand now. You're very angry. So what side do we Jews fall on? You don't want my opinion you just want to belittle me. If you want to fight then let's go to the flame zone. Start the thread. Unlikely you do that as you're a coward. You use the race card because you are unhappy with yourself and your life. I often tell my kids about ignorant bigots like you. To you I am white. To whites I am a Jew. We see bigotry everywhere and laugh it off. You are controlled by it. I feel sorry for you. War you want, war you got.

I don't know what the flame zone is. Is that name of the park all the cool kids go to fight after school? Honestly I'm not at all angry. I'm mostly amused by the level of incompetence I see from the white wing. You're mistaking my vulgarity for anger when really it's just my total lack of respect for you as a human being. You can barely make a coherent argument. Gone completely is any kind of salient point on what cancel culture really is or how it's an assault on your freedom of speech, which was your original point. Now, you're down to personally attacking LeBron James for not taking a vow of poverty and only using his own money to build an entire ass school. Come back with better arguments if you want me to take you seriously cuck.
Yes and yes... What you speak of is individual privilege based on specific conditions as I addressed. The concept of white privilege is a different thing... as I explained.
And I disagree with it. We all have our advantages and disadvantages. Saying one is privileged cause of skin color is divisive. You can say that being black is a disadvantage in some cases? I played high level basketball in my youth. Being white was a major disadvantage due to stereotyping.

I don't know what the flame zone is. Is that name of the park all the cool kids go to fight after school? Honestly I'm not at all angry. I'm mostly amused by the level of incompetence I see from the white wing. You're mistaking my vulgarity for anger when really it's just my total lack of respect for you as a human being. You can barely make a coherent argument. Gone completely is any kind of salient point on what cancel culture really is or how it's an assault on your freedom of speech, which was your original point. Now, you're down to personally attacking LeBron James for not taking a vow of poverty and only using his own money to build an entire ass school. Come back with better arguments if you want me to take you seriously cuck.
Yeah. We Jews suck. We just own most of the wealth and power. I am Not personally attacking anyone. That be you with your sophomoric insults. You’re your own worst enemy. I already told you about the crab mentality in the black community. You’re too blind to see it. Open your eyes.
And I disagree with it. We all have our advantages and disadvantages. Saying one is privileged cause of skin color is divisive. You can say that being black is a disadvantage in some cases? I played high level basketball in my youth. Being white was a major disadvantage due to stereotyping.
Whether it is divisive or not, facts are facts. The concept of White Privilege is said and used in a divisive way by some which I don't agree with, but it can also be discussed in a factual and enlightening way which is what I promote. Regardless, its validity shouldn't be denied just because it may be divisive. Your basketball example is a personal situational privilege advantage/disadvantage situation. Again, that is different than what we are talking about.
Whether it is divisive or not, facts are facts. The concept of White Privilege is said and used in a divisive way by some which I don't agree with, but it can also be discussed in a factual and enlightening way which is what I promote. Regardless, its validity shouldn't be denied just because it may be divisive. Your basketball example is a personal situational privilege advantage/disadvantage situation. Again, that is different than what we are talking about.
Everyone’s situation is a personal one. Don’t follow your train of thought
Everyone’s situation is a personal one. Don’t follow your train of thought
Yes every bodies situation is a personal one. Some people are more privileged than other based on a variety of factors. The concept of white privilege has to do with sociology and the progression of our society and it’s laws and it’s institutions and how It has impacted people of different races.

Similar things can be said about straight vs homosexual, and for men and women.
Yes every bodies situation is a personal one. Some people are more privileged than other based on a variety of factors. The concept of white privilege has to do with sociology and the progression of our society and it’s laws and it’s institutions and how It has impacted people of different races.

Similar things can be said about straight vs homosexual, and for men and women.
So we all have our advantages and disadvantages. But saying being white is an advantage just pushes racism and the Democratic Party’s ambitions. It’s lazy, untrue and simplistic in my view. And of course highly divisive. I see Your POV. I just Vehemently disagree with it.
So we all have our advantages and disadvantages. But saying being white is an advantage just pushes racism and the Democratic Party’s ambitions. It’s lazy, untrue and simplistic in my view. And of course highly divisive. I see Your POV. I just Vehemently disagree with it.
You do agree that in the past we had many elements in our institutions and society that favored white men?
Yeah. We Jews suck. We just own most of the wealth and power.
These are your comments cuck, not mine, don't pretend as if you're trying to agree with me. I know working class jews and wealthy jews but you go ahead and keep generalizing about yourself.
I am Not personally attacking anyone. That be you with your sophomoric insults. You’re your own worst enemy. I already told you about the crab mentality in the black community. You’re too blind to see it. Open your eyes.
That's the difference between you and me cuck. I have no problem being brutally honest in my abject lack of respect for you and your intellect while you're pretending to just be looking out for me. It's a hilariously accommodating demeanor to try and present as I'm laughing in your face. Maybe I'd take you seriously if you didn't fumble your cancel culture argument so spectacularly.
These are your comments cuck, not mine, don't pretend as if you're trying to agree with me. I know working class jews and wealthy jews but you go ahead and keep generalizing about yourself.

That's the difference between you and me cuck. I have no problem being brutally honest in my abject lack of respect for you and your intellect while you're pretending to just be looking out for me. It's a hilariously accommodating demeanor to try and present as I'm laughing in your face. Maybe I'd take you seriously if you didn't fumble your cancel culture argument so spectacularly.
The difference is that I do not throw out sophomoric insults. You’re like a regarded parrot…kwak “cuck….kwak…”cuck”….

What’s next? Are you going to attack my kids? You’re such a victim. Start a Go Fund Me page. Ill make a donation. I did Not fumble anything. You are the one who cannot have a polite discussion.
In the past we had many institutions that favored rich people but we aren’t living in the past.
Right, I know we aren’t living in the past but I’m asking you a question which you didn’t answer. I never said anything about the rich, I asked about white men… can you just answer what I asked about?
The difference is that I do not throw out sophomoric insults. You’re like a regarded parrot…kwak “cuck….kwak…”cuck”….

What’s next? Are you going to attack my kids? You’re such a victim. Start a Go Fund Me page. Ill make a donation. I did Not fumble anything. You are the one who cannot have a polite discussion.
How about some self awareness guy, after all you basically tried to start a cry-a-thon for Guns and Roses.

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