Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Not actually surrendering though am I? In fact we're winning. We continue to tear down Confederate symbols and advocate for the shaming and firing of Confederate idolaters.
Who is we? You and your imaginary friends? Biden’s approval rating is at 43%. The top nine programs on TV are with FOX. Pretty sure you and by you I mean leftists, are losing.

You believe everyone who doesn’t share your political views is a Confederate and or a racist. It’s pretty pathetic and funny at the same time.

I accept Your surrender. You again admitted that cancel culture exists.
Who is we? You and your imaginary friends? Biden’s approval rating is at 43%. The top nine programs on TV are with FOX. Pretty sure you and by you I mean leftists, are losing.
Biden won dipshit and approval numbers mean nothing right now and certainly nothing when we have no opponent to compare him to.
You believe everyone who doesn’t share your political views is a Confederate and or a racist. It’s pretty pathetic and funny at the same time.
No, I think people who wear Confederate garb and wave Confederate Flags are racists.
I accept Your surrender. You again admitted that cancel culture exists.
I admit you gave a funny name to signify how hurt you are over other people's opinions.
Biden won dipshit and approval numbers mean nothing right now and certainly nothing when we have no opponent to compare him to.

No, I think people who wear Confederate garb and wave Confederate Flags are racists.

I admit you gave a funny name to signify how hurt you are over other people's opinions.
You said I was a racist and I neither own a confederate flag nor wear their garb. I only disagree with you politically. Your back pedaling again is most amusing. You are a very easily offended person. This is fun. Will you put me on ignore soon like many of your fellow leftists have done after I made them cry?
I'm sure those liberals would rather not have to fight a culture war against you. They're called moderates and they love talking about reaching across the isle to work with their colleagues. I'm not one of those and I've been happy to see more and more of them get pushed out for some of our more out spoken representatives who are more interested in defeating the white wing rather than working with them.

No. THe leftards of the past were lying then, just like you are lying now. That is what leftards do, to lull trusting Americans into a false sense of safety, when then need to be fighting back.

I'm black, my interest in putting down a culture of cucks who idolize racist slavers should be self explanatory.

Not really. Harmless regional pride is no threat to you. Explain your motive, unless it is too dark and evil for you to be honest about.

And that means what? How many generations of Americans thought slavery was just fine? That held so long as your culture was the majority, it isn't any more cuck. Get used to it.

It means that all your stated reasons for being such a crying girl, is bullshit, from the bullshit about treason to the bullshit about wacism, to whatever other bullshit you serve up next.

If it did not bother 5 generations of Americans, then it is not a problem for normal, regular Americans.

What is YOUR problem with it? Be clear, stop dodging like a pussy.

No, you don't care about the Confederates history of slavery and we're going to use that to shame and ridicule you and yours until no one wants to be associated with you, not even your own children.

No one cares about it. Not me, not you. This is about your desire to commit genocide.

A Confederate flag waver calling someone else anti-American is the sort of oblivious kind of stupidity that makes your children embarrassed by you.

Of course it's not just about a flag. It's about your entire backwards culture. Symbols are important though and teaching your children that love of the Confederacy is shameful has gone a long way to change American culture over all.

Again, a lot fewer of your fellow compatriots are going to fight to keep venerating Confederates than you think. Most of you cucks will fold to shame and ridicule.

And I look forward to coming here and laughing at you as you lose your country piece by piece.

I don't give a shit about their feelings.

Are you an anti-American? and If not, why not?
You said I was a racist and I neither own a confederate flag nor wear their garb. I only disagree with you politically. Your back pedaling again is most amusing. You are a very easily offended person. This is fun. Will you put me on ignore soon like many of your fellow leftists have done after I made them cry?
I've never put anyone on ignore and yea, I think people who defend Confederate idolaters and accuse black people of not doing anything to help their communities while being completely ignorant of the things they are doing are also racists.
I've never put anyone on ignore and yea, I think people who defend Confederate idolaters and accuse black people of not doing anything to help their communities while being completely ignorant of the things they are doing are also racists.
You’re new here give it time. Help the communities? What have you done besides race bait and call me a racist? So if I do not overtly go out and rail against burglaries that makes me a thief? If I do not go out and scream against white collar crime, that makes me a criminal? You’re such a leftist victim. LOL
You’re new here give it time. Help the communities? What have you done besides race bait and call me a racist? So if I do not overtly go out and rail against burglaries that makes me a thief? If I do not go out and scream against white collar crime, that makes me a criminal? You’re such a leftist victim. LOL
And you're such a dishonest coward that you can't have an honest conversation. I don't care what you don't advocate for but if you come here to defend Confederate idolaters and then accuse black people of not doing things out of sheer ignorance, then yes, I think you're a racist.

As for what I've done, besides owning a small business that contracts with Healthcare systems to transport their labs and and blood shipments between their various facilities and hospitals so their patients can get timely care my family and I, who mostly work in the Healthcare industry as doctors, pathologists, pediatricians, a pediatric surgeon, a neo-natal specialist... we also send down medical supplies every year back to Jamaica (where my family is from) so community hospitals down there, one of which my cousin works in, can treat people for free. In fact right now my girlfriend is in South Africa on a nurses without boarders mission trip. So that's what we do. While you run your mouth out of ignorance and defend racists.
And you're such a dishonest coward that you can't have an honest conversation. I don't care what you don't advocate for but if you come here to defend Confederate idolaters and then accuse black people of not doing things out of sheer ignorance, then yes, I think you're a racist.

As for what I've done, besides owning a small business that contracts with Healthcare systems to transport their labs and and blood shipments between their various facilities and hospitals so their patients can get timely care my family and I, who mostly work in the Healthcare industry as doctors, pathologists, pediatricians, a pediatric surgeon, a neo-natal specialist... we also send down medical supplies every year back to Jamaica (where my family is from) so community hospitals down there, one of which my cousin works in, can treat people for free. In fact right now my girlfriend is in South Africa on a nurses without boarders mission trip. So that's what we do. While you run your mouth out of ignorance and defend racists.
Where did I defend Confederate supporters? I said Rose wore it cause he thought it looked cool. Where do I put down black people? You did that with Candace Owens. I like her. Your new girlfriend? Don’t you have a child? Hmmmm….so much for the nuclear family? My wife and I have two kids.

Axl Rose isn’t a racist. Show me where I defended racists? You’re just blabbering now. My suggestion would be to stop eating retard sandwiches.
Come move us if you can bitch. Lol.
Trail of Crybabies

It's been done before and it was easy to do. Savages roar and growl, but if stood up against they whimper and run. Notwithstanding the overacted images of defiance created by traitors in the movie industry, Aframs are naturally submissive.

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