Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Lady Antebellum wasn't cancelled. Chris Harrison is still executive producer of Jeopardy and who gives a shit about Gina Carano? She was let go from a single company because they didn't want to be associated with her. Do you want to force Disney to employ every person whos says ridiculous shit on twitter?

What does any of that have to do with you lying about GNR being cancelled or anyone even trying?
I care about Gina... She was hot and I enjoyed watching her kick ass on TV.
NBA and NFL have walked it back because it cost them ratings and money. Keep up. Same with NASCAR. People want to watch sports for sports and not to be lectured about politics.
They didn't walk anything back you dipshit. Nascar still has a ban on bringing Confederate flags to their races, the NFL has promised tens of millions of dollars over the next few years to black causes and the NBA let their players play an entire season with activist slogans on their jerseys rather than their names. None of this cost any of these businesses any money. They might be down in the ratings but their profit isn't tied to ratings. The broadcasters who negotiated the rights to air those events did so years ago and the price to do so is the same for the length of that contract whether a million people watch or no one does. You obviously don't know shit about shit.
BLM and the KKK are the same to me.
That's not surprising you seem to be a bit of a moron.
Both equally hate Jews. If you believe the younger generation is less racist you’re fooling yourself. They are just not as overt about it.
They younger generation is largely less racist because they are largely ethnically mixed themselves and have grown up in a multicultural environment. Who would they be racist against? Their own friends and family?
Want to reduce racism? Then black business owners need to form coalitions, companies, banks, etc. Like the Jews did. No one would hire Jews so we formed our own communities. Worked for us. People still despise us and some for good reason but we aren’t struggling financially for the most part so we just shrug
What makes you think black businesses don't do this? My daughter goes to hbcu and as a small business owner is part of those very groups. There's more than one way to skin a cat. But now you're all over the place. First you said there was nothing we could do about racism and now there is but only your way, no others. Which is it you fumbling cuck?
If I may chime in as a middle class white guy living in my bubble of privilege... I love and hate all people equally and am open to friendships and relationships with any person no matter what they look like or what they believe. But if they are rude, disrespectful, hateful, offensive etc. then I write them off. I'm guarded against all strangers but approach everybody with an open mind and have forged some great relationships with a fantastic and divers group of people throughout my life.

I understand that minority groups experience a much higher level of opposition and judgement than I do so I am not going to pretend to understand what it is like from somebody else's POV or pretend that we are all playing on the same field. Some have obvious advantages and disadvantages based on the community they live within. I think in the end we should all be able to wake up and go about our day doing the best we can. Focus on building personal relationships with those in our community, people of all stripes. Be a good person, honest and outgoing. If somebody is a hater then fuck them... write them off and focus on the healthy relationships that you have.

I think awareness is good, education and understanding our history is good, but I don't think we should spend too much time fighting against the invisible "They"... That arbitrary group of haters. Don't give them that power. And don't label and pigeon hole others into a category because of how they were born. That goes both ways with stereotyping whites and with stereotyping minority groups. We are individuals living our lives doing the best we can. Some of us are shitheads and some of us are saints... Most fall somewhere in the middle. Best to remember that
I do not believe because you’re white you have privilege. That is a leftist defeatist divisive mentality
They didn't walk anything back you dipshit. Nascar still has a ban on bringing Confederate flags to their races, the NFL has promised tens of millions of dollars over the next few years to black causes and the NBA let their players play an entire season with activist slogans on their jerseys rather than their names. None of this cost any of these businesses any money. They might be down in the ratings but their profit isn't tied to ratings. The broadcasters who negotiated the rights to air those events did so years ago and the price to do so is the same for the length of that contract whether a million people watch or no one does. You obviously don't know shit about shit.

That's not surprising you seem to be a bit of a moron.

They younger generation is largely less racist because they are largely ethnically mixed themselves and have grown up in a multicultural environment. Who would they be racist against? Their own friends and family?

What makes you think black businesses don't do this? My daughter goes to hbcu and as a small business owner is part of those very groups. There's more than one way to skin a cat. But now you're all over the place. First you said there was nothing we could do about racism and now there is but only your way, no others. Which is it you fumbling cuck?
Funny how you cannot respond without ad hominems. NBA removed Black Lives Matter from the courts and players are standing for the anthem. I said you cannot shame people into not being racist. Keep up. Black businesses do not do this enough. How many mostly black owned banks, law firms, accounting firms and such can you name? Jews run the financial world, media and Hollywood. So we don’t care as much about blatant antisemitism. Jews represent 2% of the US population and blacks represent 13%. Problem is you judged me immediately with your divisive rhetoric and thought me a racist because I am white. Pretty pathetic.

Let’s see if you can respond politely and without ad Hominems. My rule is not to post something here that I would not say to someone in person. Be polite.
I do not believe because you’re white you have privilege. That is a leftist defeatist divisive mentality
I didn't either for a while until I really started engaging in the subject. I used to make the argument that we are all with or without privilege based on our families and upbringing and personal factors. I would point out that the children of black celebrities have more privilege than a white kid raised in a trailer park by drug addicted and abusive parents. These things are true but that is not what "white privilege" means... It is a bigger idea that reflects our history and the evolution of our society. It has valid points. I perhaps see it as more of an academic value than an action based idea as many activists out there may see it... But there absolutely exists an advantage in our society if you have white skin, it was much more prevalent in the past but it still exists today... That doesn't mean every white person is living a privileged life. Get the difference?
Funny how you cannot respond without ad hominems. NBA removed Black Lives Matter from the courts and players are standing for the anthem. I said you cannot shame people into not being racist. Keep up. Black businesses do not do this enough. How many mostly black owned banks, law firms, accounting firms and such can you name? Jews run the financial world, media and Hollywood. So we don’t care as much about blatant antisemitism. Jews represent 2% of the US population and blacks represent 13%. Problem is you judged me immediately with your divisive rhetoric and thought me a racist because I am white. Pretty pathetic.

Let’s see if you can respond politely and without ad Hominems. My rule is not to post something here that I would not say to someone in person. Be polite.
Damn, you say the things you post here to peoples faces?!?! What a dick!!
Funny how you cannot respond without ad hominems. NBA removed Black Lives Matter from the courts and players are standing for the anthem. I said you cannot shame people into not being racist. Keep up.
The players and the NBA reached an agreement that resulted in a greater commitment by the league to social justice causes in exchange for that. That's what the power of protest does you clown. And sure you can shame people into behaving a certain way. The catholics have been doing it for ages. Read a fucking book for christ sake. Or even just recent history. It was the shame from the images of civil rights protests, of human beings being assaulted for trying to sit at lunch counters or ride busses that spurned the American citizenry to end the shameful practice of segregation. It was the point of non violence. To heap shame on the deplorable behavior of racist whites against the backdrop of peaceful civil disobedience.
Black businesses do not do this enough. How many mostly black owned banks, law firms, accounting firms and such can you name?
How would you know?
Jews run the financial world, media and Hollywood.
Yep. Smelt that white supremacy wafting off of you from the start.
So we don’t care as much about blatant antisemitism. Jews represent 2% of the US population and blacks represent 13%. Problem is you judged me immediately with your divisive rhetoric and thought me a racist because I am white. Pretty pathetic.
American jews are some of biggest liberals in America and the ones I know absolutely care about white supremacy. And I judge you by your words, I can't even see your skin color you moron.
Let’s see if you can respond politely and without ad Hominems. My rule is not to post something here that I would not say to someone in person. Be polite.
I would say all of this to your face. In fact I'd probably be more inclined to show my lack of respect for you and your arguments in person where I could look at you and laugh in your face. Speaking of which I'm guessing your dropping the cancel culture argument now that that has fallen apart? :nocknockHT:
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GOP Lincoln Sent Americans to Kill Their Fellow Americans on Behalf of Africans

Treason to one's own race is far worse than treason to one's economic-elitist ruling class.
1. The Confederates weren't Americans. They were traitors who seceded from America. Being an American is not a spiritual state of being, it's a legal one and when they renounced their citizenship they stopped being American.

2. Race isn't real. It's a social contruct.

3. I kind of suspect you might be able to understand the first thing but I imagine trying to explain to you what a social construct is would be like trying to explain algebra to a chimpanzee.
You seem triggered yourself bitch because the culture has changed. I can push the culture anyway I feel like and you're free to push back but you're losing cuck.
Rainbow Mau Mau Bowwows

The jungle you came from and never really left is far inferior to what White people built in America, which was the same kind of Third-World wilderness before we came. Your race is homo erectus; there's no logical and realistic way that it can be called homo sapiens.
Sick Sadistic Statists

They just pretend to be offended in order to give their degenerate slumming cult an excuse to boss around normal people.
No you moron. The degenerates were the Confederates that literally kept men women and children in slavery. The fact that you're stupid enough to call any leftist today a sick sadistic statists while defending a group of people that formed a whole state around the notion of being sick and sadistic to black slaves is why it's so easy to mock and shame the country into disavowing your ilk.
Rainbow Mau Mau Bowwows

The jungle you came from and never really left is far inferior to what White people built in America, which was the same kind of Third-World wilderness before we came. Your race is homo erectus; there's no logical and realistic way that it can be called homo sapiens.
Is that a white wing version of biology? Do they teach that at Trump University or do you have to go to a meth boarding house for that kind of quality education? :auiqs.jpg:
Coerced Conclusions

It is logically inconsistent to believe that Jefferson was right about so many things and not consider that he may also have been right about racial inferiority.
Jefferson was a slaver and a child rapist but that's par for the course as far as white wing role models go.
Coerced Conclusions

It is logically inconsistent to believe that Jefferson was right about so many things and not consider that he may also have been right about racial inferiority.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson

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