Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

So you’re saying people should cancel Guns N Roses? Yes or no?
Not if they apologize and admit the Confederacy was a shameful nation of backwards fucktards who's symbols and culture should never be celebrated or idealized by decent human beings. What's wrong with cancel culture? Isn't cancel culture just the white wing bitching and moaning about people criticizing or boycotting them? I thought that just used to be called freedom of speech.
He tries to use big words but his statements reek of victimhood and illogic
Venerate isn't a big word you illiterate bastard. :laughing0301: I just like the sound of it. It really drives home the point of dead slavery worship and since it obviously triggered you I guess I chose my words wisely.
Not if they apologize and admit the Confederacy was a shameful nation of backwards fucktards who's symbols and culture should never be celebrated or idealized by decent human beings. What's wrong with cancel culture? Isn't cancel culture just the white wing bitching and moaning about people criticizing or boycotting them? I thought that just used to be called freedom of speech.

Venerate isn't a big word you illiterate bastard. :laughing0301: I just like the sound of it. It really drives home the point of dead slavery worship and since it obviously triggered you I guess I chose my words wisely.
You are so easily triggered. If you watched the entire video you would see that he changes jackets several times to illustrate a civil war. But you’re too easily offended. My ancestors didn’t own slaves. They are Jews from Judea. Relax, snowflake. Did you hear that? I like the sound of that word. Snowflake. Why? It describes you.
You are so easily triggered. If you watched the entire video you would see that he changes jackets several times to illustrate a civil war. But you’re too easily offended. My ancestors didn’t own slaves. They are Jews from Judea. Relax, snowflake. Did you hear that? I like the sound of that word. Snowflake. Why? It describes you.
You seem triggered yourself bitch because the culture has changed. I can push the culture anyway I feel like and you're free to push back but you're losing cuck.
You seem triggered yourself bitch because the culture has changed. I can push the culture anyway I feel like and you're free to push back but you're losing cuck.
Culture hasn’t changed. You’re dreaming. I am a Jew and antisemitism is alive and well. You do you. Difference is, I do not care. I am not easily offended. You are.

Culture hasn’t changed. You’re dreaming. I am a Jew and antisemitism is alive and well. You do you. Difference is, I do not care. I am not easily offended. You are.

You aren't offended but yet you've complained for posts after post over a jacket? I don't even give a shit about Guns and Roses or Confederate jackets beyond the usefulness of it as propaganda in pushing the narrative that Confederate culture was a shit culture only idolized by reprobates. Getting people like Guns and Roses or cultural institutions like Nascar to release statements disavowing Confederate symbols, calling them racist and telling their customers they care more about making that point than taking their money is useful propaganda. And propaganda does move cultures. A jew should know that.
You are so easily triggered. If you watched the entire video you would see that he changes jackets several times to illustrate a civil war. But you’re too easily offended. My ancestors didn’t own slaves. They are Jews from Judea. Relax, snowflake. Did you hear that? I like the sound of that word. Snowflake. Why? It describes you.
Not the point, from my perspective. Bigotry is all right-wingers seem to prefer than to come up with better solutions that actually promote and provide for the general welfare.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of federal Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You aren't offended but yet you've complained for posts after post over a jacket? I don't even give a shit about Guns and Roses or Confederate jackets beyond the usefulness of it as propaganda in pushing the narrative that Confederate culture was a shit culture only idolized by reprobates. Getting people like Guns and Roses or cultural institutions like Nascar to release statements disavowing Confederate symbols, calling them racist and telling their customers they care more about making that point than taking their money is useful propaganda. And propaganda does move cultures. A jew should know that.
So now you know what a Jew should know? You can cry all you want and try to change peoples minds. It won’t. I have learned that in my 40 yrs on this planet. I just shrug. My issue is cancel culture. What makes America great is that one can yell something utterly offensive to someone else and have the freedom to do so. Unfortunately these rights are diminishing significantly. Why? People like you. All the slave owners and Confederate soldiers are dead. Let it go.
So now you know what a Jew should know? You can cry all you want and try to change peoples minds. It won’t. I have learned that in my 40 yrs on this planet. I just shrug. My issue is cancel culture. What makes America great is that one can yell something utterly offensive to someone else and have the freedom to do so. Unfortunately these rights are diminishing significantly. Why? People like you. All the slave owners and Confederate soldiers are dead. Let it go.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson
Why are you quoting a slave owner? You ll offend leftists.
So now you know what a Jew should know?
I just assumed you'd be familar with Goebbels but maybe that reference was over your head.
You can cry all you want and try to change peoples minds. It won’t. I have learned that in my 40 yrs on this planet. I just shrug.
So you're a political nihilist.
My issue is cancel culture. What makes America great is that one can yell something utterly offensive to someone else and have the freedom to do so. Unfortunately these rights are diminishing significantly. Why? People like you. All the slave owners and Confederate soldiers are dead. Let it go.
In what way are these rights diminishing? We don't only have to the right to be offensive, we have the right to take offense and voice disagreement and disgust with our fellow citizens. That is just another expression of free speech you dumbass not a diminishment of it.
I just assumed you'd be familar with Goebbels but maybe that reference was over your head.

So you're a political nihilist.

In what way are these rights diminishing? We don't only have to the right to be offensive, we have the right to take offense and voice disagreement and disgust with our fellow citizens. That is just another expression of free speech you dumbass not a diminishment of it.
You have the right to be offended but you don’t have the right to take away material that offends you. If your stupid posts offend me, should I have the right to have the Mods ban you? You people always bring up Nazis with me. They lost the war. They are dead. I do Not care. You’re such a snowflake.
You have the right to be offended but you don’t have the right to take away material that offends you. If your stupid posts offend me, should I have the right to have the Mods ban you? You people always bring up Nazis with me. They lost the war. They are dead. I do Not care. You’re such a snowflake.
You're the snowflake who can't seem to articulate a logical argument. The owner of this website has every right to ban whoever the fuck he feels like and you have a right to petition him to do so. None of this constitutes an infringement of your right to free speech. You actually don't have a right to post on this website, you have the privilege so long as it's owner extends it to you. As for Nazis, I only mentioned Goebbels as a successful propagandist. The reality is things change all the time and the only question is whether or not you're going to have any influence over that change.
Curried Goats
You're the snowflake who can't seem to articulate a logical argument. The owner of this website has every right to ban whoever the fuck he feels like and you have a right to petition him to do so. None of this constitutes an infringement of your right to free speech. You actually don't have a right to post on this website, you have the privilege so long as it's owner extends it to you. As for Nazis, I only mentioned Goebbels as a successful propagandist. The reality is things change all the time and the only question is whether or not you're going to have any influence over that change.
If they ban users for benign reasons they will just cost themselves monies and the site will
Not be around. You mentioned Goebbels to get a rise out of me. You failed. Things do change
Over time. But if you believe you can eliminate racism through shame, you’re sadly mistaken. But you do you.
Curried Goats

If they ban users for benign reasons they will just cost themselves monies and the site will
Not be around.
Maybe, but this still wouldn't be an infringement of your free speech rights like you were crying about earlier. However if we look at businesses like Nascar or the NFL who are interested in making money, not giving it away, and who've chosen to reject Confederate symbols and embrace BLM it would seem they've made the calculation that one side is the future where profitability is concerned and the other side is going extinct. That's that change you were denying we were capable of.
You mentioned Goebbels to get a rise out of me. You failed. Things do change
Over time. But if you believe you can eliminate racism through shame, you’re sadly mistaken. But you do you.
I mentioned Goebbels because it was the reference with the most relevance to you, I don't really care how you feel about it. And I'm not so full of hubris that I think racism can be eliminated but it can be mitigated. In fact we've done just that. The younger generation is lot less racist and bigoted than the generations before them. Overwhelmingly so.
Maybe, but this still wouldn't be an infringement of your free speech rights like you were crying about earlier. However if we look at businesses like Nascar or the NFL who are interested in making money, not giving it away, and who've chosen to reject Confederate symbols and embrace BLM it would seem they've made the calculation that one side is the future where profitability is concerned and the other side is going extinct. That's that change you were denying we were capable of.

I mentioned Goebbels because it was the reference with the most relevance to you, I don't really care how you feel about it. And I'm not so full of hubris that I think racism can be eliminated but it can be mitigated. In fact we've done just that. The younger generation is lot less racist and bigoted than the generations before them. Overwhelmingly so.
NBA and NFL have walked it back because it cost them ratings and money. Keep up. Same with NASCAR. People want to watch sports for sports and not to be lectured about politics. BLM and the KKK are the same to me. Both equally hate Jews. If you believe the younger generation is less racist you’re fooling yourself. They are just not as overt about it.

Want to reduce racism? Then black business owners need to form coalitions, companies, banks, etc. Like the Jews did. No one would hire Jews so we formed our own communities. Worked for us. People still despise us and some for good reason but we aren’t struggling financially for the most part so we just shrug
Ask Lady Antebellum. Ask Chris Harrison. Ask Gina Carano. See if you can find All in the Family on Cable.

Lady Antebellum wasn't cancelled. Chris Harrison is still executive producer of Jeopardy and who gives a shit about Gina Carano? She was let go from a single company because they didn't want to be associated with her. Do you want to force Disney to employ every person whos says ridiculous shit on twitter?

What does any of that have to do with you lying about GNR being cancelled or anyone even trying?
Lady Antebellum wasn't cancelled. Chris Harrison is still executive producer of Jeopardy and who gives a shit about Gina Carano? She was let go from a single company because they didn't want to be associated with her. Do you want to force Disney to employ every person whos says ridiculous shit on twitter?

What does any of that have to do with you lying about GNR being cancelled or anyone even trying?
???? You’re trolling
NBA and NFL have walked it back because it cost them ratings and money. Keep up. Same with NASCAR. People want to watch sports for sports and not to be lectured about politics. BLM and the KKK are the same to me. Both equally hate Jews. If you believe the younger generation is less racist you’re fooling yourself. They are just not as overt about it.

Want to reduce racism? Then black business owners need to form coalitions, companies, banks, etc. Like the Jews did. No one would hire Jews so we formed our own communities. Worked for us. People still despise us and some for good reason but we aren’t struggling financially for the most part so we just shrug
If I may chime in as a middle class white guy living in my bubble of privilege... I love and hate all people equally and am open to friendships and relationships with any person no matter what they look like or what they believe. But if they are rude, disrespectful, hateful, offensive etc. then I write them off. I'm guarded against all strangers but approach everybody with an open mind and have forged some great relationships with a fantastic and divers group of people throughout my life.

I understand that minority groups experience a much higher level of opposition and judgement than I do so I am not going to pretend to understand what it is like from somebody else's POV or pretend that we are all playing on the same field. Some have obvious advantages and disadvantages based on the community they live within. I think in the end we should all be able to wake up and go about our day doing the best we can. Focus on building personal relationships with those in our community, people of all stripes. Be a good person, honest and outgoing. If somebody is a hater then fuck them... write them off and focus on the healthy relationships that you have.

I think awareness is good, education and understanding our history is good, but I don't think we should spend too much time fighting against the invisible "They"... That arbitrary group of haters. Don't give them that power. And don't label and pigeon hole others into a category because of how they were born. That goes both ways with stereotyping whites and with stereotyping minority groups. We are individuals living our lives doing the best we can. Some of us are shitheads and some of us are saints... Most fall somewhere in the middle. Best to remember that

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