Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

I didn't either for a while until I really started engaging in the subject. I used to make the argument that we are all with or without privilege based on our families and upbringing and personal factors. I would point out that the children of black celebrities have more privilege than a white kid raised in a trailer park by drug addicted and abusive parents. These things are true but that is not what "white privilege" means... It is a bigger idea that reflects our history and the evolution of our society. It has valid points. I perhaps see it as more of an academic value than an action based idea as many activists out there may see it... But there absolutely exists an advantage in our society if you have white skin, it was much more prevalent in the past but it still exists today... That doesn't mean every white person is living a privileged life. Get the difference?
If you have two legs do you have privilege over someone with one leg? I do Not get the difference, no. So do attractive people have privilege over ugly people? The rhetoric is divisive.
The players and the NBA reached an agreement that resulted in a greater commitment by the league to social justice causes in exchange for that. That's what the power of protest does you clown. And sure you can shame people into behaving a certain way. The catholics have been doing it for ages. Read a fucking book for christ sake. Or even just recent history. It was the shame from the images of civil rights protests, of human beings being assaulted for trying to sit at lunch counters or ride busses that spurned the American citizenry to end the shameful practice of segregation. It was the point of non violence. To heap shame on the deplorable behavior of racist whites against the backdrop of peaceful civil disobedience.

How would you know?

Yep. Smelt that white supremacy wafting off of you from the start.

American jews are some of biggest liberals in America and the ones I know absolutely care about white supremacy. And I judge you by your words, I can't even see your skin color you moron.

I would say all of this to your face. In fact I'd probably be more inclined to show my lack of respect for you and your arguments in person where I could look at you and laugh in your face. Speaking of which I'm guessing your dropping the cancel culture argument now that that has fallen apart? :nocknockHT:
You’re quite the better person. I bow To you. If I could only be like you. What the NBA did was what every company does. Throws money at it so that people would shut up and they can get more breaks from the Govt. I know because of what I do for a living. You cannot help yourself eh. I live in Boston. Come on over. I ll buy you a beer.
The players and the NBA reached an agreement that resulted in a greater commitment by the league to social justice causes in exchange for that. That's what the power of protest does you clown. And sure you can shame people into behaving a certain way. The catholics have been doing it for ages. Read a fucking book for christ sake. Or even just recent history. It was the shame from the images of civil rights protests, of human beings being assaulted for trying to sit at lunch counters or ride busses that spurned the American citizenry to end the shameful practice of segregation. It was the point of non violence. To heap shame on the deplorable behavior of racist whites against the backdrop of peaceful civil disobedience.

How would you know?

Yep. Smelt that white supremacy wafting off of you from the start.

American jews are some of biggest liberals in America and the ones I know absolutely care about white supremacy. And I judge you by your words, I can't even see your skin color you moron.

I would say all of this to your face. In fact I'd probably be more inclined to show my lack of respect for you and your arguments in person where I could look at you and laugh in your face. Speaking of which I'm guessing your dropping the cancel culture argument now that that has fallen apart? :nocknockHT:
So I am a Jewish white supremacist? That’s a new one. Last I checked, Maher is a Liberal. So is he making this up?

You’re quite the better person. I bow To you. If I could only be like you. What the NBA did was what every company does. Throws money at it so that people would shut up and they can get more breaks from the Govt.
No one is going to shut up. Those players are going to be as vocal as they want to be on social media and in the public. What they did was bend the NBA over a barrel and negotiate small concessions for large sums of money. And that's smart. If you're going to wage war you need a large war chest.
So I am a Jewish white supremacist? That’s a new one. Last I checked, Maher is a Liberal. So is he making this up?

Why not? We have black white wingers like Candace Owens. And Maher is one of those moderates who'd rather fellate Ann Coulter and cry about college cancel culture than address white supremacy.
No one is going to shut up. Those players are going to be as vocal as they want to be on social media and in the public. What they did was bend the NBA over a barrel and negotiate small concessions for large sums of money. And that's smart. If you're going to wage war you need a large war chest.
These players are millionaires and don’t really care. Talk about privilege. How many move to mostly rich neighborhoods vs. rebuilding lower middle class and or urban areas. What fantasy world do you live in. One of my best friends in the entire world is a black man. He despises the term African American. He says the biggest issue in the black community is a crab mentality but it’s easier to blame white people. Whether he is right or wrong IDK. He also says it’s because of Jews (as a joke).

Take it for what it’s worth. You see me as your enemy because I disagree with you politically. That doesn’t build allies.
One thing about Libtards. They are always delusional.

Liberals are never considered to be the best and brightest by anyone.
Why not? We have black white wingers like Candace Owens. And Maher is one of those moderates who'd rather fellate Ann Coulter and cry about college cancel culture than address white supremacy.
So you’re more black than Candace Owens? How does that work? Why is because white supremacists want to genocide all Jews. I am Enemy #1. Also enemy #1 to BLM. Seems the only issue both parties are in agreement on is their disdain of Jews. I find it funny.

So Candace Owens is less black than you because you two have disparate views? Interesting. Is this where you call me a cuck again and throw your temper tantrum?
These players are millionaires and don’t really care. Talk about privilege. How many move to mostly rich neighborhoods vs. rebuilding lower middle class and or urban areas. What fantasy world do you live in.
I live in reality where your assertions are just that and until proven represent nothing but your ignorant opinion. LeBron James built a frigging school in his home town but again all your doing is talking out of your ass.
One of my best friends in the entire world is a black man.
I don't give a shit about your imaginary black friend.
Take it for what it’s worth. You see me as your enemy because I disagree with you politically. That doesn’t build allies.
I not begging you to be my ally bitch. Do whatever you feel like.

So you’re more black than Candace Owens? How does that work?
Where did I say I was more black than Candace Owens? Learn to fucking read you moron.
Why is because white supremacists want to genocide all Jews. I am Enemy #1. Also enemy #1 to BLM.
You think the jews are enemy number 1 to BLM? Where did you get that bit of nonsense from?
Seems the only issue both parties are in agreement on is their disdain of Jews. I find it funny.
I find that allegation funny since jews vote overwhelming for the Democratic party.
So Candace Owens is less black than you because you two have disparate views? Interesting. Is this where you call me a cuck again and throw your temper tantrum?
No, this is where I point to you not being able to read or form reasoned arguments.
I live in reality where your assertions are just that and until proven represent nothing but your ignorant opinion. LeBron James built a frigging school in his home town but again all your doing is talking out of your ass.

I don't give a shit about your imaginary black friend.

I not begging you to be my ally bitch. Do whatever you feel like.

Where did I say I was more black than Candace Owens? Learn to fucking read you moron.

You think the jews are enemy number 1 to BLM? Where did you get that bit of nonsense from?

I find that allegation funny since jews vote overwhelming for the Democratic party.

No, this is where I point to you not being able to read or form reasoned arguments.
You said she was a black white supremacist. To me it means you believe she is less “black” than you. You say I do not respond to arguments but you call my friend imaginary and refuse to discuss the crab mentality. Most Orthodox Jews do not but convenient Jews do. Why? They still believe it’s the party of JFK. My parents were staunch liberals until Ilhan Omar came along. I am an Independent.

LBJ is worth $500bn? Building a school is nothing to him. Not sure how him living in a mansion in LA and yelling at score keepers at his kids games makes him a role model for the black community. Maybe he, Deval Patrick, Ice Cube and Mookie Betts should pool some of their monies and start a black bank to lend to 1000s of black owned businesses? IDK?

I never asked you to beg me. I offered my alliance but you do not want it. You want to remain angry and blame the so called White supremacist boogeyman. LOL

Hell you call your own people white supremacists. Hell of a way to build a coalition…
No you moron. The degenerates were the Confederates that literally kept men women and children in slavery. The fact that you're stupid enough to call any leftist today a sick sadistic statists while defending a group of people that formed a whole state around the notion of being sick and sadistic to black slaves is why it's so easy to mock and shame the country into disavowing your ilk.
Simply Simian

Don't go ape on me. It might reveal something that had been known for tens of thousands of years before the Great Silencing.

Oh, Bill Maher, that guy who was "cancelled" after Ari Fleischer took issue when Maher insisted the 9/11 hijackers weren't cowards. Got it.

Cancel culture to the right usually means "when they do it to us". It's not like you guys haven't tried to cancel a number of Democrats who went to Robert Byrd's funeral or had any sort of relationship no matter how small with a former weatherman or a guy dressed up as a Conservative.....I mean klansman in the 80s.

Still waiting to hear when someone tried to cancel GNR.
Oh, Bill Maher, that guy who was "cancelled" after Ari Fleischer took issue when Maher insisted the 9/11 hijackers weren't cowards. Got it.

Cancel culture to the right usually means "when they do it to us".

Still waiting to hear when someone tried to cancel GNR.
Did you even watch the video. Waiting for GnR to get cancelled? What are you talking about? You’re such a troll.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson
Sixty Years of Reconstruction II

True. And the tyrants were the Abolitionists. They eventually did have their way, but Whites fought back and stopped the unleashing of savage nation-wreckers. Then, a century later, Whites turned yellow. The elitists behind this societal collapse are never blamed, though they themselves blame the Jews for all of it.

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