Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

So what? Can you not hang if it is steered towards a point I’m making? You can always provide a counter argument but avoiding answering questions is a weak tactic. You’re better than that. I’ll answer your questions whether you steer them or not
Don’t ask questions that we both already know the answers to. That is a dishonest tactic. Does the Sun rise in the East? Come on man. Just get to your point.
And why isn't shaming a part of our right to free speech? How are we not allowing anyone to state their beliefs by voicing our own disagreement or displeasure? Do we not also have that right? Thank you for revealing cancel culture is nothing more than your hurt feelings over our free speech. As if that was evident already.

And that article is supposed to signify what? Come on buddy, use your words. You can do it...
This site often requires links. So I posted one. Shaming is part of your right as is people here mocking you. Doesn’t make it OK and I am using my voice to stand up against the shamers. I believe in free speech and I believe those who try to suppress it via the aforementioned shaming are assholes.
Don’t ask questions that we both already know the answers to. That is a dishonest tactic. Does the Sun rise in the East? Come on man. Just get to your point.
Don’t ask questions that we both already know the answers to. That is a dishonest tactic. Does the Sun rise in the East? Come on man. Just get to your point.
I don't know if we both know the answers. I'm shock by what some people disagree with me about... things which I see as obvious. I guess since you don't want to give me a straight answer I'll just assume that you acknowledge that our society and institutions were favorable towards white men for generations. There are valid arguments to be made that our system discriminated against people of color and against women as well as other groups. Since we are talking about white privilege I will focus on the racial aspects... The next question would be, when did our system stop discriminating against blacks and are there still elements that are discriminatory, what are the effects on current society from actions of the past?

There is a thing called critical race theory that is centered on these questions and focus's on studying our history, the racist elements, and the effects that they had on our society. There is much controversy and push back from the Right about exploring these things for some reason that I can not understand.

There are many that believe there are still elements of our system and society that favor whites over blacks, whether it be in the workplace, education system, criminal justice system, or the accumulation of generational wealth. All of these elements plus more are part of this discussion of white privilege.

This would have been much easier taking it one point at a time which is what I was trying to do by asking you simple questions. Now I just put it all out there in a novel and expect we will maybe address 10% of what I said. Perhaps next time you can just humor me and give straight answers to my questions. It will provide for a better conversation.
This site often requires links. So I posted one. Shaming is part of your right as is people here mocking you. Doesn’t make it OK and I am using my voice to stand up against the shamers.
So it's okay for you to stand up to people you disagree with but not okay for me? That makes sense.
I believe in free speech and I believe those who try to suppress it via the aforementioned shaming are assholes.
Again using my speech to disagree with your speech isn't suppression snowflake.
I don't know if we both know the answers. I'm shock by what some people disagree with me about... things which I see as obvious. I guess since you don't want to give me a straight answer I'll just assume that you acknowledge that our society and institutions were favorable towards white men for generations. There are valid arguments to be made that our system discriminated against people of color and against women as well as other groups. Since we are talking about white privilege I will focus on the racial aspects... The next question would be, when did our system stop discriminating against blacks and are there still elements that are discriminatory, what are the effects on current society from actions of the past?

There is a thing called critical race theory that is centered on these questions and focus's on studying our history, the racist elements, and the effects that they had on our society. There is much controversy and push back from the Right about exploring these things for some reason that I can not understand.

There are many that believe there are still elements of our system and society that favor whites over blacks, whether it be in the workplace, education system, criminal justice system, or the accumulation of generational wealth. All of these elements plus more are part of this discussion of white privilege.

This would have been much easier taking it one point at a time which is what I was trying to do by asking you simple questions. Now I just put it all out there in a novel and expect we will maybe address 10% of what I said. Perhaps next time you can just humor me and give straight answers to my questions. It will provide for a better conversation.
I know what you were trying to do. It’s dishonest debate. Wealthy white men had privilege. Let’s be honest. Irish need not apply. What legal rights do I have in America that a black or Hispanic persons does not? My parents came here from the Soviet Union. What privileges did they have? Problem is you go down your line of questioning trying to trap me. Not going to happen. You ll notice that the most “privileged “ now are Asians as they earn the most. Asians were vehemently discriminated against. In my 40 yrs on this planet the stereotypes about Asians have improved drastically even with the virus and idiots blaming every day Asians for it. So please spare me your boring historical perspective.
So it's okay for you to stand up to people you disagree with but not okay for me? That makes sense.

Again using my speech to disagree with your speech isn't suppression snowflake.
You may stand up against them but calling them traitors and cucks isn’t overly productive. I welcome This debate until you start acting like a nine year old. And now you call me what I called you? LOL

So, are you able to have a polite discussion or must we take it into the sewer once more?
And why isn't shaming a part of our right to free speech? How are we not allowing anyone to state their beliefs by voicing our own disagreement or displeasure? Do we not also have that right? Thank you for revealing cancel culture is nothing more than your hurt feelings over our free speech. As if that was evident already.

And that article is supposed to signify what? Come on buddy, use your words. You can do it...
For the record, I have no clue why her statement was controversial. I don't see what the issue was.
I know what you were trying to do. It’s dishonest debate. Wealthy white men had privilege. Let’s be honest. Irish need not apply. What legal rights do I have in America that a black or Hispanic persons does not? My parents came here from the Soviet Union. What privileges did they have? Problem is you go down your line of questioning trying to trap me. Not going to happen. You ll notice that the most “privileged “ now are Asians as they earn the most. Asians were vehemently discriminated against. In my 40 yrs on this planet the stereotypes about Asians have improved drastically even with the virus and idiots blaming every day Asians for it. So please spare me your boring historical perspective.
Haha, I stand corrected. Its appears that only 1% of what I posted will be addressed. Sweet

There is nothing dishonest about dissecting an argument. There is no trapping unless you have contradictions in which case maybe you learn something.
Haha, I stand corrected. Its appears that only 1% of what I posted will be addressed. Sweet

There is nothing dishonest about dissecting an argument. There is no trapping unless you have contradictions in which case maybe you learn something.
You’re discussing the past. So what legal rights do I currently have that a person of color does not? I ll patiently wait for your answer. Since I have white privilege there must be numerous.
For the record, I have no clue why her statement was controversial. I don't see what the issue was.
She would not embrace the gender leftist rhetoric. That means she must be fired. Left doesn’t want open debate they want to cancel those who disagree with them. Even if they are smoking hot like Gina, to your point.
You may stand up against them but calling them traitors and cucks isn’t overly productive. I welcome This debate until you start acting like a nine year old. And now you call me what I called you? LOL
First it was a violation of free speech and now it's a simple disagreement of strategy. Look how easy it is to bully you around.
So, are you able to have a polite discussion or must we take it into the sewer once more?
I don't get overly emotional over name calling and it certainly didn't distract me from exposing your argument for the sophistry that it was.
She would not embrace the gender leftist rhetoric. That means she must be fired. Left doesn’t want open debate they want to cancel those who disagree with them. Even if they are smoking hot like Gina, to your point.
Whether or not she gets to keep her job is the debate. She lost. She has no right to a job, only a right to petition to Disney that they keep her. On the other side people have the right to petition to Disney to fire her and Disney as a private entity has a right to consider all these sides and do as it pleases. If you're not happy with their decision then don't give them any of your money. No one is preventing you from debating snowflake.
First it was a violation of free speech and now it's a simple disagreement of strategy. Look how easy it is to bully you around.

I don't get overly emotional over name calling and it certainly didn't distract me from exposing your argument for the sophistry that it was.

Whether or not she gets to keep her job is the debate. She lost. She has no right to a job, only a right to petition to Disney that they keep her. On the other side people have the right to petition to Disney to fire her and Disney as a private entity has a right to consider all these sides and do as it pleases. If you're not happy with their decision then don't give them any of your money. No one is preventing you from debating snowflake.
Point is Disney fired her because she disagreed with some trolls on the Internet. Pedro Pascal had similarly controversial tweets and he was fine as he is a leftist. Yes, Disney is a private company and they may do as they wish. But doesn’t mean what they did was right. What if a Company stated firing people because they are pro choice? And then posted their pictures all over social media as baby killers so that companies shied away from hiring them due to potential negative press? That’s going a little too far IMO. Doesn’t make me a snowflake. It makes me logical. You may disagree but then the NBA ratings plummet and the NBA walks back “Black Lives Matter” painted in the court, messages on the unis and optional standing for the anthem. Your hero LeBron embraced the CCP instead of challenging them when it came to Hong Kong. Come on man. The mighty $$ drives the rhetoric.
You’re discussing the past. So what legal rights do I currently have that a person of color does not? I ll patiently wait for your answer. Since I have white privilege there must be numerous.
Yes, I am discussing the past and the effects that the past had on our institutions and our society. You seem to want to dismiss that discussion and jump right to the legal rights argument. Thats fine... I think we have done a pretty good job with legal rights being afforded to most individuals regardless of race, sex or religion. But the discussion is bigger than that as I've been trying to explain to you.
She would not embrace the gender leftist rhetoric. That means she must be fired. Left doesn’t want open debate they want to cancel those who disagree with them. Even if they are smoking hot like Gina, to your point.
I don't know if thats an accurate assessment of what people took issue with. Can anybody else explain what exactly the issue was in regards to Gina's twitter posts?
Yes, I am discussing the past and the effects that the past had on our institutions and our society. You seem to want to dismiss that discussion and jump right to the legal rights argument. Thats fine... I think we have done a pretty good job with legal rights being afforded to most individuals regardless of race, sex or religion. But the discussion is bigger than that as I've been trying to explain to you.
You didn’t answer my question. How is the discussion bigger?
I don't know if thats an accurate assessment of what people took issue with. Can anybody else explain what exactly the issue was in regards to Gina's twitter posts?
They asked her what her preferred pronouns were and she said beep boop bop. She has a one on one with Ben Shapiro. Check it out and hear the story.
You didn’t answer my question. How is the discussion bigger?
I did answer your question, I said that we have done a pretty good job with legal rights. I can't name a legal right that a black person doesn't have that a white person has. The bigger part of the discussion is everything that I've laid out in my last few posts. Are you ignoring that on purpose or did it get lost in the shuffle?

Remember when you told me to get to the point and stop asking steering questions? This is why I ask steering questions because when I lay it all out in one post my points get ignored and forgotten
Point is Disney fired her because she disagreed with some trolls on the Internet. Pedro Pascal had similarly controversial tweets and he was fine as he is a leftist. Yes, Disney is a private company and they may do as they wish. But doesn’t mean what they did was right.
What Disney did was perfectly legal and should be. What you feel is right or wrong is simply a matter of your opinion. Suck it up snowflake.
What if a Company stated firing people because they are pro choice? And then posted their pictures all over social media as baby killers so that companies shied away from hiring them due to potential negative press?
Disney didn't call Carano a baby killer and if they had and someone was incited by that rhetoric they could probably have been sued in civil court. You're freedom of speech doesn't extend to liable or harassment.
That’s going a little too far IMO. Doesn’t make me a snowflake. It makes me logical.
I'm calling you a snowflake for crying about infringement on freedom of speech when really its just counter opinions. As I said, suck it up.
You may disagree but then the NBA ratings plummet and the NBA walks back “Black Lives Matter” painted in the court, messages on the unis and optional standing for the anthem.
Again, that's simply not what happened. The NBA as an organization is increasing it's commitment to social justice both vocally and monetarily. That's not even how ratings work. Again they have contracts with broadcasters like TNT and that payment has already been made. Whether 10 or 10 million watch the game doesn't change one cent of revenue the NBA makes or doesn't make. You're arguments are weak and counter to actual reality. Work on better ones.
Your hero LeBron embraced the CCP instead of challenging them when it came to Hong Kong. Come on man. The mighty $$ drives the rhetoric.
That's your opinion and you're free to feel salty about it.
I did answer your question, I said that we have done a pretty good job with legal rights. I can't name a legal right that a black person doesn't have that a white person has. The bigger part of the discussion is everything that I've laid out in my last few posts. Are you ignoring that on purpose or did it get lost in the shuffle?

Remember when you told me to get to the point and stop asking steering questions? This is why I ask steering questions because when I lay it all out in one post my points get ignored and forgotten
Irish, Italians, Jews, Asians all didn’t have “ancient white privilege”’when they came as immigrants. They seemed to do just fine. I still do not see your point. Are you saying those groups weren’t discriminated against? How do you explain the success of Jewish people? Antisemitism is alive and well.

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