Because SCIENCE! Scientists warn that lab leak theory could irk China


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.

Scientists warn that lab leak theory could irk China???​

Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.
Kung Flu was a joke. However, Democrats still wear the dreaded mask.
barrag-o and the quack fake-i funded the chinese flu...well over 11 million tax paying dollars went to the wuhan lab....thank scum demonRATS for the chinese flu
Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.
Why is the world afraid of men with the tiniest peckers on the planet?
Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.
Big surprise there, eh? NOT! Never thought it a biologic warfare release and that theory easily denied and ignored by the Chinese. Not so easy to confidently ignore faulty lab technique and precautions bungled, as anything but Chinese stupidity, coupled with government desire to avoid embarrassment at the stupidity. Better to be accused of something you supposedly did on purpose when you didn't and can never be proved, as it is plainly untrue, than to be accused of being randomly stupid, incompetent and involved in useless cover up that can't be covered up. Letting the disease out is bad enough, but I think they feel worse knowing the whole planet knows they are stupid, careless, incompetent and bad liars. It is not like they will ever pay damages, but the world will know just how incompetent they are.
Got it from eating a sick bat in a wet market? Sounds gross and like bullsh#t then and now. The Chinese government was and is just too stupid to swallow their pride, admit and cooperate to avoid future mistakes.
Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.
Why is the world afraid of men with the tiniest peckers on the planet?
You are mistaken. No one is afraid of you.
Even calling it SARS-2 irked China. That's why they made the WHO change it to COVID-19.

China is very defensive because they did this on purpose.
It's still unclear whether this was a deliberate release or an accident.

But Xi let it spread from Wuhan to the rest of the world on purpose, that much is true.
Yet another fact the Left said was a conspiracy is busted: the response to the ChiCom Flu was political.
China is already irked about the subject and has been since 2020, imagine that...
No, on purpose would be commie Wuhan Bat Lady Zhengli complaining (lying) to visiting officials several years ago about lack of trained personnel, to start trouble. On purpose would be a virus arising from the culinary promiscuity of a communist population, a replay of the ebola game-meat scenario.
The truth, IMO, is a bit murkier than anyone in the establishment is going to let on.

Because it has to do with history, the military, and foreign relations, I don't think any of us are going to know the whole truth.

If you watch the following video, from stellar investigative journalists Whitney Webb & Ryan Cristián starting at around minute 40, and then corroborated that with Sam Husseini.

(This video is on Bitchute if it gets deleted here. This is the title if you need to search it;

Whitney Webb Interview - Cyber Hacks, White Powders Scares & Vaccine Tracking, It's All Come To Pass)​


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