Beck says Hillary will win in 2016


Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

did you lie under federal oath about it?

Um, I didn't get that blow job, and no one asked me under federal oath.

SO what. He lied about a question he never should have been asked to start with.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

Bush lied about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction. 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died.

That strikes me as being worse.

Oh, so how hard will that nose be pinched? You do know that Hillary isn't the only democrat?

Billy Clinton gave us a war, a recession, a military attack on civilians and free trade deals that have screwed the working man ever since.

I voted for Dubya twice. and at the end of it, I got a 20% reduction in pay, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. Dubya cured me of Republicanism.

So, no, I really won't have that nose pinched at all. In fact, i am probably going to enjoy the shit out of watching you wingnuts scream like little bitches for 8 years.

so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

Here is a NYT article on this. Seems when Clinton can clearly bomb the crap out of someone into submission that he is all for. Other then that...... BTW, he is the one that really let OBL go.

THE CLINTON RECORD Foreign Policy Bosnia Policy Shaped by U.S. Military Role - New York Times

Overwhelmed and confused, Mr. Clinton pressed the French President to argue against a move in Congress to arm the Muslim-led Bosnian Government and to raise money to better protect United Nations peacekeeping troops in Bosnia.
Mr. Clinton kept the French entourage and his Cabinet waiting for nearly two hours while he arranged for Mr. Chirac to meet with Bob Dole, then the Senate majority leader, and Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker. When Mr. Chirac returned home, he announced derisively that the position of leader of the free world was "vacant."
Both impulses -- determination and desperation -- were part of two and a half years of uncertain diplomacy over Bosnia. It began with Mr. Clinton's accusations that the Bush Administration was doing too little, then shifted to the view that the conflict was largely Europe's problem, and ended with peace, but a peace so fragile that it may unravel when NATO troops withdraw at the end of the year.

Wow, guy, did you just google some shit and vomit it here?

What I remember about the Clinton years is that they were peaceful and prosperous. That's what most people remember. ANd he lied about a blow job. That was important for some reason.

Come on, make this Bush vs. Clinton. I double dog dare you.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

did you lie under federal oath about it?

Um, I didn't get that blow job, and no one asked me under federal oath.

SO what. He lied about a question he never should have been asked to start with.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

Bush lied about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction. 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died.

That strikes me as being worse.

1. Bush did not say that under oath
2. both clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the EU, UK, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, et al said exactly the same thing. Were they all lying? they all had the same intel.
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

Here is a NYT article on this. Seems when Clinton can clearly bomb the crap out of someone into submission that he is all for. Other then that...... BTW, he is the one that really let OBL go.

THE CLINTON RECORD Foreign Policy Bosnia Policy Shaped by U.S. Military Role - New York Times

Overwhelmed and confused, Mr. Clinton pressed the French President to argue against a move in Congress to arm the Muslim-led Bosnian Government and to raise money to better protect United Nations peacekeeping troops in Bosnia.
Mr. Clinton kept the French entourage and his Cabinet waiting for nearly two hours while he arranged for Mr. Chirac to meet with Bob Dole, then the Senate majority leader, and Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker. When Mr. Chirac returned home, he announced derisively that the position of leader of the free world was "vacant."
Both impulses -- determination and desperation -- were part of two and a half years of uncertain diplomacy over Bosnia. It began with Mr. Clinton's accusations that the Bush Administration was doing too little, then shifted to the view that the conflict was largely Europe's problem, and ended with peace, but a peace so fragile that it may unravel when NATO troops withdraw at the end of the year.

Wow, guy, did you just google some shit and vomit it here?

What I remember about the Clinton years is that they were peaceful and prosperous. That's what most people remember. ANd he lied about a blow job. That was important for some reason.

Come on, make this Bush vs. Clinton. I double dog dare you.

under clinton we had the fake dot com bubble where temporary paper value was created and then evaporated, we had Dodd/Frank that created millions of bad mortgages that defaulted later under bush.

your view of history is based on ignorance
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

fine, base your vote on your personal failures, its a free country---------
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

I dont need to defend Bush, history is what it is. He made some terrible decisions, but taken in the entirety he was a pretty good president. that can also be said about clinton, but not obama.
1. Bush did not say that under oath
2. both clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the EU, UK, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, et al said exactly the same thing. Were they all lying? they all had the same intel.

and none of those people took actions that resulted in war.

Bush did.

It's one thing to suspect Saddam might still be harboring a desire to have WMD's.

It's another to launch a war with disasterous consequences based on that suspicion.

Also, the UN, Germany, France and the Saudis all tried to STOP Bush from fighting the war, because they saw it was a terrible idea.

But it gets a little worse. the Pentagon told Bush that we could not pacify Iraq with less than 500,000 troops, which we didn't have available and weren't going to get any time soon. Bush went ahead anyway.

Bush also made the moronic decision to disband the Iraqi army and remove all Ba'athist party members from public positions. This meant the country quickly spiraled into chaos.

Come on, guy. Bush fucked up every aspect of Iraq. And Jeb would bring the same kind of people back with him.

Nope, his vacillating foreign policy was the problem. And no, Bush inherited a recession from Clinton which he fixed without all the BS Obama used to not fix a recession.

How was Clinton's policy "vacillating"? Exactly. I thought it was pretty clear, he would have killed Bin Laden if given the chance. And when he tried, republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog", because they were investigating important stuff like blow jobs.

Gosh, I would love it if my life could go back to the worst thing I had to worry about was whether the president was lying about getting a blow job.

did you lie under federal oath about it?

Um, I didn't get that blow job, and no one asked me under federal oath.

SO what. He lied about a question he never should have been asked to start with.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

Bush lied about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction. 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died.

That strikes me as being worse.

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

Interesting huh?

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." -- Bob Graham, December 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." -- Ted Kennedy, September 27, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years. And that may happen sooner if he can obtain access to enriched uranium from foreign sources -- something that is not that difficult in the current world. We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction." -- John Rockefeller, Oct 10, 2002

"Saddam’s existing biological and chemical weapons capabilities pose a very real threat to America, now. Saddam has used chemical weapons before, both against Iraq’s enemies and against his own people. He is working to develop delivery systems like missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles that could bring these deadly weapons against U.S. forces and U.S. facilities in the Middle East." -- John Rockefeller, Oct 10, 2002

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

fine, base your vote on your personal failures, its a free country---------

Not my failures, man.

I didn't personally crash the housing market.

I didn't turn surpluses into trillion dollar deficits or peace into war.

My setbacks aside, I'm not capable of those levels of failure.

BUt Bush was and did.

But let's totally vote for his Brother, man! Because that's what's going to be the case when the GOP establishment forces him down your throat and you will be here supporting him because you hate Hillary so much.
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

I dont need to defend Bush, history is what it is. He made some terrible decisions, but taken in the entirety he was a pretty good president. that can also be said about clinton, but not obama.

Sorry to disagree but in my opinion, the damage that we are seeing today is all Clinton. He raised lying to an art form. He signed the free trade agreements that is screwing our working men. He unilaterally used force in Bosnia. He was the President when Waco burned.
1. Bush did not say that under oath
2. both clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the EU, UK, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, et al said exactly the same thing. Were they all lying? they all had the same intel.

and none of those people took actions that resulted in war.

Bush did.

It's one thing to suspect Saddam might still be harboring a desire to have WMD's.

It's another to launch a war with disasterous consequences based on that suspicion.

Also, the UN, Germany, France and the Saudis all tried to STOP Bush from fighting the war, because they saw it was a terrible idea.

But it gets a little worse. the Pentagon told Bush that we could not pacify Iraq with less than 500,000 troops, which we didn't have available and weren't going to get any time soon. Bush went ahead anyway.

Bush also made the moronic decision to disband the Iraqi army and remove all Ba'athist party members from public positions. This meant the country quickly spiraled into chaos.

Come on, guy. Bush fucked up every aspect of Iraq. And Jeb would bring the same kind of people back with him.

I am not defending the Iraq fiasco. But both parties authorized and funded it. Now obama has managed to undo what little positive we accomplished there, and in the process made the world a much more dangerous place.

but this whole discussion is foolish---------jeb and hillary will not be the candidates in 2016.
so you are a crappy employee and you make bad financial decisions, and somehow thats Bush's fault?

I worked through those years too. I got several promotions, very good bonuses and stock options, and my 401K grew because I put my money in the right places.

Sigh. I know you have to make it about me because you can't defend Bush.

But here's the thing. I was the same employee in the Clinton years, making the same kinds of decisions. And in the Clinton years, my property values doubled, my salary doubled.

Now, while always improving your professional abilities is a good thing, it's clear that if I get great results under one guy and disastrous results under the other guy, voting for the guy who brings me disastrous results is a really bad idea.

And if it comes to the choice between the brother of disastrous and the wife of great, that's an easy one.

I dont need to defend Bush, history is what it is. He made some terrible decisions, but taken in the entirety he was a pretty good president. that can also be said about clinton, but not obama.

Sorry to disagree but in my opinion, the damage that we are seeing today is all Clinton. He raised lying to an art form. He signed the free trade agreements that is screwing our working men. He unilaterally used force in Bosnia. He was the President when Waco burned.

Yeah, I get it. But the mess we are in today is the result of a liberal mindset in both parties. Liberalism is the enemy here, not either party.

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

This would be the woman who was so traumitized by seeing a penis that she took off all her clothes and appeared in Penthouse because she was left with a ton of legal bills when the Wingnuts were done using her, right?

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?

And how many of those guys launched an invasion of Iraq that the CIA and Pentagon said was a bad idea?

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

This would be the woman who was so traumitized by seeing a penis that she took off all her clothes and appeared in Penthouse because she was left with a ton of legal bills when the Wingnuts were done using her, right?

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?

And how many of those guys launched an invasion of Iraq that the CIA and Pentagon said was a bad idea?

both parties in congress authorized and funded it, the UN supported it, UK and other countries took part in it.

are you really so stupid that you think bush did it all on his own?

I am not defending the Iraq fiasco. But both parties authorized and funded it. Now obama has managed to undo what little positive we accomplished there, and in the process made the world a much more dangerous place.

No, Obama just got stuck with the tab when Bush and his boys snuck out the back door. People were predicting EXACTLY this was going to happen back in 2005. the real problem was that Iraq probably should be partitioned into three countries.

but this whole discussion is foolish---------jeb and hillary will not be the candidates in 2016.

Really? And you base that on what?

Hillary will easily beat anyone the democrats put up against her, and in fact, I don't even think anyone is going to try to run against her that hard. It's only if she decides on her own not to run.

MEANWHILE- The real problem the GOP has is that the rich people who really call the shots in your party won't run one of the nuts you guys would really fall in love with.

It's the old expression. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.
both parties in congress authorized and funded it, the UN supported it, UK and other countries took part in it.

are you really so stupid that you think bush did it all on his own?


Bush went back for a resolution. He didn't get one.

And none of our major allies went along with the invasion other than the UK. ANd the UK threw Blair out on his ass for going along with it to start with.

I dont need to defend Bush, history is what it is. He made some terrible decisions, but taken in the entirety he was a pretty good president. that can also be said about clinton, but not obama.

Bush wasn't a good president. Not by any standard.

War. Recession. Adminstrative incompetence. That was Bush. Iraq, Katrina, the Great Recession.

Obama I think has his flaws. But he was handed the worst mess a president has had to deal with since FDR.

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

This would be the woman who was so traumitized by seeing a penis that she took off all her clothes and appeared in Penthouse because she was left with a ton of legal bills when the Wingnuts were done using her, right?

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?

And how many of those guys launched an invasion of Iraq that the CIA and Pentagon said was a bad idea?

I can't speak for her, as you do, but the case centered around sexual harassment in the work place. And it doesn't matter if the case had validity, he lied.

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