Beck says Hillary will win in 2016


I dont need to defend Bush, history is what it is. He made some terrible decisions, but taken in the entirety he was a pretty good president. that can also be said about clinton, but not obama.

Bush wasn't a good president. Not by any standard.

War. Recession. Adminstrative incompetence. That was Bush. Iraq, Katrina, the Great Recession.

Obama I think has his flaws. But he was handed the worst mess a president has had to deal with since FDR.

Horseshit, I am done with you. I do not waste my time with someone who is braindead with partisan lies.

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

This would be the woman who was so traumitized by seeing a penis that she took off all her clothes and appeared in Penthouse because she was left with a ton of legal bills when the Wingnuts were done using her, right?

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?

And how many of those guys launched an invasion of Iraq that the CIA and Pentagon said was a bad idea?

I can't speak for her, as you do, but the case centered around sexual harassment in the work place. And it doesn't matter if the case had validity, he lied.

under oath. The president of the USA lied under oath.

I am not defending the Iraq fiasco. But both parties authorized and funded it. Now obama has managed to undo what little positive we accomplished there, and in the process made the world a much more dangerous place.

No, Obama just got stuck with the tab when Bush and his boys snuck out the back door. People were predicting EXACTLY this was going to happen back in 2005. the real problem was that Iraq probably should be partitioned into three countries.

but this whole discussion is foolish---------jeb and hillary will not be the candidates in 2016.

Really? And you base that on what?

Hillary will easily beat anyone the democrats put up against her, and in fact, I don't even think anyone is going to try to run against her that hard. It's only if she decides on her own not to run.

MEANWHILE- The real problem the GOP has is that the rich people who really call the shots in your party won't run one of the nuts you guys would really fall in love with.

It's the old expression. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.

Hillary will be the second Iraq war president.

So the bolded above, do Republicans fall in love or not? Again you make no sense.

That said, look at the evidence. Cantor out in the primary. McConnell challenged and should have lost. The Tea Party. Nothing like that in the Democrat party. All that comes out of the DNC are talking points like you are posting. When was the last time a incumbent democrat was challenged in a primary?
When a two-term weak president is followed by one either equally weak or so mentally impaired as not to remember much about anything is it silly to expect strong but evil leaders to do anything other than attack?
When a two-term weak president is followed by one either equally weak or so mentally impaired as not to remember much about anything is it silly to expect strong but evil leaders to do anything other than attack?

I forgot who was in office before Ronald Reagan....Please remind me.....:biggrin:
Remember their EXCUSE for not voting in the FIRST woman President the last time?

she voted for the IRAQ WAR

so I guess that's all water under the bridge now. She's wanted again by the LOYAL base of the Democrat party

cracks me up

If I was her, I'd tell you lame people to go find someone else to kick around like you did her before

but she's in love WITH POWER so she'll stick it out and we'll have to hear how she just SO QUALIFIED in NOTHING but being a CAREER politician who rode her hubbies coat tail into a job. she's such a Independent woman and all
This is basically what this thread amounts to:

Just because Beck said so doesn't make that feeling of doom go away, in fact it should make it worse.

Hillary is leading every possible name your side brings up by 8-16 points. Not one poll shows a Republican beating her.

They don't have to. It's 2014.
By the time Obama gets done screwing everything up Hillary will be the last person any sane person would vote for.

Talked with a waitress at IHop yesterday who was able to finally have health insurance through the ACA because IHop holds her hours down to keep from having to give her health insurance. Yup, Obama has really screwed up lots of people who now have access to health care. I am getting pretty sick of hearing how Obama has screwed up the US, without some of you loons providing details.

The deficit is the lowest in years, we are withdrawing from W's last war, millions of people now have health insurance who were shut out for years, and the unemployment rate is at 6.1% and falling. Tell me how Obama is screwing over the US please...

I don't agree with all of his positions or his stances, but to say he has screwed over the country is unfounded.

His lie under oath resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and a big fine. So yeah, you shrug it off but the man lied under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights.

This would be the woman who was so traumitized by seeing a penis that she took off all her clothes and appeared in Penthouse because she was left with a ton of legal bills when the Wingnuts were done using her, right?

But you have already shown us that you care not about Iraq so why do you keep bring it up?

My, my look at all the liberal left wing heavy weights that agreed with Bush. Are you that willing to say they were just fooled by Bush? You know stupid Bush? You don't care about Iraq why do you continue to pretend you do?

And how many of those guys launched an invasion of Iraq that the CIA and Pentagon said was a bad idea?

I can't speak for her, as you do, but the case centered around sexual harassment in the work place. And it doesn't matter if the case had validity, he lied.

Paula Jones can speak for herself, and even she admits that got used by the wingnuts.

And it doesn't matter that he lied about a subject that had no bearing on whether or not he harrassed Jones.

That he got a blow job five years later had nothing to do with whether or not he wagged his wang at Jones.

Hillary will be the second Iraq war president.

So the bolded above, do Republicans fall in love or not? Again you make no sense.

Your inability to comprehend English beyond what you repeat from Hate Radio is not my problem, guy.

That said, look at the evidence. Cantor out in the primary. McConnell challenged and should have lost. The Tea Party. Nothing like that in the Democrat party. All that comes out of the DNC are talking points like you are posting. When was the last time a incumbent democrat was challenged in a primary?

Actually, what's happening, other than Cantor, is that the GOP establishment has figured out finally that the Tea Party with its 49% unfavorable rating is hurting the GOP brand and they've managed to sabotage every teabagger in a contested race before they can do something like put an adjective in front of the word "rape".

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