Beer, Cigarettes & Marijuana -- What's the difference?

Interestingly enough, the effects of continued heavy drinking last for up to 5 years after stopping drinking.

Takes about 2 weeks to completely detox off alcohol addiction.

Takes about 6 months to a full year for the body to get back to complete normal.

Cannabis doesn't have those ill effects, nor does it stay in you for over a month, and that is if you are mostly sedentary and fat, because THC is fat soluble.

Yeah, right. You can pop positive for THC for up to 6 months.

No, you can't Gunny. I know this from DAPA sources, as well as practical demonstrations at MEPS for every applicant that we piss tested over the 2 years I was there.

Longest I'd ever seen it go for was 3 weeks. Recruiters will "unofficially" test an applicant back at their station until they finally piss clean, and then bring them to MEPS to be processed.
One deranged Leftist here just claimed it's "Racist" to keep Marijuana illegal. More proof that pot does have an adverse effect on the human brain. It's true people. Yikes!
The origins of weed criminalization are racist. Look it up.

Incorrect. While your argument DOES have merit, it was not the origin, nor the sole basis. The biggest problem with weed is it competes with a firmly entrenched alcohol lobby than ensures it stays illegal. Blaming things on blacks during the heyday of Klan was SOP. It was just a cover for the real culprit -- corporate profit.
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I am happy with my life, I don't need to 'escape' from reality with drink or drugs.

Driving under the influence is not 'negligence', it is premeditated murder. They are aware of the risk to others and choose to do it anyway. So, yep, they should be put down....
....Especially if they're alcoholics, right??

Then, we could keep regressing....and, start burning epileptics, at the stake (again), for being possessed!!!

What a wonderful, little World it'd be, if we could, eliminate ALL sick-people!!! (...The-sooner-the-better!!)


So you consider allowing those under the influence killing innocent people progress? Further, you don't want to discourage the activity by instituting a large penalty?

You can kill someone and pay less than $4,000.

So you're resorting to straw men?

Show us one person that said driving while high should be legal.
One deranged Leftist here just claimed it's "Racist" to keep Marijuana illegal. More proof that pot does have an adverse effect on the human brain. It's true people. Yikes!
The origins of weed criminalization are racist. Look it up.

Incorrect. While your argument DOES have merit, it was not the origin, nor the sole basis. The biggest problem with weed is it competes with a firmly entrenched alcohol lobby than ensures it stays illegal. Blaming things on blacks during the heyday of Klan was SOP. It was just a cover for the real culprit -- corporate profit.

indeed, close to what i said as well
I don't see why marijuana couldn't be legalized and controlled in much the same way as alcohol.

The difference lies in the residual effect of both and the risk factors for the population as a whole. Somebody stoned on marijuana is certainly no more dangerous to himself or the population as a whole than is somebody drunk on alcohol.

However, alcohol, even in high quanities, clears the system within 24 hours and any residual hangover lasts no more than another 24 hours. Ergo, an airline pilot can be drunk as a skunk on Saturday night, and be perfectly sober and cleared for duty by Tuesday morning. And there will be no blood alcohol detected.

Marijuana, however, remains detectable in the body for up to 30 days and there is no known test to determine when a person last used it or how impaired he or she might be. And that makes it far more difficult to regulate than alcohol. For that reason, if we legalize the stuff, and I am not opposed to that, I would want the authorities to back employers and regulatory processes to the hilt to have zero tolerance for marijuana use in all professions where a clear head and quick response time is important.

Alcohol is one of the few drugs that functions on zero order kinetics. That means the rate of metabolism is affected by time and time alone (as opposed to dosage or other factors). That's why hospitals are generally moving away from pumping stomachs. By the time someone is so intoxicated that they are brought to the hospital, the alcohol is already in their blood/liver and out of their stomach. The only think you can do is keep their airway clear. There is no antidote (unlike opiates, benzos, etc).

The effect of pot wears off in hours, but a person will come up "hot" because THC is fat soluble and not water soluble like alcohol (metabolized to acetic acid). That doesn't mean the person is still high, they just have enough molecules hiding out in their fat and are gradually excreting it out of their urine over a longer period of time.
So, because you have not experienced these effects, they effects don't exist? What a fucking moron. Drugs affect different people differently.... Growing UK research suggests a strong link between pot and paranoia. Does that mean everyone who does it will suffer from paranoia? No. But, it means that it can act as a trigger in some people.

You mean pot and psychosis. No one has ever disputed that pot makes people paranoid as a side effect. That's transient. The psychosis is in the form of schizophrenia and is permanent. Though the correlation wasn't strong, but it does appear that chronic MJ use can trigger schizophrenia in people who were predispositioned to it.

That being said, it's really hard to support that since we don't even know the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
Interestingly enough, the effects of continued heavy drinking last for up to 5 years after stopping drinking.

Takes about 2 weeks to completely detox off alcohol addiction.

Takes about 6 months to a full year for the body to get back to complete normal.

Cannabis doesn't have those ill effects, nor does it stay in you for over a month, and that is if you are mostly sedentary and fat, because THC is fat soluble.

Yeah, right. You can pop positive for THC for up to 6 months.

No, you can't Gunny. I know this from DAPA sources, as well as practical demonstrations at MEPS for every applicant that we piss tested over the 2 years I was there.

Longest I'd ever seen it go for was 3 weeks. Recruiters will "unofficially" test an applicant back at their station until they finally piss clean, and then bring them to MEPS to be processed.

I think it would depend on how sensitive the micron count was set too. I know the government's is pretty liberal, meaning that if the threshold for being "positive" is 1000 microns and a person's urine had 999 microns of thc in it, they would come out as negative. If you set the test at, say one micron, everyone would be positive because the body makes endogenous canniboids (in low doses).
....Especially if they're alcoholics, right??

Then, we could keep regressing....and, start burning epileptics, at the stake (again), for being possessed!!!

What a wonderful, little World it'd be, if we could, eliminate ALL sick-people!!! (...The-sooner-the-better!!)


So you consider allowing those under the influence killing innocent people progress? Further, you don't want to discourage the activity by instituting a large penalty?

You can kill someone and pay less than $4,000.

So you're resorting to straw men?

Show us one person that said driving while high should be legal.
saveliberty said it

then he refuted it, proving him right and saveliberty a retarded hack

That's the problem with statistics. Most of the time, people who are smoking pot are also doing other drugs, including alcohol. That's why the statistics here are almost completely meaningless. Except the obvious one - no person EVER has died of an overdose of marijuana.

The fact of the matter is that marijuana is significantly less dangerous a drug than alcohol or cigarettes - and the fact that it is illegal while the others are not is due not to facts about the drug, but other political maneuvering.

It's also necessary to consider that marijuana-related illnesses and incidents (such as traffic accidents) are usually just lumped into the stats for other substances. The stats for the health effects of tobacco, for example, are derived from statistics on a variety of health problems linked to tobacco, whether the sufferer actually smoked or not. This means that if long-term marijuana smoking DID cause lung cancer and emphysemia, we'd never know because it would just be labeled a "smoking-related death" and left at that.

Likewise, people DO get in traffic accidents under the influence of marijuana for the same reasons they do with alcohol: both of them screw with your reaction time and judgement ability.
.....But, go ahead....let's see your's!!


From the National Institutes of Health:

There are data showing that marijuana can play a role in motor vehicle crashes. Studies show that approximately 4–14 percent of drivers who sustained injury or died in traffic accidents tested positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol was detected as well. When users combine marijuana with alcohol, as they often do, the hazards of driving can be more severe than with either drug alone. In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; however, the effects of even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than those of either drug alone.

In one study conducted in Memphis, Tennessee, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine. Data also show that while smoking marijuana, people display the same lack of coordination on standard “drunk driver” tests as do people who have had too much to drink.

NIDA - Publications - Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know, pg 11-12

You know, the more you talk, the more convinced I become that marijuana is bad and mind-destroying. You'd probably help your argument more if you didn't say anything.
Agree 100%. In fact, the biggest lobbyist in Washington DC against the use of medical marijuana is in fact, the pharmacutical industry in this country--that has bought and paid for decades of propoganda against a completely organic plant.

This while they're PUSHING on us all their new drugs which is the primary reason why our medical insurance rates have gone through the roof. New drugs for restless leg syndrome, and all of the other syndromes, including erectile dysnfunction. You get a 10 second description of what this new pill is for, then a 45 second warning of the side effects, which include: death, suicidal thoughts, weight gain, musle and joint pain, etc. etc. ect. Yet--the Federal Government still does not recognize an organic plant--with no long term side effects-while we're spending billions of dollars each year to prosecute and lock up the marijuana user.

Of course, all of this paranoia over something you could grow in your backyard that could wipe out half of your medicine cabinet.

Our Federal GOVERNMENT at work!!!:clap2: Did I forget to mention that I am a conservative--and active tea party member?

What the smuck does "organic" have to do with anything? Nightshade and hemlock are both "organic", but they'll still kill you.
You surely-do ask a lotta questions.

Ya' ever do your OWN research?????


How do you expect me to research your ignorant opinions EXCEPT by asking you? YOU said "organic" like it made some big-ass difference to you, so I'd like to know what you think that difference is. If YOU don't know, either, why the smuck did you say it?

Like I said, the more you talk, the more obvious it becomes that marijuana creates drooling morons.
Then, of course--you have a link to anyone--over the decades that has ended up in one of our emergency rooms because of an overdose of marijuana--or one that has died of some kind of lung disease--over long term use of it.

Then maybe--you'll show some credibility.

The facts are: That our forefathers were fined if they did not grow marijuana plants--whose bi-products were used for rope and tents. George Washinton's main crop was the marijuana plant--and our declaration of independence is written on hemp paper.

This took all of 15 seconds. The internet is great.
Marijuana Smokers Face Rapid Lung Destruction -- As Much As 20 Years Ahead Of Tobacco Smokers

Keep searchin', Skippy!!!

Brilliantly incisive. Indeed, I'm left breathless by your indepth, well-documented rebuttal.

Keep talking, because if anything, you're convincing people that we should STRENGTHEN restrictions on marijuana. Parents, save your children from ending up like THIS flatliner!
There are data showing that marijuana can play a role in motor vehicle crashes.

Anything that slows your reaction time and can cause you to disassociate from your surroundings can make you crash a car if you're dumb enough to drive while under the influence.
It seems to me that lots of people want to justify their addiction to marijuana......

(Sorry. I forgot to turn-off my Bimbo-firewall.)



Mr. Shaman: Marijuana don't hurt nobody. Look how smart I is! :eusa_drool:

I have better things to do than listen to the stoned ramblings of a dipshit whose biggest cause in life is defending his right to be braindead. FLUSH!
From the National Institutes of Health:

There are data showing that marijuana can play a role in motor vehicle crashes. Studies show that approximately 4–14 percent of drivers who sustained injury or died in traffic accidents tested positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol was detected as well. When users combine marijuana with alcohol, as they often do, the hazards of driving can be more severe than with either drug alone. In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; however, the effects of even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than those of either drug alone.

In one study conducted in Memphis, Tennessee, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine. Data also show that while smoking marijuana, people display the same lack of coordination on standard “drunk driver” tests as do people who have had too much to drink.

NIDA - Publications - Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know, pg 11-12

You know, the more you talk, the more convinced I become that marijuana is bad and mind-destroying. You'd probably help your argument more if you didn't say anything.

Anyone that drives while acutely intoxicated on any substance is negligent. I don't think anyone would argue that.

However, as has been pointed out, you can test positive for MJ far after (weeks) the effects are gone.

This brings up the biggest problem to the legalization aspect IMO. How do you test someone to see if they are acutely intoxicated? I can't imagine anything as handy as a breathalyzer, which means you'd have to draw labs on people.
Interestingly enough, the effects of continued heavy drinking last for up to 5 years after stopping drinking.

Takes about 2 weeks to completely detox off alcohol addiction.

Takes about 6 months to a full year for the body to get back to complete normal.

Cannabis doesn't have those ill effects, nor does it stay in you for over a month, and that is if you are mostly sedentary and fat, because THC is fat soluble.

Yeah, right. You can pop positive for THC for up to 6 months.

No, you can't Gunny. I know this from DAPA sources, as well as practical demonstrations at MEPS for every applicant that we piss tested over the 2 years I was there.

Longest I'd ever seen it go for was 3 weeks. Recruiters will "unofficially" test an applicant back at their station until they finally piss clean, and then bring them to MEPS to be processed.

Yeah you can. There's no set rule. Metabolism is what makes the determination. Which doesn't mean shit either when you consider they don't test 200% of the samples.

Dude, shockingly enough, I was the ENTNAC here. I don't think you have a "recruiter story" I haven't heard.

Drinka a bottle of vinegar or pickle juice. That'll do it.:lol:
I don't see why marijuana couldn't be legalized and controlled in much the same way as alcohol.

The difference lies in the residual effect of both and the risk factors for the population as a whole. Somebody stoned on marijuana is certainly no more dangerous to himself or the population as a whole than is somebody drunk on alcohol.

However, alcohol, even in high quanities, clears the system within 24 hours and any residual hangover lasts no more than another 24 hours. Ergo, an airline pilot can be drunk as a skunk on Saturday night, and be perfectly sober and cleared for duty by Tuesday morning. And there will be no blood alcohol detected.

Marijuana, however, remains detectable in the body for up to 30 days and there is no known test to determine when a person last used it or how impaired he or she might be. And that makes it far more difficult to regulate than alcohol. For that reason, if we legalize the stuff, and I am not opposed to that, I would want the authorities to back employers and regulatory processes to the hilt to have zero tolerance for marijuana use in all professions where a clear head and quick response time is important.

Alcohol is one of the few drugs that functions on zero order kinetics. That means the rate of metabolism is affected by time and time alone (as opposed to dosage or other factors). That's why hospitals are generally moving away from pumping stomachs. By the time someone is so intoxicated that they are brought to the hospital, the alcohol is already in their blood/liver and out of their stomach. The only think you can do is keep their airway clear. There is no antidote (unlike opiates, benzos, etc).

The effect of pot wears off in hours, but a person will come up "hot" because THC is fat soluble and not water soluble like alcohol (metabolized to acetic acid). That doesn't mean the person is still high, they just have enough molecules hiding out in their fat and are gradually excreting it out of their urine over a longer period of time.

That is my understanding but thanks for putting it into more proper clinical form. :)

But unless they've developed new technology in the last few years, would you not agree that once a drunk person sobers up and gets through the hangover, he is generally good to go and not a threat to others if he pilots an airplane or gets behind the wheel or whatever?

And I agree (and said) that testing positive for THC does not necessarily indicate probable impairment, but there is no way to know for sure. You can't tell from the test how long ago it was that the person used the drug. Therefore, the recommendation that there be zero tolerance for those who will be engaged in activities that call for mental sharpness and normal reaction time.
That is my understanding but thanks for putting it into more proper clinical form. :)

But unless they've developed new technology in the last few years, would you not agree that once a drunk person sobers up and gets through the hangover, he is generally good to go and not a threat to others if he pilots an airplane or gets behind the wheel or whatever?

It depends on how much of a drunk they are. People that are addicted to alcohol, and I mean seriously addicted, will literally die without it. To quantify, a person can and will die from DTs. Not even heroin kills someone when they withdraw. Some people drink because they can't stop. Their body is that dependent on it.

However, barring that, once a person is sober, and they can function hung over, they aren't a threat behind a wheel.

And I agree (and said) that testing positive for THC does not necessarily indicate probable impairment, but there is no way to know for sure. You can't tell from the test how long ago it was that the person used the drug. Therefore, the recommendation that there be zero tolerance for those who will be engaged in activities that call for mental sharpness and normal reaction time.

I think the lack of a test that can tell if someone is acutely intoxicated from MJ is the biggest pragmatic barrier behind full legalization. I would speculate that they could do a urine test and equate the THC level with a degree of intoxication, but that would require taking someone back to the station and doing the labs and most likely holding them until they come back.

Just something to think about.
Why are two of the above legal but the one isn't?
- 75000 die a year from alcohol related incidents.
- 0 die a year from Marijuana related incidents.
Why the hell can you drink as much alcohol as you want in America but a person can't smoke a joint without worrying about doing jail time? Simple question, please answer to the point.

What do cigarettes have to do with this? Are you claiming they are also a perception altering substance??

lol of course they are

nicotine's mood-altering effects are different by report: in particular it is both a stimulant and a relaxant.[26] First causing a release of glucose from the liver and epinephrine (adrenaline) from the adrenal medulla, it causes stimulation. Users report feelings of relaxation, sharpness, calmness, and alertness.[27] By reducing the appetite and raising the metabolism, some smokers may lose weight as a consequence.[28][29]
When a cigarette is smoked, nicotine-rich blood passes from the lungs to the brain within seven seconds and immediately stimulates the release of many chemical messengers including acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, arginine, dopamine, autocrine agents, and beta-endorphin.[30] This release of neurotransmitters and hormones is responsible for most of nicotine's effects. Nicotine appears to enhance concentration[31] and memory due to the increase of acetylcholine. It also appears to enhance alertness due to the increases of acetylcholine and norepinephrine. Arousal is increased by the increase of norepinephrine. Pain is reduced by the increases of acetylcholine and beta-endorphin. Anxiety is reduced by the increase of beta-endorphin. Nicotine also extends the duration of positive effects of dopamine[32] and increases sensitivity in brain reward systems.[33] Most cigarettes (in the smoke inhaled) contain 1 to 3 milligrams of nicotine.[34]
Research suggests that, when smokers wish to achieve a stimulating effect, they take short quick puffs, which produce a low level of blood nicotine.[35] This stimulates nerve transmission. When they wish to relax, they take deep puffs, which produce a high level of blood nicotine, which depresses the passage of nerve impulses, producing a mild sedative effect. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psychostimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect. Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use. (Another drug that behaves similarly is ethanol.)

Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So then how many cigarettes would I have to smoke until my perception is impaired to the point of driving a car, or operating heavy machinery?

That's my point. Cigarettes are continually equated to alcohol & drugs, yet I've never heard of someone causing an accident while under the influence of tobacco.

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