Beer or Wine

Beer and wine are essentially the same thing. The only real difference is beer is made from grain, and wine is made from fruit. The procedures are virtually the same.

Yes I know they don't taste the same.
Beer and wine are essentially the same thing. The only real difference is beer is made from grain, and wine is made from fruit. The procedures are virtually the same.

Yes I know they don't taste the same.

And wine has a higher alcohol content.
The only thing that makes them similar is the production of alcohol.
Same could be said about all alcohol.
And wine has a higher alcohol content.
The only thing that makes them similar is the production of alcohol.
Same could be said about all alcohol.
Nope. other than the choice of fermentable stock, the procedures are virtually the same.
Depends on the meal, I drink beer more than wine but with some meals wine just works better.

For beer my favorites are Pacifico for something lighter, otherwise Sam Adams. The seasonal Sam Adams are great IMO, especially the Oktoberfest. They also make a summer ale that is really good despite a citrus vibe, usually I don't like fruitish beer but the summer ale works.

For wine I like Malbec and Shiraz, not a fan of white wine.
Depends on the meal, I drink beer more than wine but with some meals wine just works better.

For beer my favorites are Pacifico for something lighter, otherwise Sam Adams. The seasonal Sam Adams are great IMO, especially the Oktoberfest. They also make a summer ale that is really good despite a citrus vibe, usually I don't like fruitish beer but the summer ale works.

For wine I like Malbec and Shiraz, not a fan of white wine.
Sam Adams is the best beers you have tried??
You have tasted about .002% of what beers are out there. :)

Sam Adams Oktoberfest is what McDonalds is to hamburgers. It taste good, but there is SO much better out there.
Try Spaten Oktoberfest, same exact recipe since 1872.
It is from Munich.

Beer and wine are essentially the same thing. The only real difference is beer is made from grain, and wine is made from fruit. The procedures are virtually the same.

Yes I know they don't taste the same.
Yeah... no.
Beer is brewed to create wort, mashing process (not mashing as in smashing, mashing is a process in which the wort needs to steep in consistent 148 - 152 degrees to break down enzymes.)
Wine is not brewed or mashed.
Sam Adams is the best beers you have tried??
You have tasted about .002% of what beers are out there. :)
I said Sam Adams is my favorite, which is entirely different than how you have paraphrased what I said.

Taste and preference is subjective, there is no wrong answer.
Yeah... no.
Beer is brewed to create wort, mashing process (not mashing as in smashing, mashing is a process in which the wort needs to steep in consistent 148 - 152 degrees to break down enzymes.)
Wine is not brewed or mashed.
Thanks for the correction. It's been more than 10 years since I made any beer, and that step slipped my mind. Otherwise, they are very similar.
This is just a post on bringing folks in Washington together on an issue. It looks like one of the issues is Booze.
An article on Whiskey tariffs.

I tend to be more of a beer drinker. I prefer craft beers.

European and Canadian used to be my favorites . And even though I have been alcohol free since 2017 my wife still drinks wines sometimes and I miss both sometimes but my liver doesn't. I could never figure out how to drink in moderation so I was the textbook alcoholic for a while but now I'm one of the billion dollar Arkansas medical cannabis industry members.

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