*Before I Shuffle Off To Prison, Let Me Say This*

This will be good. I find it difficult believe Cohen will lie to congress knowing it could easily add years to his sentence. It's plain he feels betrayed by the organization he fixed for. Payback is a bitch.
I give Cohne about six months in a federal prison.
He's a latent fag. When the 'brothers' are finished with him he'll be found dead.
Fascinating.....and what are you going to do to make that kind of thing......"happen"?
This will be good. I find it difficult believe Cohen will lie to congress knowing it could easily add years to his sentence. It's plain he feels betrayed by the organization he fixed for. Payback is a bitch.
I give Cohne about six months in a federal prison.
He's a latent fag. When the 'brothers' are finished with him he'll be found dead.
Nice. The federal prison system does a fair job of protecting high profile white collar criminals.
Yes. The prosecutors will corroborate any accusations he may make, before they would act on it and charge someone else. But he also risks being charged with perjury/lying before Congress if he chooses to lie, which will ADD to his sentence time.... and I simply can not believe Cohen wants more prison time.
he should just say he didn't mean to lie...or break laws...

works for the left. well, unless the left is after the right. then all bets are off.
What are you actually trying to 'argue' here? That Cohen should just keep his trap shut? If this is your argument, why are you taking that stance? Would you take that stance if it were someone willing to come clean and testify about Clinton? Or Obama?

I think you need to get yourself in check, before you start pointing fingers...

As the Lord says:

Before you try to remove the speck of sawdust out of another man's eye, remove the PLANK from your own.
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks

No one "threw bricks" at the Big O. They didn't even set up a Special Persecutors' Officer to look into Obama. Basically, Trump's predecessor got a free ride for 8 years
Why do you think that is?
Yes. The prosecutors will corroborate any accusations he may make, before they would act on it and charge someone else. But he also risks being charged with perjury/lying before Congress if he chooses to lie, which will ADD to his sentence time.... and I simply can not believe Cohen wants more prison time.
he should just say he didn't mean to lie...or break laws...

works for the left. well, unless the left is after the right. then all bets are off.
What are you actually trying to 'argue' here? That Cohen should just keep his trap shut? If this is your argument, why are you taking that stance? Would you take that stance if it were someone willing to come clean and testify about Clinton? Or Obama?

I think you need to get yourself in check, before you start pointing fingers...

As the Lord says:

Before you try to remove the speck of sawdust out of another man's eye, remove the PLANK from your own.
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
he should just say he didn't mean to lie...or break laws...

works for the left. well, unless the left is after the right. then all bets are off.
What are you actually trying to 'argue' here? That Cohen should just keep his trap shut? If this is your argument, why are you taking that stance? Would you take that stance if it were someone willing to come clean and testify about Clinton? Or Obama?

I think you need to get yourself in check, before you start pointing fingers...

As the Lord says:

Before you try to remove the speck of sawdust out of another man's eye, remove the PLANK from your own.
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
see - i can agree with much of your opinions on trump. he's far from the most refined president we've ever had. but he sure does tweak off those who demand we do things their way or we're evil people. to many, he's at least the right guy for the times.

but when you turn around and pull the obama worship, you lose me completely.

you bitch at trump for being mean to people who criticize him yet you say nothing of obama's heavy hand to any press that did the same to him. the difference was, he did it behind closed doors and denied it.

this is cheerleader shit, dude. nothing more, nothing less
Let's see, Cohen lied to congress but democrats subpoena him to lie again. Say what?
Yeah he's going to lie again to increase his time in jail You idiots come up with the most absurd BS
yea, like "you mean with a cloth" or "well he didn't mean to break the law".

sorry - but i will bust a gut laughing if anyone the left is after gets out of by saying they didn't intend to. suddenly that defense you loved becomes an albatross.
What are you actually trying to 'argue' here? That Cohen should just keep his trap shut? If this is your argument, why are you taking that stance? Would you take that stance if it were someone willing to come clean and testify about Clinton? Or Obama?

I think you need to get yourself in check, before you start pointing fingers...

As the Lord says:

Before you try to remove the speck of sawdust out of another man's eye, remove the PLANK from your own.
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
see - i can agree with much of your opinions on trump. he's far from the most refined president we've ever had. but he sure does tweak off those who demand we do things their way or we're evil people. to many, he's at least the right guy for the times.

but when you turn around and pull the obama worship, you lose me completely.

you bitch at trump for being mean to people who criticize him yet you say nothing of obama's heavy hand to any press that did the same to him. the difference was, he did it behind closed doors and denied it.

this is cheerleader shit, dude. nothing more, nothing less
We'll just have to agree to disagree I believe Obama was a gentleman in all his actions AND he knew how to smile and didn't tweet
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
see - i can agree with much of your opinions on trump. he's far from the most refined president we've ever had. but he sure does tweak off those who demand we do things their way or we're evil people. to many, he's at least the right guy for the times.

but when you turn around and pull the obama worship, you lose me completely.

you bitch at trump for being mean to people who criticize him yet you say nothing of obama's heavy hand to any press that did the same to him. the difference was, he did it behind closed doors and denied it.

this is cheerleader shit, dude. nothing more, nothing less
We'll just have to agree to disagree I believe Obama was a gentleman in all his actions AND he knew how to smile and didn't tweet
then you have selective vision, which is why i can't take you seriously.

Spare me your hypocritical journalism lecture, Mr. President
Obama's Treatment by the Press
Under Obama, a Chill on Press Freedom
Obama says he never attacked the press, and gets a scathing history lesson
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

his own DOJ is in court now for spying on sharyl attkisson, the same journalist he spent years discrediting cause she broke fast and furious.

you believe what you want to believe, not what is real.
It should be fairly obvious at this point that the only thing that's going to get anyone affiliated with Trump a lighter sentence from the Southern District of NY is if they give prosecutors something to use against Trump. Anyone who thinks that isn't the case is a bit naïve! The question now becomes...who do you trust when you start encouraging people to come up with things or go to jail for a long time?
It should be fairly obvious at this point that the only thing that's going to get anyone affiliated with Trump a lighter sentence from the Southern District of NY is if they give prosecutors something to use against Trump. Anyone who thinks that isn't the case is a bit naïve! The question now becomes...who do you trust when you start encouraging people to come up with things or go to jail for a long time?
i trust no one put in a position of "give us dirt on trump or go to jail for a long long time" and i trust the agency doing that even less.

i don't care which side they are doing it to; it is wrong to do it period.
Cowardly Lyin' Donald, the biggest liar in the world, defends himself against Cohen by calling Cohen a liar.

This is right out of a comedy.

All of Cohen's lies were lies done on behalf of his client, Cowardly Lyin' Donald.

It is hilarious Crooked Donald is attacking Cohen for lying for him.
All of Cohen's lies were lies done on behalf of his client, Cowardly Lyin' Donald.

It is hilarious Crooked Donald is attacking Cohen for lying for him.
so cohen will lie for someone else but it's beyond reason to think he'd do the same, for himself.

thats pretty stupid, even for you.
simple. if you're mad someone lied to the gov, then get mad at all who do it.

selective rage is what is killing us.

and your quote is incorrect.

but how about "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". you reap what you sow.

we can do this all day long. but in the end, i find it difficult at best to get mad at anyone on the "right" for "lying" when the left didn't give a horse shit about their side doing it.

oh yea - practice what you preach.

this quote shit is fun!
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
see - i can agree with much of your opinions on trump. he's far from the most refined president we've ever had. but he sure does tweak off those who demand we do things their way or we're evil people. to many, he's at least the right guy for the times.

but when you turn around and pull the obama worship, you lose me completely.

you bitch at trump for being mean to people who criticize him yet you say nothing of obama's heavy hand to any press that did the same to him. the difference was, he did it behind closed doors and denied it.

this is cheerleader shit, dude. nothing more, nothing less
We'll just have to agree to disagree I believe Obama was a gentleman in all his actions AND he knew how to smile and didn't tweet
Furthermore, Obama never said neo-Nazis were fine people.
tiki torch charlottesville - Bing images
Yeah,,don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house Obama had 8 years of repubs throwing bricks
and you thought it was stupid and counter productive.

now you do it with glee.

which is my point - people shout out something is stupid and/or needs to be "punished" but they defend their own sides actions and in the end, it comes down to "well they did it first" and at this point, FIRST is no longer relevant.

we just keep repeating it out of habit now.

so - if it was stupid to do it to obama, why is it suddenly viable? oh - cause you hate trump; or the very same reasons they did it and you thought it was wrong/stupid.
I don't hate trump ice I hate him pretending to be a president His rude blabbermouth irritates me His vile words towards anyone criticizing him His patting himself on the back all the time like the rooster squawking in the morning cause he thinks he's the reason the sun comes up A COMPLETE opposite from an honorable president Obama
see - i can agree with much of your opinions on trump. he's far from the most refined president we've ever had. but he sure does tweak off those who demand we do things their way or we're evil people. to many, he's at least the right guy for the times.

but when you turn around and pull the obama worship, you lose me completely.

you bitch at trump for being mean to people who criticize him yet you say nothing of obama's heavy hand to any press that did the same to him. the difference was, he did it behind closed doors and denied it.

this is cheerleader shit, dude. nothing more, nothing less
We'll just have to agree to disagree I believe Obama was a gentleman in all his actions AND he knew how to smile and didn't tweet
Furthermore, Obama never said neo-Nazis were fine people.
tiki torch charlottesville - Bing images
who did? if this is a trump reference, this is not who he was talking about. this is asstards painting other with a wide brush they'd never allow done to them.

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