Before liberals want to control guns, they should actually know what guns do.

There's a lot of reasons why gun control legislation is nonsense, but the biggest ones are that liberals don't really know anything about guns.

So here's your lesson from WW2 - very good.

What liberals think they are stopping:

What liberals are actually allowing:

Demanding an anti-2nd Amendment gun-grabber to actually know what guns do is like demanding a pro-abortion USSC Justice nominee to be able to answer the question, 'What is a woman?'

How ridiculous...

:p. bwuhahahahaha
Demanding an anti-2nd Amendment gun-grabber to actually know what guns do is like demanding a pro-abortion USSC Justice nominee to be able to answer the question, 'What is a woman?'

How ridiculous...

:p. bwuhahahahaha
Biden's America - mothers will plead useless cops to save the lives of their children while Democrats will plead with the supreme court to allow them to murder children.
Biden's America - mothers will plead useless cops to save the lives of their children while Democrats will plead with the supreme court to allow them to murder children.
'SOCIAL WORKERS' - remember, Democrats want cops to be replaced with socially workers...
They do make mass murders a whole lot easier.

So do rental trucks….the Muslim in France, using a rental truck killed 86 people and injured 450.

That number is bigger than any mass public shooting in the U.S.

In fact, that number is higher than all the deaths in each year of mass public shootings except for two

Rental trucks are deadlier than guns by a long shot

We should hope that mass killers never realize this
So do rental trucks….the Muslim in France, using a rental truck killed 86 people and injured 450.

That number is bigger than any mass public shooting in the U.S.

In fact, that number is higher than all the deaths in each year of mass public shootings except for two

Rental trucks are deadlier than guns by a long shot

We should hope that mass killers never realize this
B...b...but that attack doesn't help the leftist / Democrat gun-grabbing agenda...
So do rental trucks….the Muslim in France, using a rental truck killed 86 people and injured 450.

That number is bigger than any mass public shooting in the U.S.

In fact, that number is higher than all the deaths in each year of mass public shootings except for two

Rental trucks are deadlier than guns by a long shot

We should hope that mass killers never realize this
But shooting off a gun is so much more fun than driving a truck.
Joe Biden advised Americans, if they heard a noise late at night outside their homes, to step out onto their balconies with their guns and shoot up into the air to scare the would-be burglars / assailants away.

- The only problem with this advice is discharging a weapon in such a way is illegal in many places.

Joe Biden once advised people, if anyone was outside trying to manipulate the door knob and / or force their way into the home, to just grab their guns and shoot through the door.

What intelligent snowflake / Biden supporter can tell me what's wrong with this Biden advice?


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