Before Rachel Maddow And Don Lemon.....

The air-wing of the Liberals has one function: to shoot down any who are a threat to their dogma, or their power.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss

All card-carrying liberals.

Frank Zappa saw this top-down journalistic ‘Truth’ for what it was: “They walk in the door seeking a method by which they can reinforce conclusions they've already arrived at. “
I do/did not like Frank Zappa. Yeah, he was a musical genius, I'd rather listen to faggot Freddy's stuff.

Zappa's stuff is like putting a grinder to metal to me. And then there's all the poop sex..ick!
Okay, Freddy did that, obviously, but that poop is nowhere in his music. Zappa? It's right there in your face and all nasty! Blech!
'As a result of the ascension of Hitler and the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!”'
Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.

“The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.”
Opinion | What’s Hot on This BBC Podcast? The Siege of Munster (1534-35)

And that same perspective is true of every Leftist on this board: "... dyspeptic critics of American culture." was the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School who brought the disease to America and established it in our universities.

And who was in charge of the welcoming committee to these opponents of America????

Edward R. Murrow.
The air-wing of the Liberals has one function: to shoot down any who are a threat to their dogma, or their power.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss

All card-carrying liberals.

Frank Zappa saw this top-down journalistic ‘Truth’ for what it was: “They walk in the door seeking a method by which they can reinforce conclusions they've already arrived at. “
Great Journalists who defined our time
Paul Harvey, amirite?
Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Woodrow Wilson-Teddy Roosevelt synthesis of Hegel and Marx.
And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany.

... the guy who greeted them was the same one who was merciless in attacks on the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

There is an analogy from the life of wasps, how they behave, and how the neo-Marxists attacked America.

"When it injects its eggs, it also injects a toxin that paralyzes the host. The young then consume the host from the inside out,..." Connolly’s novel, ‘The Lovers.’

In addition to welcoming the Frankfurt School into our country, Edward R. Murrow did what the Liberal media is paid to do ... he attacked and smeared those who attempted to warn the American public.
Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Woodrow Wilson-Teddy Roosevelt synthesis of Hegel and Marx.
And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany.

... the guy who greeted them was the same one who was merciless in attacks on the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

There is an analogy from the life of wasps, how they behave, and how the neo-Marxists attacked America.

"When it injects its eggs, it also injects a toxin that paralyzes the host. The young then consume the host from the inside out,..." Connolly’s novel, ‘The Lovers.’

In addition to welcoming the Frankfurt School into our country, Edward R. Murrow did what the Liberal media is paid to do ... he attacked and smeared those who attempted to warn the American public.
Err..Frankfurt is in Germany, no?
Oh! That's where hotdogs come from! :yes_text12:
Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Woodrow Wilson-Teddy Roosevelt synthesis of Hegel and Marx.
And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany.

... the guy who greeted them was the same one who was merciless in attacks on the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

There is an analogy from the life of wasps, how they behave, and how the neo-Marxists attacked America.

"When it injects its eggs, it also injects a toxin that paralyzes the host. The young then consume the host from the inside out,..." Connolly’s novel, ‘The Lovers.’

In addition to welcoming the Frankfurt School into our country, Edward R. Murrow did what the Liberal media is paid to do ... he attacked and smeared those who attempted to warn the American public.
Err..Frankfurt is in Germany, no?
Oh! That's where hotdogs come from! :yes_text12:

As communists, their cousins, the Nazis, threw them out of Germany.....without the hotdogs.

3. WWII saw a beginning.... While American presence in Russia was modest and equivocal, Russian presence in wartime America was so large that they had to set up a corporate headquarters on Sixteenth Street in Washington. One of the executives in the huge staff was Victor Kravchenko, metallurgist, engineer, executive, and captain in the Red Army. And the first Soviet “defector.” John V. Fleming, “The Anti-Communist Manifestos”

4. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the dominant Neo-Marxist 'think-tank,' the Frankfurt School, moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!” Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.
The genesis for the rise of Edward R. Murrow and the "celebrity journalist" can be traced to William S. Paley, chief executive of CBS who created the CBS News Division as the equal of the company's entertainment division during the early days of broadcast radio and specifically as a novel way to compete with NBC, and especially the NBC 'Blue' network. NBC 'Blue' focused on lower budget news, cultural and educational programming, while NBC 'Red' focused on bigger budget sponsored entertainment programming.

Along with the News Division's head, Bob Trout, Murrow assembled the team of broadcast journalists that reported on the Second World War and continued through the transition from radio to television. Trout and Murrow invented the concept of news anchor work and the formulas for news magazine programming such as See It Now and 60 Minutes.

Members of the news teams assembled by Trout and Murrow on radio and later on television would occupy most of the anchor seats in American broadcasting for most of the rest of the 20th century.
Edward R Murrow
Walter Cronkite
Dan Rather

Long progression of great TV Journalists
Cronkite WAS great. Rather has turned out to be a brainless, very anti-Trump liberal lunatic. Quite sad, I sorta liked him before Donald Trump became president and turned him into a blathering, senile old fool.
Cronkite was great right up to the point where he lied. It was Cronkite that told the world about our horrific defeat in the Tet Offensive when it had really been a decisive victory. The Viet Cong realized that they never had to win another battle. Just hang in and the American left would win the war for them. That's just what happened. All because Cronkite lied.
Edward R Murrow
Walter Cronkite
Dan Rather

Long progression of great TV Journalists
Cronkite WAS great. Rather has turned out to be a brainless, very anti-Trump liberal lunatic. Quite sad, I sorta liked him before Donald Trump became president and turned him into a blathering, senile old fool.
Cronkite was great right up to the point where he lied. It was Cronkite that told the world about our horrific defeat in the Tet Offensive when it had really been a decisive victory. The Viet Cong realized that they never had to win another battle. Just hang in and the American left would win the war for them. That's just what happened. All because Cronkite lied.

He lied because he was a Leftist.

His support and efforts went to the Democrats.
In government school, black is white and white is black.
An American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy is taught as an un-American traitor, ruining the lives of innocent Americans.
The very opposite is the case: he warned America of what way happening under Roosevelt, and the influence of Soviet Communism.

Guess how Edward R. Murrow used his air-time.

"McCarthy was able to characterize President Truman and the Democratic Party as soft on or even in league with the Communists. McCarthy's allegations were rejected by Truman who was unaware of Venona project decrypts which corroborated Elizabeth Bentley's debriefing after her defection from the Communists.

McCarthy's support and popularity peaked in early 1954 when a January 1954 Gallup Poll showed that 50 percent of the respondents had a generally "favorable opinion" of him.[20] On March 9, 1954, CBS broadcasted Edward R. Murrow's See It Now TV documentary attacking McCarthy."
Joseph McCarthy's career is a study in opportunism and how suddenly a populist politician can lose his appeal. He used his foray into anti-communism as a way to become famous and feed his ego. He was never especially ideological.

The public eventually tired of his antics and that loss of popularity coupled with his alcoholism and morphine addiction contributed to the hepatitis that eventually killed him.

Near the end of his life, when McCarthy had lost his friends and support, a no longer intimidated President Eisenhower commented to his Cabinet that McCarthyism was now "McCarthywasm".

Joseph McCarthy's career is a study in opportunism and how suddenly a populist politician can lose his appeal. He used his foray into anti-communism as a way to become famous and feed his ego. He was never especially ideological.

The public eventually tired of his antics and that loss of popularity coupled with his alcoholism and morphine addiction contributed to the hepatitis that eventually killed him.

Near the end of his life, when McCarthy had lost his friends and support, a no longer intimidated President Eisenhower commented to his Cabinet that McCarthyism was now "McCarthywasm".

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I can see from the post that you are clueless about how much Senator McCarthy gave of his life to warn America.

The ongoing decryption of the Venona cables severely damaged and disruptions of Soviet espionage rings (over 300 Soviet agents active in the US Government during WWII and thereafter) in the last half of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and, while only a few spies were prosecuted, scores of others were identified, removed from their government posts and neutralized. Others who functioned as support personnel for Soviet espionage networks (couriers, recruiters, hosts of safe houses, and providers of false identities and sham jobs) were identified, questioned and frightened into inactivity. The Cold War and Korea reduced government and public toleration for Communists and Communist sympathizers. Truman’s legal assault on communism, including the Smith Act, prosecuted leaders and included removing security risks from government. (see “In Denial,” Haynes and Klehr)

Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Sadly, too many Americans are as ignorant of the facts as you are.
From a historical perspective, the Institute for Social Research or what became known as the "Frankfurt School" was especially interesting for its reinterpretation of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx as applied to social theory.

This synthesis of Marxism and psychoanalysis provided for a fresh and insightful look into social change and the role of the family in the 1930s.

Much of the post-Second World War work was focused on studies of authoritarian personalities, and specifically the character traits distinguished between totalitarian and authoritarian societies.
From a historical perspective, the Institute for Social Research or what became known as the "Frankfurt School" was especially interesting for its reinterpretation of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx as applied to social theory.

This synthesis of Marxism and psychoanalysis provided for a fresh and insightful look into social change and the role of the family in the 1930s.

Much of the post-Second World War work was focused on studies of authoritarian personalities, and specifically the character traits distinguished between totalitarian and authoritarian societies.

What sort of fool, exactly, would claim that the destruction of the family was "a fresh and insightful look into social change"?

"1940s intellectuals inherited a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of society — and how to manipulate them. They started out as Marxists but became disillusioned with Marxism because the lower middle class in Germany in the end opted for National Socialism instead of communism. The response of these intellectuals was to develop theories based on psychoanalysis in which the middle class and any sense of social cohesion were pathologized. From their point of view, the problem was the family itself.

At the center of this onslaught on the middle class was a group of refugee Jewish intellectuals from a communist think-tank in Frankfurt called the “Institute for Social Research.” They are now commonly known as “The Frankfurt School.”

The Frankfurters adopted de Sade's social destabilization techniques. Sexual perversion became “freedom”. Loving your race, family and culture became “authoritarian”— unless of course you were non-white. Mentally healthy people were those who rejected their family and looked with eager eyes toward the “return of the repressed.”
The Difficult Class >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website openDemocracy.

"Even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one's person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks," wrote Lewis, the author of "Fu She said the nuclear family "genders, nationalizes and races us."

"It norms us for productive work. It makes us believe we are 'individuals,'" she said. "It minimizes costs for capital while maximizing human beings' life-making labor (across billions of tiny boxes, each kitted out – absurdly – with its own kitchen, micro-creche and laundry.) It blackmails us into mistaking the only sources of love and care we have for the extent of what is possible."

Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family.

"In short, the pandemic is no time to forget about family abolition. … Far from a time to acquiesce to 'family values' ideology, then, the pandemic is an acutely important time to provision, evacuate and generally empower survivors of – and refugees from – the nuclear household."

Sekulow pointed out openDemocracy gets funding from "notoriously liberal billionaire George Soros."

He also noted Lewis' demand for the abolition of private home ownership.

"This is a disgusting attack on traditional family values by the radical Left. It is unwarranted and unjustified assault at a time when so many are worried and uncertain about the future," he wrote."
The air-wing of the Liberals has one function: to shoot down any who are a threat to their dogma, or their power.

What they did to a child (nick sandman) is a PERFECT example of that!

There was an agreement early on that there would be a free and independent press.
In recognition of that unwritten pledge, the press was given a place in the first amendment:
Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ...

They have broken that agreement in grievous ways.

Somehow, it must be addressed.

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