Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

As a responsible civilization we would sterilize these poor souls that cannot even care for themselves. We do it for animals. It's called the catch neuter and release program.
If we treated people better... and truly educated them instead of teaching them how to have sex long b4 they are ready

maybe we wouldn't have to have ideas like yours which is very un-American. The answer is to care for people when they are young... Many parents do not know how to parent children.. Why don't we teach parenting skills in high school? it's the most imporant job you'll ever have... yet we are teaching kids how to hate their own gender.. mutilate themselves irreversibly...

the TN trans who murdered children in a Christian school comes to mind
Obviously. What do you do with people who value their concept of freedom. They cannot be successfully housed. Now what? Is there a treatment program? How about forcibly housing them?
Yes. They need to be forcibly housed. Just because their concept of freedom is shitting in the streets doesn’t override normal people’s right to enjoyment of their cities.
Yes. They need to be forcibly housed. Just because their concept of freedom is shitting in the streets doesn’t override normal people’s right to enjoyment of their cities.
I've been all over the western half of the US, to big and small towns, have travelled rather extensively

never once have i seen anyone defecating on the streets or any other public place


just an excuse to despise the have nots
As a responsible civilization we would sterilize these poor souls that cannot even care for themselves. We do it for animals. It's called the catch neuter and release program.
If we were truly living in a civilized, responsible society, most of these "poor souls", wouldn't be in their current precarious predicament. You flippantly and cynically dehumanizing these people, throwing them under the bus, and reducing them to mere cats and dogs, doesn't make you very "responsible" or enlightened. Perhaps sociopaths like yourself should be "snipped snipped"? Yes indeed.
Yes. They need to be forcibly housed. Just because their concept of freedom is shitting in the streets doesn’t override normal people’s right to enjoyment of their cities.

They should be adequately and permanently housed (not packed like sardines in "homeless shelters", but in actual housing, as in an efficiency or apartment) and receive whatever assistance they need, as far as drug counseling, and mental health treatment. etc. I would add social services like healthcare, and job training.
I've been all over the western half of the US, to big and small towns, have travelled rather extensively

never once have i seen anyone defecating on the streets or any other public place


just an excuse to despise the have nots
Have you seen what’s going on in San Francisco? Defecating on the streets is a big problem. We need to round these people up and put them in forced housing, with counselors.
They should be adequately and permanently housed (not packed like sardines in "homeless shelters", but in actual housing, as in an efficiency or apartment) and receive whatever assistance they need, as far as drug counseling, and mental health treatment. etc. I would add social services like healthcare, and job training.
We don’t have the money to put all the homeless in apartments.
We don’t have the money to put all the homeless in apartments.

We have more than enough resources to do that. It would cost less than 30 billion to house every single homeless person in America. Homelessness costs the country much more than that. You can google it. Each homeless person costs society tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly. You're not thinking this through.
If we were truly living in a civilized, responsible society, most of these "poor souls", wouldn't be in their current precarious predicament. You flippantly and cynically dehumanizing these people, throwing them under the bus, and reducing them to mere cats and dogs, doesn't make you very "responsible" or enlightened. Perhaps sociopaths like yourself should be "snipped snipped"? Yes indeed.
Responsible people like myself do not breed indiscriminately. In a truly civilized society, these poor souls would not be allowed to exist on their own at all. They would be cared for in a responsible manner. A shelter if you will. A compound or designated preserve, for the most unable to exist on their own. I do not dehumanize these people. They have done that on their own. Now they should be treated as what they have become.
Responsible people like myself do not breed indiscriminately. In a truly civilized society, these poor souls would not be allowed to exist on their own at all. They would be cared for in a responsible manner. A shelter if you will. A compound or designated preserve, for the most unable to exist on their own. I do not dehumanize these people. They have done that on their own. Now they should be treated as what they have become.
Cynical, privileged sociopaths like you created the conditions for these people to be homeless. I was homeless, and in your dystopian hellhole, I would've been neutered and thrown into your "compound" and "designated preserve". The VA, a government agency, through the NYC TORCH program, took me out of the pit and provided me with the resources that I needed to make something of my life. I'm now a machinist, working as a CNC operator and programmer, making a good living. You would've cut my balls off and lobotomized me, like a true Nazi.
We don’t have the money to put all the homeless in apartments.
They don't stay there. Unless you propose locked down apartments. Then they would just destroy their surroundings. The mistake many make is that these are just ordinary folks, maybe a bit down on their luck. All they need is a roof over their heads, a decent job. They are in need of basic services. Nothing could be further from the truth. These are reduced to basic animal responses and some incapable of that. They prey upon one another. The best day they have is when their fentanyl and xylozine has them doubled up with their arms rotting off.
We have more than enough resources to do that. It would cost less than 30 billion to house every single homeless person in America. Homelessness costs the country much more than that. You can google it. Each homeless person costs society tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly. You're not thinking this through.
Nope. Taxpayers are struggling to pay for groceries and gas, and we are already massively in debt. You must be a liberal: your only solution is to give people free housing that is equivalent to that which hard-working people pay for, and then put it on the backs of the hard-working people.

What’s your solution to the million of illegals? Same thing? Free apartments for those who can’t afford it for themselves?
Cynical, privileged sociopaths like you created the conditions for these people to be homeless. I was homeless, and in your dystopian hellhole, I would've been neutered and thrown into your "compound" and "designated preserve". The VA, a government agency, through the NYC TORCH program, took me out of the pit and provided me with the resources that I needed to make something of my life. I'm now a machinist, working as a CNC operator and programmer, making a good living. You would've cut my balls off and lobotomized me, like a true Nazi.
Good for you. True, there are a few exceptions. Most however, are found covered with maggots on the street. In Los Angeles that's how the police could tell who was sleeping it off from the dead. Maggots. Especially by the eyes. They would be found dotting Wilshire Blvd. Why Wilshire? That's where the harm reduction centers were.
Yes. They need to be forcibly housed. Just because their concept of freedom is shitting in the streets doesn’t override normal people’s right to enjoyment of their cities.
it's so unAmerican to force people into things they don't necessarily want

I know enough about govt corruption to say the govt is the last entity that should "help" needy people... Then again, soemtimes that is the only recourse... but in any case, we are a free country

until you're poor?
Good for you. True, there are a few exceptions. Most however, are found covered with maggots on the street. In Los Angeles that's how the police could tell who was sleeping it off from the dead. Maggots. Especially by the eyes. They would be found dotting Wilshire Blvd. Why Wilshire? That's where the harm reduction centers were.
and yet you have no compassion... because they are lesser than you, I guess?
and yet you have no compassion... because they are lesser than you, I guess?
I have no compassion nor empathy for people. I have always said if I came upon someone bleeding to death, I wouldn't help them if I had the last bandaid on earth. I would do anything for animals, but people. Let them rot.
Nope. Taxpayers are struggling to pay for groceries and gas, and we are already massively in debt. You must be a liberal: your only solution is to give people free housing that is equivalent to that which hard-working people pay for, and then put it on the backs of the hard-working people.

What’s your solution to the million of illegals? Same thing? Free apartments for those who can’t afford it for themselves?


Taxpayers are struggling to pay for groceries and gas,

Thanks to Republicans like you, with their "trickle down" economics. You're an old retired wealthy woman, that identifies with the rich. You don't care about working-class people, hence your aversion and spite for any government policy or program that helps the poor and those who work for a living.

...and we are already massively in debt.

The old "national debt" canard, which I already refuted multiple times. We have more than enough money to fund infrastructural development. Housing for the homeless would comprise part of that infrastructure. You ignore the fact that homelessness is more expensive than simply housing them.

----You must be a liberal:

.....You must be a right-wing ideologue, who hates the poor and working class.

-----your only solution is to give people free housing....

That's a straw man argument. The solution for the homeless, is housing (obviously), healthcare (Medicaid), drug-rehab, mental health services, and job training. Whatever we can do for them, to help them get back on their feet. In Israel, if a poor Jewish family makes aliya, they receive plenty of help from the Israeli government. Of course, the US government sends Israel billions yearly, to help them.

Here in New York City, in the Jewish community of Williamsburg and in Crown Heights, they take care of their own. Because Torah commands them to have a system in place to house and feed the poor. Want to debate Torah with me? We can go to the TeNaK and Halacha (step into the ring kindala). I have Hashem on my side, you obstinant daughter of Jacob, who was chosen to repair this world, rather than make it worse.

A non-Jew who keeps the seven laws of Noach is commanded to take care of the poor and homeless, establishing a just court and government. So even if I'm not Jewish, as a Noachide, who studies Torah, the rabbis, and Khabala, I will teach you your own religion, because you spent too much time studying your portfolio $$$$$$$$$$$..

... that is equivalent to that which hard-working people pay for,

Hard-working people don't live in a vacuum, but in a society, where we have to share our living spaces with others. Abandoning people out in the street or herding them into warehouses, only makes the situation worse for everybody and it's much more expensive. Aren't you supposedly the "fiscally conservative" lady?

We need to create a society where every member has a basic foundation upon which to build their lives. This is what Hashem commands, based on TeNaK and Halacha = Mishna/Talmud/the rabbis. Aren't you a religious Jew? If not let me know, and I'll adjust.

....and then put it on the backs of the hard-working people.

Ignoring the poor and underprivileged in society creates more of a burden for hard-working people. But really, since when have you ever concerned yourself with the interests of the working class, huh? Be honest now. You consider those who propose that we have a social safety net for the working class (you know, people who actually work), Stalinists (radical communists). Does the nation of Israel have a social safety net for its citizens? Only Jewish people can have that, but not the goyim? It's OK in Williamsburg and in Crown Heights but not in Hoboken?

What’s your solution to the million of illegals?

It's not one solution.

1. Lift all economic sanctions from Latin American countries, like Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, now Honduras and even El Salvador are facing sanctions. Let's stop undermining these economies with embargoes and threats of war, that way they can develop and their citizens will want to live there, rather than here. They'll stay there, at home.

2. Deploy tens of thousands of American troops on our border, to stop illegal immigration, drugs, weapons, the cartels and human trafficking. We need our military on the border.

3. Build a real wall. Don't just talk about it, do it. Build a freaking barrier that is monitored with technology.

4. When a Central American country like El Salvador has a president that does this:

I speak Spanish, and I know how the people of El Salvador feel about their president. He has a 94% approval rating. They love Him. Support him, don't accuse him of "human rights violations" and try to oust him from power. Support his measures and hence decrease illegal immigration into the US. The people of El Salador LOVE Bukele.

5. Deport all of the illegal immigrants and provide farmers and other industries that rely heavily on illegal workers to fully automate:

Same thing? Free apartments for those who can’t afford it for themselves?

For American citizens and legal residents, not illegal immigrants. They can go back home and make "MEXICO GREAT AGAIN". We will make "AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".

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Should we keep Israel on American government cash assistance? Should America abandon Israel, and not send it any more welfare? What do you think kindala? I'm not against sending aid to Israel or supporting Israel, but if we have obligations towards other countries, like Israel, how can we neglect our obligations towards our fellow Americans who are homeless and killing themselves out in the street? How do you figure? How do you reconcile those two? No social-safety-net for Americans, because supposedly that's "Joseph Stalin" - "Hammers and Sickles", but a social safety net for the nation of Israel. For Jewish people in Israel, is TOV TOV TOV! GOOD GOOD! BESEDER!

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I have no compassion nor empathy for people. I have always said if I came upon someone bleeding to death, I wouldn't help them if I had the last bandaid on earth. I would do anything for animals, but people. Let them rot.
But you do have compassion and empathy for animals? Is that correct?

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