Beggars Can Be Choosers!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. How often have the hand-wringing Liberal simpletons shed tears over the 'poor', welfare recipients....with some permutation of this whine: "You think these poor folks don't want to work?????"

You betcha' they don't want to work!!!

They want to live off those who do....and this is fine with me if Liberals would volunteer to reach into their own pockets and feed the demand.

Now, I'll prove it.

2. Here's where we are after half a century of Liberal welfare policy.
"One trillion dollars—that’s how much the government spent last year on means-tested welfare aid, providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income individuals. The food stamp program is the nation’s second largest welfare program.

The most rapid growth in the food stamp caseload in recent years has been among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs).

.... Fox News aired a documentary on food stamps featuring 29-year-old Jason Greenslate, a Californian who reported that he spends his time surfing and playing in his rock band, all the while receiving benefits from the food stamp program."
Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here’s What Happened.

Know where that $ trillion came from? No...not the government: government doesn't earn cent one!

3. And, speaking of government spending "...since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent,.... ….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part of the program’s growth is due to conscious policy choices by this administration to ease eligibility rules and expand caseloads…"

Now, read correctly, the above reeks of redistribution of wealth.

Here's another way to put it:
"The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty. "
Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia

Get your tissues ready!!
Thanks to programs that aid the poor, the real poverty rate is down to about 3%.
Fact is that America decided long ago it could afford to take care of its poorest citizens and did not want to see kids and old folks, disabled and ordinary citizens facing tuff times go hungry and without housing and health care. Over decades of both Republican and Democrat control Congresses and Presidents America has stuck to the doctrine of helping the poor. With 50 states having both the authority to moderate and adjust programs, as well as the responsibility to enforce the regulations and laws that control these programs, it is natural and predictable that abuses and glitches will occur. The response to these abuses and glitches has been to adjust and reform, repair and re-evaluate programs and manage programs is ways suitable to the individual state needs.
Haters like the OP use the same method of attack that has been used for decades. Cherry pick arbitrary random abuses and glitches and present them in a distorted way to promote a misinformed vision.
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I have an idea for the able bodied ones who think they can apply for welfare benefits...



Your low view of military combat personnel is noted. You believe our soldiers and Marines can be easily replaced with random recruits via a military draft or forced selection of random welfare recipients judged by some undetermined source as "able bodied". The old cannon fodder method of military recruitment is your proposal for resolving the welfare issue. Brilliant.
4. ".... Maine’s [Republican] governor, Paul LePage, recently established work requirements on recipients who are without dependents and able-bodied. In Maine, all able-bodied adults without dependents in the food stamp program are now required to take a job, participate in training, or perform community service.

Job openings for lower-skill workers are abundant in Maine, and for those ABAWD recipients who cannot find immediate employment, Maine offers both training and community service slots.

But despite vigorous outreach efforts by the government to encourage participation, most childless adult recipients in Maine refused to participate in training or even to perform community service for six hours per week.

When ABAWD recipients refused to participate, their food stamp benefits ceased."
Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here’s What Happened.

Are you Liberals in tears yet???

"You think these poor folks don't want to work?????"

You betcha'!!!!
Your low view of military combat personnel is noted. You believe our soldiers and Marines can be easily replaced with random recruits via a military draft or forced selection of random welfare recipients judged by some undetermined source as "able bodied". The old cannon fodder method of military recruitment is your proposal for resolving the welfare issue. Brilliant.

They're also free to join the Peace Corps and spend a two to four year tour in the backwoods of the Congo or Amazon learning job skills like cleaning, cooking, digging latrines, planting a garden, etc,... that might benefit them in seeking employment if they don't like the military option.

So which one do you wish to join military or Peace Corps?


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1. How often have the hand-wringing Liberal simpletons shed tears over the 'poor', welfare recipients....with some permutation of this whine: "You think these poor folks don't want to work?????"

You betcha' they don't want to work!!!

They want to live off those who do....and this is fine with me if Liberals would volunteer to reach into their own pockets and feed the demand.

Now, I'll prove it.

2. Here's where we are after half a century of Liberal welfare policy.
"One trillion dollars—that’s how much the government spent last year on means-tested welfare aid, providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income individuals. The food stamp program is the nation’s second largest welfare program.

The most rapid growth in the food stamp caseload in recent years has been among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs).

.... Fox News aired a documentary on food stamps featuring 29-year-old Jason Greenslate, a Californian who reported that he spends his time surfing and playing in his rock band, all the while receiving benefits from the food stamp program."
Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here’s What Happened.

Know where that $ trillion came from? No...not the government: government doesn't earn cent one!

3. And, speaking of government spending "...since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent,.... ….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part of the program’s growth is due to conscious policy choices by this administration to ease eligibility rules and expand caseloads…"

Now, read correctly, the above reeks of redistribution of wealth.

Here's another way to put it:
"The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty. "
Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia

Get your tissues ready!!
Well there is the other side of the coin, Cynthia/Cindy/Chica! If the Treasury could gather/retain all the corporate welfare tax giveaways and largess in the form of pointed and directed legislation plus the gimmicks allowed to shelter the wealth of the top 5% income earners established just for them, then the additional hundreds of billions of dollars collected each quarter would offset those expenditures for which you take such great exception. As usual, your OP fails to be at all objective and is tainted with your own brand of political bias and is just another cynical missive.
The OP by her own admission has no job and has all her bills paid for by someone else.

That always makes her attacks on poor people who get help making ends meet some of the best entertainment on this forum.
Your low view of military combat personnel is noted. You believe our soldiers and Marines can be easily replaced with random recruits via a military draft or forced selection of random welfare recipients judged by some undetermined source as "able bodied". The old cannon fodder method of military recruitment is your proposal for resolving the welfare issue. Brilliant.

They're also free to join the Peace Corps and spend a two to four year tour in the backwoods of the Congo or Amazon learning job skills like cleaning, cooking, digging latrines, planting a garden, etc,... that might benefit them in seeking employment if they don't like the military option.

So which one do you wish to join military or Peace Corps?



I have been an advocate of mandatory public service for a two year period for decades, but especial after 9/11. Many services could be included right here in the USA. I do not think it relates to employing welfare recipients, however. I think it would take a lot of effort to weed out the low IQ and morally weak people and not weeding them out would be detrimental to the programs such as those that trained and recruited first responders and auxiliary emergency disaster response contingents. Untrainable or problem people will always be a problem and in need of a pragmatic based resolution, but overall I have no problem with training programs or programs that put folks to working for any assistance they receive
I have been an advocate of mandatory public service for a two year period for decades, but especial after 9/11. Many services could be included right here in the USA. I do not think it relates to employing welfare recipients, however. I think it would take a lot of effort to weed out the low IQ and morally weak people and not weeding them out would be detrimental to the programs such as those that trained and recruited first responders and auxiliary emergency disaster response contingents. Untrainable or problem people will always be a problem and in need of a pragmatic based resolution, but overall I have no problem with training programs or programs that put folks to working for any assistance they receive

So you're a fascist.

I'm not forcing anyone to join anything. If you're able bodied and want government help then I've given you your governmental options otherwise...


5. So the 'poor' welfare recipient in Maine were told they actually had to work!!!
Can you imagine???

Now...Liberals immediately default to
a. how unfair it is to require work,
or b. come up with innumerable explanations as to how the recipients want to work...but can't....

But watch this:
"In the first three months after Maine’s work policy went into effect, its caseload of able-bodied adults without dependents plummeted by 80 percent, falling from 13,332 recipients in Dec. 2014 to 2,678 in March 2015.

This rapid drop in welfare dependence has a historical precedent: When work requirements were established in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program in the 1990s, nationwide caseloads dropped by almost as much..." Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here’s What Happened.

QED....Liberals have been proven to be suckers.

"LePage’s reform puts the public’s convictions into action. The Maine reforms recognize that giving welfare to those who refuse to take steps to help themselves is unfair to taxpayers and fosters a harmful dependence among beneficiaries."
except in Missouri where AFDC monies has been going to anti-abortion help clinics.. .
Human History and Common Sense supports the O.P.

All species, including humans...all they have done for all of the time of their evolution is: Seek a Subsistence.

Its in our genes.

And, if that Subsistence is provided for free, as it currently is in America, what should we expect from Human Nature....from a substantial portion of Americans...than to sit on the Porch of the Federal Plantation, and drink beer, smoke cigarettes and marijuana etc. and copulate.

Who wants the stress of a job; the aggravation of a Boss...when the Governement will provide housing, clothing, food, and Obama phone, color t.V., a used car and with a little graft and fraud which will never be caught--all the beer and cig money they need.

There is a whole culture out there, including 15 year old girls, who know they will get a raise if they pop out another baby.

Fact: Some substantial percentage of Americans will, if given a Subsistence, happily sit on the Porch and do nothing other than produce another generation of Porch Sitters...and it has got to stop. It will stop when the Credit runs out. Then What?

Human History and Common Sense supports the O.P.

All any species, including humans, have done for all of the time of their evolution is: Seek a Subsistence.

Its in our genes.

And, if that Subsistence is provided for free, as it currently is in America, what should we expect from Human Nature....for a substantial portion of Americans...than to sit on the Porch of the Federal Plantation, and drink beer, smoke cigarettes and marijuana etc. and copulate.

Who wants the stress of a job; the aggravation of a Boss...when the Governement will provide housing, clothing, food, and Obama phone, color t.V., a used car and with a little graft and fraud which will never be caught--all the beer and cig money they need.

There is a whole culture out there, including 15 year old girls, who know they will get a raise if they pop out another baby.

Fact: Some substantial percentage of Americans will, if given a Subsistence, happily sit on the Porch and do nothing other than produce another generation of Porch Sitters...and it has got to stop. It will stop when the Credit runs out. Then What?

Even worse....Liberal have seen to it that welfare allows more discretionary cash than being gainfully employed.

You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

The chart is quite revealing. A one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year. If the family provider works only one week a month at minimum wage, he or she makes 92 percent as much as a provider grossing $60,000 a year.

From Emmerich:

You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

My chart tells the story. It is pretty much self-explanatory.


Why Work???
Human History and Common Sense supports the O.P.

All species, including humans...all they have done for all of the time of their evolution is: Seek a Subsistence.

Its in our genes.

And, if that Subsistence is provided for free, as it currently is in America, what should we expect from Human Nature....from a substantial portion of Americans...than to sit on the Porch of the Federal Plantation, and drink beer, smoke cigarettes and marijuana etc. and copulate.

Who wants the stress of a job; the aggravation of a Boss...when the Governement will provide housing, clothing, food, and Obama phone, color t.V., a used car and with a little graft and fraud which will never be caught--all the beer and cig money they need.

There is a whole culture out there, including 15 year old girls, who know they will get a raise if they pop out another baby.

Fact: Some substantial percentage of Americans will, if given a Subsistence, happily sit on the Porch and do nothing other than produce another generation of Porch Sitters...and it has got to stop. It will stop when the Credit runs out. Then What?

"Who wants the stress of a job; the aggravation of a Boss..."

BTW...that doesn't seem to apply to those running their own businesses, being their own boss.
Human History and Common Sense supports the O.P.

All species, including humans...all they have done for all of the time of their evolution is: Seek a Subsistence.

You mean like male bears, who kill the offspring of another male bear, to assert their dominance?

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