Behind the scenes at the San Francisco Whole Foods store ....daily emergency calls to the police.....a nightmare...

Ignoring escalating crime is a pretext for strict gun laws, even confiscation. The only way to stop it is electing Republicans.
Seems to be lots of stories about the Dem infested cities on the precipice of going full Purge...

Must be MAGA/Putin/DT/AGW/purebloods/racism fault because (insert gaslight here)
Life-Common sense always comes back to an American farmer. Farmers have to "keep it alive".
You don't let Fox nest in the Chicken coop.
You don't let Brown Bear live 100' from the Hog pen.
You don't let sick Cattle graze with your herd, spreading disease.
You don't let anyone walk in and take whatever they want.

Fences, Gates, Door locks etc. all must be secure but the US border is wide open?
Wait .. I thought Democrats wanted to defund law enforcement? Are these the same advocates calling to get their help?
At least they did not try to hide the closing behind "underperformance" like Walmart did when they announced the closing of the four stores in Chicago.....Of course the leftists munched heartily on that turd they floated.
And then two faced Democrat Leaders like Michelle Obama whine about the Racism behind "Food Deserts" when it is ALL about crime, robberies and assaults that make it impossible to run a food business.

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