Behind the Trump Phenominum: People are Sick of Being Lied To

I will never vote for Donald Trump but one can't deny he is presently on everyone's lips.

So who will you vote for (if he is the GOP nominee)?

Gary Johnson.

This is a typical answer by those who criticize Trump but don't want to defend their own candidate.

Hardly. Johnson is my second choice. I have stated on numerous occasions that I want Rand Paul to get the nod.

if you had asked me six months ago, i'd have said that rand paul would have been the GOP nominee. then the celebrity apprentice sucked up all the air in the GOP discussion. Rand's problem was he became a petulant childwhen challenged.... and just disappeared
I will never vote for Donald Trump but one can't deny he is presently on everyone's lips.

So who will you vote for (if he is the GOP nominee)?

Gary Johnson.

This is a typical answer by those who criticize Trump but don't want to defend their own candidate.

Hardly. Johnson is my second choice. I have stated on numerous occasions that I want Rand Paul to get the nod.

if you had asked me six months ago, i'd have said that rand paul would have been the GOP nominee. then the celebrity apprentice sucked up all the air in the GOP discussion. Rand's problem was he became a petulant childwhen challenged.... and just disappeared

That would go that far about Paul but his campaign has been depressingly lackluster.
So who will you vote for (if he is the GOP nominee)?

Gary Johnson.

This is a typical answer by those who criticize Trump but don't want to defend their own candidate.

Hardly. Johnson is my second choice. I have stated on numerous occasions that I want Rand Paul to get the nod.

if you had asked me six months ago, i'd have said that rand paul would have been the GOP nominee. then the celebrity apprentice sucked up all the air in the GOP discussion. Rand's problem was he became a petulant childwhen challenged.... and just disappeared

That would go that far about Paul but his campaign has been depressingly lackluster.

it has. but i'm convinced it's because he shrunk in comparison to trump's huge persona.

to be fair... most of the GOP candidates did.
I will never vote for Donald Trump but one can't deny he is presently on everyone's lips.

So who will you vote for (if he is the GOP nominee)?

Gary Johnson.

This is a typical answer by those who criticize Trump but don't want to defend their own candidate.

A voter is at liberty to be critical of any candidate he so desires, including voters who remain undecided.
Gary Johnson.

This is a typical answer by those who criticize Trump but don't want to defend their own candidate.

Hardly. Johnson is my second choice. I have stated on numerous occasions that I want Rand Paul to get the nod.

if you had asked me six months ago, i'd have said that rand paul would have been the GOP nominee. then the celebrity apprentice sucked up all the air in the GOP discussion. Rand's problem was he became a petulant childwhen challenged.... and just disappeared

That would go that far about Paul but his campaign has been depressingly lackluster.

it has. but i'm convinced it's because he shrunk in comparison to trump's huge persona.

to be fair... most of the GOP candidates did.
To be fair, most of the GOP candidate aren't worthy of support – particularly the likes of Trump, Cruz, and Carson.

A voter is at liberty to be critical of any candidate he so desires, including voters who remain undecided.

"Nonsense" is correct in your case. The issue is not the right to be critical of any candidate, it is whether that criticism should be accepted at face value or if it merely disguises a hidden agenda.
There is an excellent (though long) video by Stefan Molyneaux about how the media and both political parties have constantly distorted Trump's positions and statements, then used those distortions to attack him. He shows the quotes from Trump, then lays out the criticisms that follow. Invariably, the criticism is NOT of what Trump actually said, but of the mischaracterizations.

To the person who posts as "rightwinger," please provide a couple examples of LIES that Trump has uttered. Then we'll see who is actually lying. Thank god for the internet and youtube; it won't be hard to verify.

[VIDEO]2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump

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