Beijing's dirtiest secret: With 1,000 coal-fired power stations (and climbing) China's energy pollution mocks the world's bid to combat climate chang


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And the fools in the West are destroying our power systems with windmills and solar instead of NG and nuclear.

Beijing's dirtiest secret: With 1,000 coal-fired power stations (and climbing) China's energy pollution mocks the world's bid to combat climate change - as series of Mail exposes reveals

The billowing clouds of steam and smoke are visible from miles away. As night falls and the lights turn the sky neon bright as far as the eye can see, the chimneys keep remorselessly pumping out their toxic fumes.

This is the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base, one of the biggest industrial complexes in the world.
Sprawling in semi-desert far to the west of Beijing, it covers an area so vast — 341 square miles, more than two thirds the size of Los Angeles — it is almost unimaginable.
Much of The Base, as it is known locally, is home to mines, which produce 130 million metric tonnes of coal a year — about the same as the annual total dug from all 233 deep mines still in use in Britain when coal was our biggest energy source in the 1970s.
The coal — the most polluting of all fossil fuels — is fed into an array of huge power stations at the complex, which have the capacity to generate 17.3 gigawatts. That would be enough to satisfy a third of the UK’s peak demand for electricity.
Also to be found at The Base are 32 companies that use coal to make chemicals, so generating still more carbon pollution.
And on top of all this is the showpiece: the world’s largest coal-to-liquid (CTL) plant, run by the state-owned Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group.
Simply burning coal is dirty enough, producing more carbon dioxide than any other method of generating electricity — almost twice as much as burning natural gas. But making oil from coal is far worse: it can double the amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere from every unit of energy.
Yet China’s Shenhua group — now restructured as part of China Energy — has been investing heavily in this hugely polluting CTL plant.

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With 1,000 coal-fired power stations (and climbing) China's energy pollution mocks the world's bid to combat climate chang​

Ain't that the humor of it all? Trump tried to take that advantage away from the Chinese and the Left was horrified! Thanks to Biddum now, we are paying a premium dollar for every BTU of energy WE need while China is getting rich making out running their country on cheap, cheap, abundant bituminous coal. :71:

We suffer the burden and China skips free!
The mistake people make is thinking leftists want cheap, plentiful energy. They think this country is evil, and that the world is over populated. They dont want us to have plentiful energy….it only allows us to have more people. The left is insane.

Meanwhile Joey Xi (The coal miner from Scranton) is prepared to sell American coal to the Chinese, while selling America down the river with phony Global Warming/Climate Change mandates.
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Why aren't the world's "climate scientists" standing up en masse and challenging China as the world's worst polluter? Quit making stupid graphs and do something useful. China and India put more crap into the air and the sea than all the other G20 countries combined.
It's not much of a secret ... everyone knows that climate change legislation only applies to successful Western economies.

The Climate Change movement has never been about climate. It's about economic redistribution.

And power.
And the fools in the West are destroying our power systems with windmills and solar instead of NG and nuclear.

Beijing's dirtiest secret: With 1,000 coal-fired power stations (and climbing) China's energy pollution mocks the world's bid to combat climate change - as series of Mail exposes reveals

The billowing clouds of steam and smoke are visible from miles away. As night falls and the lights turn the sky neon bright as far as the eye can see, the chimneys keep remorselessly pumping out their toxic fumes.

This is the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base, one of the biggest industrial complexes in the world.
Sprawling in semi-desert far to the west of Beijing, it covers an area so vast — 341 square miles, more than two thirds the size of Los Angeles — it is almost unimaginable.
Much of The Base, as it is known locally, is home to mines, which produce 130 million metric tonnes of coal a year — about the same as the annual total dug from all 233 deep mines still in use in Britain when coal was our biggest energy source in the 1970s.
The coal — the most polluting of all fossil fuels — is fed into an array of huge power stations at the complex, which have the capacity to generate 17.3 gigawatts. That would be enough to satisfy a third of the UK’s peak demand for electricity.
Also to be found at The Base are 32 companies that use coal to make chemicals, so generating still more carbon pollution.
And on top of all this is the showpiece: the world’s largest coal-to-liquid (CTL) plant, run by the state-owned Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group.
Simply burning coal is dirty enough, producing more carbon dioxide than any other method of generating electricity — almost twice as much as burning natural gas. But making oil from coal is far worse: it can double the amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere from every unit of energy.
Yet China’s Shenhua group — now restructured as part of China Energy — has been investing heavily in this hugely polluting CTL plant.

China, with 4 times the population of the US, uses less energy than the US. It's also much further behind economically. When it's the US's level today, it'll be cleaner than the US is today.
China, with 4 times the population of the US, uses less energy than the US. It's also much further behind economically. When it's the US's level today, it'll be cleaner than the US is today.

That is the biggest line of crap I heard yet.
Did you get that from Mao's "Little Red Book".
That is the biggest line of crap I heard yet.
Did you get that from Mao's "Little Red Book".

Okay, technically China uses more energy than the US. Kind of. The problem with energy consumption is that the Chinese are producing lots of things that will go to the US market. Does this not count as part of US energy consumption? No, not in official statistics, but it ends up in the US anyway. Keeping the shit somewhere else, but getting the benefits.

However. what I meant to say was that PER CAPITA China uses less energy than the USA.

China uses about 5,300 kWh per person.
The US uses about 12,100 kWh per person.

US per capita CO2 emissions are 15.7 tons per person per year
Chinese per capita CO2 emissions are 7.7 tons per person per year

China uses far less energy per capita and pollutes far less than the US per capita. And as I said, a big part of the energy use is producing stuff for other countries that don't want dirty.

China also produces 7.1 million GWh per year , and the US produces 4.3 GWh.

China produces 1.7 GWh per year from renewables.
The US produces 637,000 GWh per year from renewables.

That's 24.37% for China and 14.7% for the US. Clearly China is using renewables more than the US even though it's a poorer country.
Manmade "climate change" is really a result of stupidity and assorted brainwashing. This past year when a fraction of cars were on the road and nothing changed proves that whether or not the fake science claims global warming or global cooling or a mix, they are liars.
Okay, technically China uses more energy than the US. Kind of. The problem with energy consumption is that the Chinese are producing lots of things that will go to the US market. Does this not count as part of US energy consumption? No, not in official statistics, but it ends up in the US anyway. Keeping the shit somewhere else, but getting the benefits.

However. what I meant to say was that PER CAPITA China uses less energy than the USA.

China uses about 5,300 kWh per person.
The US uses about 12,100 kWh per person.

US per capita CO2 emissions are 15.7 tons per person per year
Chinese per capita CO2 emissions are 7.7 tons per person per year

China uses far less energy per capita and pollutes far less than the US per capita. And as I said, a big part of the energy use is producing stuff for other countries that don't want dirty.

China also produces 7.1 million GWh per year , and the US produces 4.3 GWh.

China produces 1.7 GWh per year from renewables.
The US produces 637,000 GWh per year from renewables.

That's 24.37% for China and 14.7% for the US. Clearly China is using renewables more than the US even though it's a poorer country.

Yes, cuz the Red Chinese never lie about anything.

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