if russia wins against ukraine ….

Is this a mockery of the murdered Jews at Babi Yar?

Photos of the mass extermination of Jews by Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites have disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Complex

Israeli blogger Margarita Levin has discovered that over the past two years, photos depicting the mass extermination of Jews in Ukraine by Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis have mysteriously disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Including the Babi Yar massacre.

Also quietly disappeared from the exposition of the Holocaust Museum and most of the references and documents that the Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites took a direct part in the mass murder of almost one and a half million Jews living on the territory of Ukraine. And that's one in four of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Think about it: Israel, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, six million dead. And now the Holocaust Memorial suddenly "forgets" about the banderites, on whose hands is the blood of millions of ukrainian Jews. There are no words for this...

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Photos of the mass extermination of Jews by Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites have disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Complex

Israeli blogger Margarita Levin has discovered that over the past two years, photos depicting the mass extermination of Jews in Ukraine by Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis have mysteriously disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Including the Babi Yar massacre.

Also quietly disappeared from the exposition of the Holocaust Museum and most of the references and documents that the Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites took a direct part in the mass murder of almost one and a half million Jews living on the territory of Ukraine. And that's one in four of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Think about it: Israel, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, six million dead. And now the Holocaust Memorial suddenly "forgets" about the banderites, on whose hands is the blood of millions of ukrainian Jews. There are no words for this...
More of the same-old, same-old corruption with the United Snakes & Zionists at the center of it ... or should I say the CIA & Mossad at the center of it. Vladmir Putin must have difficulty sleeping these days with all of the laughter! :auiqs.jpg:
Photos of the mass extermination of Jews by Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites have disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Complex

Israeli blogger Margarita Levin has discovered that over the past two years, photos depicting the mass extermination of Jews in Ukraine by Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis have mysteriously disappeared from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Including the Babi Yar massacre.

Also quietly disappeared from the exposition of the Holocaust Museum and most of the references and documents that the Ukrainian nationalist-Banderites took a direct part in the mass murder of almost one and a half million Jews living on the territory of Ukraine. And that's one in four of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Think about it: Israel, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, six million dead. And now the Holocaust Memorial suddenly "forgets" about the banderites, on whose hands is the blood of millions of ukrainian Jews. There are no words for this...

The video can be auto-translated into English

These days nothing would surprise me with those Zionists fanatics,what next will they be Holocaust deniers?
….. it will attack more other countries ….

i fear ……

They are most likely to attack Georgia, and because it borders NOBODY important, it'll be easy. Beyond that everyone else is either in NATO or "friends" with Russia, like Belarus.

So... probably not.

Putin is a massive bullshitter. He bluffed his way through the Ukraine thing. Had the US stationed troops in the Ukraine in December 2021/January 2022 then the whole thing wouldn't have happened. Putin wouldn't have dared. He's scared of the west. Hence why Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia won't be invaded, but he might play his games against them.
They are most likely to attack Georgia, and because it borders NOBODY important, it'll be easy. Beyond that everyone else is either in NATO or "friends" with Russia, like Belarus.

So... probably not.

Putin is a massive bullshitter. He bluffed his way through the Ukraine thing. Had the US stationed troops in the Ukraine in December 2021/January 2022 then the whole thing wouldn't have happened. Putin wouldn't have dared. He's scared of the west. Hence why Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia won't be invaded, but he might play his games against them.
Scared of the west ? you are deluded, as for those yapping Baltic dogs no one will attack them, only if they start murdering ethnic Russians like the Ukrainian Nazis.
Scared of the west ? you are deluded, as for those yapping Baltic dogs no one will attack them, only if they start murdering ethnic Russians like the Ukrainian Nazis.

The West has been supplying the Ukraine weapons. What did Putin do? Threaten. Did he do anything? No.

He used the threat of nuclear war, more threats.

Putin has struggled against the Ukraine, a county 4 times smaller than Russia and the poorest country in on the continent.

You think Putin could beat NATO?

And the whole "murdering ethnic Russians" was just an excuse like WMDs were for the US in Iraq, and the "Nazi Ukrainians" is a joke because Russia has more Nazis than the Ukraine does. And it has Nazis fighting in the Ukraine.
The West has been supplying the Ukraine weapons. What did Putin do? Threaten. Did he do anything? No.

He used the threat of nuclear war, more threats.

Putin has struggled against the Ukraine, a county 4 times smaller than Russia and the poorest country in on the continent.

You think Putin could beat NATO?

And the whole "murdering ethnic Russians" was just an excuse like WMDs were for the US in Iraq, and the "Nazi Ukrainians" is a joke because Russia has more Nazis than the Ukraine does. And it has Nazis fighting in the Ukraine.
He invaded the country fuckup.

You know with military shit to kill people in another country.

And you can shove the pootin love up your ass.
He invaded the country fuckup.

You know with military shit to kill people in another country.

And you can shove the pootin love up your ass.
He's as much of a Bandera loving asshole as you are, you have to be friends, instead you're bad mouthing him. How come?
Scared of the west ? you are deluded, as for those yapping Baltic dogs no one will attack them, only if they start murdering ethnic Russians like the Ukrainian Nazis.
Aren't they all, Tigers, cleaning toilets in the UK? How are they going to fight Russians?
if russia wins, there wont be any soft chairs for geemany
Who said this? Your government ? They are lying. Many of you will survive (if you surrender in time) and survivors will have their food and drinks. You know:

He's as much of a Bandera loving asshole as you are, you have to be friends, instead you're bad mouthing him. How come?
they have to lie because that's all they have, Ukraine is infested with Nazis so what do they do ? accuse Putin of being a Nazi and saying there are moreNazis in Russia than Bandera infested Ukraine, we have an expression in Britiain for that kind of nonsense BOLLOCKS!!

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