Energy experts give Trump the hard truth: You can’t bring coal back

Trump probably knew he could never bring coal back when he was campaigning on it. I feel sorry for all those who believed his false promises.
And he'll continue to feed his mindless bootlickers with whatever it is they want to hear, even though there is no way in the world he can or even cares to make good on his bullshit.
Trump probably knew he could never bring coal back when he was campaigning on it. I feel sorry for all those who believed his false promises.
...and yet you don't feel sorry for the people who believed Obama's many false promises....why?
Trump probably knew he could never bring coal back when he was campaigning on it. I feel sorry for all those who believed his false promises.
And he'll continue to feed his mindless bootlickers with whatever it is they want to hear, even though there is no way in the world he can or even cares to make good on his bullshit.
You are referring to Obamabots right?
Coal wasn’t killed by a political “war” — cheap renewables and fracked gas were the culprits.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has a message for the new president: You are not going to bring coal back.

Donald Trump won the presidency with claims that he is a brilliant businessman who will create jobs. He railed against a political “war on coal” supposedly waged by President Obama, one Trump claimed was “killing American jobs.” On his first day in office, Trump deleted all the climate change references on the White House website, replacing it with an “energy plan” that asserts he is “committed to… reviving America’s coal industry.

In a new analysis, leading independent energy experts at BNEF dismantle these claims. “Whatever President Trump may say, U.S. coal’s main problem has been cheap natural gas and renewable power, not a politically driven ‘war on coal,’” explain BNEF chair Michael Liebreich and chief editor Angus McCrone. Therefore “it will continue being pushed out of the generating mix.”

They note global electricity demand has grown much less than expected (thanks in part to energy efficiency). This 2016 Energy Information Administration (EIA) chart shows the trend here:


U.S. power generation since 2006, showing decline of coal (light blue) as both natural gas (yellow) and new renewables (brown) rose, while nuclear (green) and hydro (dark blue) remain flat. Via EIA.

In a world of flat demand, the electricity market is a ruthless game of musical chairs — where the slowest and most unwieldy power sources keep losing their seat.

Coal power is just too costly and inflexible, explains BNEF: “Super-low-cost renewable power — what we are now calling ‘base-cost renewables’ — is going to force a revolution in the way power grids are designed, and the way they are regulated.”

When you add the revolution in cheap fracked gas — which Trump has pledged to double down on — it’s no surprise the country shut down over 40 gigawatts of coal-fired power stations since 2000. “These will not reopen whatever anything President Trump does,” explains BNEF, “nor do we see much appetite among investors for ploughing money into U.S. coal extraction — stranded asset risk will trump rhetoric.”

More: Energy experts give Trump the hard truth: You can’t bring coal back

Coal powered our industrial revolution - but its day is over. Coal is now in its final death throes.
I can't wait until Trump ends democrats war on coal and brings it back....
What Boss said. The future of domestic U.S. coal is in export. We are the "Saudi Arabia" of coal, and China, India, Africa, and much of the remainder of the third world will have to pursue the easiest path to cheap, reliable electricity, which is coal.

Technology will continue to allow U.S. coal producers to produce more and more coal with fewer and fewer workers, but O'Bama's war on coal was unconscionable, and yet another proof of what a petty tyrant he was.

China and other large global economies are moving away from coal.

China's coal-burning in significant decline, figures show

lol.........any time a progressive posts up a thread that states vague terms like "decline"......."increase"........"lower"......"higher".........."drop".....etc...........your radar has to go into hyper-smelling bs mode. These frauds do it all the time.

The one thing a progressive argument never stands up to is, "As compared to what?". When it is asked, the argument gets decimated in a non0sec0nd!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

In this case, lets put this frauds "moving away from coal" into perspective........via use of comparison!!:deal::deal:

China used to be building 3-4 coal plants per its only 2-3 :coffee:

In fact, China will be increasing coal production by 2050 by.........ready for this.........50%!!:desk::up::up:

"China burns more than 4 billion tons of coal each year in power plants, homes, and factories. By comparison, the U.S. burns less than 1 billion, and the entire European Union burns 600 million. China surpassed the U.S. to become the largest global CO2 emitter in 2007, and it is on track to double annual U.S. emissions by 2017. While projections for the U.S. and Europe are for steady or decreasing coal use in the coming decades, barring major policy shifts, China’s coal use is expected to keep increasing.

Economists predict that by 2040, China’s coal power fleet will be 50 percent larger than it is today. Once these coal-fired power plants are built, they typically run for 40 years, or longer, which means a commitment to decades of CO2 emissions. The climate impact of those emissions will be nearly impossible to reverse."

Again............when you see threads posted by these uber-left assholes using these vague phrases and terms "decline", check out the operational definition of "decline" by comparing it in the bigger picture!! Think of it in terms of boob size........if a babe goes from a quadruple E cup to a triple E cup, only a progressive will tell you her boobs got significantly smaller.............

Only the hopelessly duped get swayed by their ghey arguments............:up:
The OP article is all bovine feces.

Obama was waging a war on coal and power bills went up around 35% this year due to regulations.

Posting to post back a list of reopened coal power plants later. :funnyface:
WA State is still powered 10% by coal. Although the libs are trying to get it shut down.
I doubt there were all that many who looked at Trump's talk about the return of coal as anything more than a temporary stay of execution for the industry. Especially with a big chunk of the market going away with China's need to eliminate much of its use in order to clean its air. Trump's words were mostly welcome in terms of the harsh tone that was spoken by his opponent.
I doubt there were all that many who looked at Trump's talk about the return of coal as anything more than a temporary stay of execution for the industry. Especially with a big chunk of the market going away with China's need to eliminate much of its use in order to clean its air. Trump's words were mostly welcome in terms of the harsh tone that was spoken by his opponent.
Trump will stop democrats execution of the backbone of our energy infrastructure......

Could care less about your love of China.....
I doubt there were all that many who looked at Trump's talk about the return of coal as anything more than a temporary stay of execution for the industry. Especially with a big chunk of the market going away with China's need to eliminate much of its use in order to clean its air. Trump's words were mostly welcome in terms of the harsh tone that was spoken by his opponent.
Trump will stop democrats execution of the backbone of our energy infrastructure......

Could care less about your love of China.....

Expect that stop to be more of a stall.

It was cheap natural gas prices and a $5 billion gamble on China's demand that lead to the bankruptcy of the largest U.S. coal company less than a year ago.
Yeah but BNEF never said that. The entire article is obviously intended to prop up European investments in alternate energy. Its not about the cost of American energy or jobs in the coal industry. The obvious intent of the article is to forestall the inevitable decline in investments in the so-called alternate energy when alternate energy is a proven failure. The revival of the coal industry in the U.S. will energize the economy and lead to jobs and cheaper energy for Americans. Why do lefties think that it's a bad idea?
Boy are you are going to be surprised when Trump starts pushing solar.
Coal could have a place being used as a cogeneration backup for linear fresnel solar thermal power plants in the sunny areas of the US. So, coal isn't dead. But earthquake-causing, New-Madrid-Fault-threatening, uncleanable underground water polluting fracking sure can, and should become a thing of the past..
Coal could have a place being used as a cogeneration backup for linear fresnel solar thermal power plants in the sunny areas of the US. So, coal isn't dead. But earthquake-causing, New-Madrid-Fault-threatening, uncleanable underground water polluting fracking sure can, and should become a thing of the past..

Ehh... bullshit. More over-dramatic socialist pablum. LMAOooo @ "earthquake-causing!" :cuckoo:

You people are the biggest Chicken Little's on the earth... you would not be satisfied if you set back mankind to cooking meat over open fires in their loincloths. You'd still be bitching about how they're destroying the planet!
Killer coal is dead for American consumption. Even foreign countries such as China and India are wising up to killer coal.
Coal wasn’t killed by a political “war” — cheap renewables and fracked gas were the culprits.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has a message for the new president: You are not going to bring coal back.

Donald Trump won the presidency with claims that he is a brilliant businessman who will create jobs. He railed against a political “war on coal” supposedly waged by President Obama, one Trump claimed was “killing American jobs.” On his first day in office, Trump deleted all the climate change references on the White House website, replacing it with an “energy plan” that asserts he is “committed to… reviving America’s coal industry.

In a new analysis, leading independent energy experts at BNEF dismantle these claims. “Whatever President Trump may say, U.S. coal’s main problem has been cheap natural gas and renewable power, not a politically driven ‘war on coal,’” explain BNEF chair Michael Liebreich and chief editor Angus McCrone. Therefore “it will continue being pushed out of the generating mix.”

They note global electricity demand has grown much less than expected (thanks in part to energy efficiency). This 2016 Energy Information Administration (EIA) chart shows the trend here:


U.S. power generation since 2006, showing decline of coal (light blue) as both natural gas (yellow) and new renewables (brown) rose, while nuclear (green) and hydro (dark blue) remain flat. Via EIA.

In a world of flat demand, the electricity market is a ruthless game of musical chairs — where the slowest and most unwieldy power sources keep losing their seat.

Coal power is just too costly and inflexible, explains BNEF: “Super-low-cost renewable power — what we are now calling ‘base-cost renewables’ — is going to force a revolution in the way power grids are designed, and the way they are regulated.”

When you add the revolution in cheap fracked gas — which Trump has pledged to double down on — it’s no surprise the country shut down over 40 gigawatts of coal-fired power stations since 2000. “These will not reopen whatever anything President Trump does,” explains BNEF, “nor do we see much appetite among investors for ploughing money into U.S. coal extraction — stranded asset risk will trump rhetoric.”

More: Energy experts give Trump the hard truth: You can’t bring coal back

Coal powered our industrial revolution - but its day is over. Coal is now in its final death throes.

Fake news.

Your orange-faced A$$-clown can't get away with calling everything he doesn't like "fake news" and neither can you.

Fake news is something that NEVER happened. What part of this story wasn't true. Be specific.
Except, the past 25-30 years, the primary use of US coal is as an export product.

The Chinese aren't buying. They're moving away from coal because the air couldn't be breathed in industrial cities.

Why isn't retraining being offered to the miners. Why are you trying to preserve jobs which kill the workers and destroy the environment?

Where is it written that your industry will provide you with a job for life?
Except, the past 25-30 years, the primary use of US coal is as an export product.

The Chinese aren't buying. They're moving away from coal because the air couldn't be breathed in industrial cities.

Why isn't retraining being offered to the miners. Why are you trying to preserve jobs which kill the workers and destroy the environment?

Where is it written that your industry will provide you with a job for life?
China can't get enough coal....

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