Being a Christian is not only about what you believe, it's about what you're willing to do about it

Being a Christian is not only about what you believe, it's about what you're willing to do about it.

Jesus Christ is not a God who is satisfied with believers who say their prayers on Sunday, and then go about their lives the rest of the week as if nothing has changed.

Jesus Christ is a God of action, and he wants men and women of action. He wants men and women who go out in the world and not only spread the Gospel with words, but with deeds.

And Christians have always known that, so they have built hospitals to tend to the sick, built schools to educate the young, built colleges and universities to expand people's horizons in science and history and every other kind of knowledge, and built all manner of other charities to translate faith into action.

Jesus Christ wants from each of us all we have, without holding anything back, all our skill, all our talent, all our resources, all our effort, because only in giving everything we have, and everything we are, are we building the Kingdom of God.
So any Christian not following your advice is going to hell?
You also are not interested in a discussion, but merely want to troll. Join my ignore list. Goodbye.
Odd that you would start a thread, and then run from discussing it.
I am interested in discussing the concept that Jesus Christ calls Christians to action.

I'm not interested in getting baited by trolls.

I have put guno and sealybobo on my ignore list because I've finally reached the limits of my patience with both of them.

I will talk to you if you want, but if you try to set traps for me, I'm just not going to play.
Odd that you would start a thread, and then run from discussing it.
I am interested in discussing the concept that Jesus Christ calls Christians to action.

I'm not interested in getting baited by trolls.

I have put guno and sealybobo on my ignore list because I've finally reached the limits of my patience with both of them.

I will talk to you if you want, but if you try to set traps for me, I'm just not going to play.

Wow. We have butted heads before, and obviously disagree on many things. If you fear that you can't back up your beliefs it's smart for you to run. If you ever decide you do have reasons for your beliefs that you can articulate, I would like to discuss them with you.
christians don't consider catholics real christians

Other than YOU who has said that? You ought to aim for the the truth about yourself then to tell a lie about what others think.

Dude! Evangelical Christians believe that you are not a Christian until you accept Jesus Christ into your heart through saying the sinners prayer. You can do your own research to find out how many Evangelical Christians there are in the United States. The debate of infant baptism versus believer baptism has been a point of contention against the Roman Catholic Church for well over a millennium. I'd say the number is way higher than one. I'd say the number is in the hundreds of millions of people that think Catholics aren't real Christians. Get out of your bubble.

Many Evangelicals were terrified to vote for John F Kennedy because he was Catholic. They couldn't vote for a Republican but their pastor told them not to vote for that Catholic. They were so confused many of them just didn't vote. We had a repeat of that in 2012. Evangelicals were terrified of Romney. Even after John F Kennedy got elected people were memorizing the Bible like crazy because they were convinced that the United States government was going to take their Bibles away.

Have you ever heard of the Protestant Reformation? If you haven't, it was an anti-Catholic movement that birthed a ridiculously high percentage of all churches in existence today. It was started by a man named Martin Luther in 1517. You should read into it. It is a pretty significant part of history.
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Nope, it is all about what Jesus did, not what you do.
Nobody really believes that, including you.

Are you a mind reader? Clairvoyant? A witch that needs burned at the stake?

Yours is a testimony to doing, Jesus is a testimony to done. Sorry you don't believe the gospel.
Your belief that Jesus requires nothing of us is un-Biblical.

I think this is where it gets confusing. Jesus had thousands of followers but only twelve disciples. Salvation from God's wrath is free to all. Being saved from the wrath of God makes you saved but it doesn't make you a Christian. There is a difference between a scum bag who believes on Jesus just for their own selfish benefit and a person who gives their life to Christ. One is a piece of shit that gives Christians a bad name. The other is a true disciple who lives a life of discipline with the intention of ensuring "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Disciples work for Christ. Pieces of shit who believe on Jesus for their own selfish benefit work for Satan. Both of them will go to heaven. Only one of them will experience the Kingdom of God here on earth. I think some of those pieces of shit considers themselves Christians. That's where the confusion derives. I used the term "pieces of shit" because I am not aware of any terminology for those type of believers. I think they are referred to as "luke warm" in the scriptures but "pieces of shit" makes my point a little clearer.

There are many people that believe salvation was an act done by Christ and has nothing to do with what we have done. We are incapable of working our way into heaven. Only Christ's blood is sufficient to atone for our sin. Lots of people believe that. Lots of them. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure there is scripture to back that up.
Ephesians 2:8-10 validates both beliefs.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Verse 8 references salvation. Verse 9 references our proper attitude. Verse 10 is a call to action.

One just has to decide. Are you a Christian or a piece of shit that is saved by grace? A Christian reads verse 10 too. A piece of shit saved by grace only reads verses 8 and 9.

Ephesians 2:8-10 validates both beliefs.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Verse 8 references salvation. Verse 9 references our proper attitude. Verse 10 is a call to action.

One just has to decide. Are you a Christian or a piece of shit that is saved by grace? A Christian reads verse 10 too. A piece of shit saved by grace only reads verses 8 and 9.

Or are you someone who believes God's grace isn't enough.
Ephesians 2:8-10 validates both beliefs.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Verse 8 references salvation. Verse 9 references our proper attitude. Verse 10 is a call to action.

One just has to decide. Are you a Christian or a piece of shit that is saved by grace? A Christian reads verse 10 too. A piece of shit saved by grace only reads verses 8 and 9.

Or are you someone who believes God's grace isn't enough.

Yes. Grace is enough for salvation.
Ephesians 2:8-10 validates both beliefs.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Verse 8 references salvation. Verse 9 references our proper attitude. Verse 10 is a call to action.

One just has to decide. Are you a Christian or a piece of shit that is saved by grace? A Christian reads verse 10 too. A piece of shit saved by grace only reads verses 8 and 9.

Or are you someone who believes God's grace isn't enough.

No. Grace is enough to give salvation. Discipleship requires discipline. They are two entirely different concepts.
christians don't consider catholics real christians

Other than YOU who has said that? You ought to aim for the the truth about yourself then to tell a lie about what others think.

Dude! Evangelical Christians believe that you are not a Christian until you accept Jesus Christ into your heart through saying the sinners prayer. You can do your own research to find out how many Evangelical Christians there are in the United States. The debate of infant baptism versus believer baptism has been a point of contention against the Roman Catholic Church for well over a millennium. I'd say the number is way higher than one. I'd say the number is in the hundreds of millions of people that think Catholics aren't real Christians. Get out of your bubble.

Many Evangelicals were terrified to vote for John F Kennedy because he was Catholic. They couldn't vote for a Republican but their pastor told them not to vote for that Catholic. They were so confused many of them just didn't vote. We had a repeat of that in 2012. Evangelicals were terrified of Romney. Even after John F Kennedy got elected people were memorizing the Bible like crazy because they were convinced that the United States government was going to take their Bibles away.

Have you ever heard of the Protestant Reformation? If you haven't, it was an anti-Catholic movement that birthed a ridiculously high percentage of all churches in existence today. It was started by a man named Martin Luther in 1517. You should read into it. It is a pretty significant part of history.

The Reformation was not an anti-Catholic movement. Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk and university lecturer in Wittenberg when he composed his “95 Theses,” which protested the pope’s sale of reprieves from penance, or indulgences. Although he had hoped to spur renewal from within the church, in 1521 he was summoned before the Diet of Worms and excommunicated. The key ideas of the Reformation—a call to purify the church and a belief that the Bible, not tradition, should be the sole source of spiritual authority.

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