Being a white male means you have no one to blame but yourself

Not really "funny" Carla Danger, reality. Minorities who get into law schools above what a white student would get into are in a pretty pickle. That's because everything is graded on a curve, which means is that if you are at the bottom of the class, you get flunked out. If you are a minority in a school that is above what you should have gotten into, you are competing against smarter students, so you will continue to flunk law school exams and eventually get expelled. I saw this happen to a whole bunch of minority students at my law school after the first semester. Of course, they still have to pay their student loans for that semester, but without the income of an attorney.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

I can remember when you blamed African Americans for you not getting into Harvard.

Meanwhile, as a white male, I am doing just fine- I don't have a need to blame anyone.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.
But the problem is still fresh.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."
I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

(X)Time to wake up and smell the hatred towards white people that has been going on for decades in all the white countries of the world. Look at what is happening in Europe with the invasion of all those white countries that have been accepting all those Arabs, plus other non-white races. The white people must become some what racist if they are going to survive. White people have no choice. It is do or die. David Duke has been warning white people for decades. But they are just not listening. The corporate zionist media has done a great job of hiding the fact that this is happening. White people need to show more pride in who they are and fight to support their culture and traditions, and stick together and start losing this white guilt complex that has been dumped on them by the white hating traitors of this world.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.

(X)It needs to be harped on every day until the white people begin to wake up and start to speak out about what is being done to their race by traitors whom appear to want to see old whitey go extinct. You want some good material? Go visit David Dukes or The Political Cesspool website and start to learn something.
So really, this thread proves the point.

Liberals will back up the story of any black man who lies and says that cops are out to kill him, simply because he is black. And that's not being whiny.

But if a white male points out the perfectly true fact that it is legal to discriminate against white males for college admissions, employment, promotions, and government contracts, then I'm a whiny bitch.

Thus proving that liberals are complete, fucking assholes who shovel shit with their hands because it's coming out so fast from their mouths.

(X)Basically, most white people are beyond stupid f'n aholes. They are so stunned that they cannot seem to get it that they are destroying themselves and their race of white people by going along with these white haters out there who are trying to wipe us out. Most of them are two bricks short of a load. :badgrin:
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.
But the problem is still fresh.

Not really.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.

(X)It needs to be harped on every day until the white people begin to wake up and start to speak out about what is being done to their race by traitors whom appear to want to see old whitey go extinct. You want some good material? Go visit David Dukes or The Political Cesspool website and start to learn something.

I'm too old to start learning how to be a racist pig. Get the stick out of your butt, and stop trying to find somebody to blame for your own failures.
Here's the thing, you have a police station full of white male police officers, a smaller number of black males, a smaller number of white females, and an even smaller number of black females. And this is not through discrimination, it's just that more white males apply for the police officer job than the other categories, etc.

But somehow, the black females get promoted faster than the white males, and a black female is put in the Captain's position above all the others. You are going to hard time convincing any of the white males that the black female police Captain earned her promotion, but was put there through affirmative action.

And what that means is that the black female police Captain will have to work hard to get any respect from the white male police officers, because they will assume she is incompetent, unless she proves otherwise.

And this hurts everyone involved, especially the black female police Captain, who now feels like she is a victim of racism.
Here's the thing, you have a police station full of white male police officers, a smaller number of black males, a smaller number of white females, and an even smaller number of black females. And this is not through discrimination, it's just that more white males apply for the police officer job than the other categories, etc.

But somehow, the black females get promoted faster than the white males, and a black female is put in the Captain's position above all the others. You are going to hard time convincing any of the white males that the black female police Captain earned her promotion, but was put there through affirmative action.

And what that means is that the black female police Captain will have to work hard to get any respect from the white male police officers, because they will assume she is incompetent, unless she proves otherwise.

And this hurts everyone involved, especially the black female police Captain, who now feels like she is a victim of racism.

So every black female cop is incompetent, but becomes a Captain anyway, and that's why cops beat the shit out of minorities? You're dumber than I thought.
Here's the thing, you have a police station full of white male police officers, a smaller number of black males, a smaller number of white females, and an even smaller number of black females. And this is not through discrimination, it's just that more white males apply for the police officer job than the other categories, etc.

But somehow, the black females get promoted faster than the white males, and a black female is put in the Captain's position above all the others. You are going to hard time convincing any of the white males that the black female police Captain earned her promotion, but was put there through affirmative action.

And what that means is that the black female police Captain will have to work hard to get any respect from the white male police officers, because they will assume she is incompetent, unless she proves otherwise.

And this hurts everyone involved, especially the black female police Captain, who now feels like she is a victim of racism.

So every black female cop is incompetent, but becomes a Captain anyway, and that's why cops beat the shit out of minorities? You're dumber than I thought.
I did not say that.
Here's the thing, you have a police station full of white male police officers, a smaller number of black males, a smaller number of white females, and an even smaller number of black females. And this is not through discrimination, it's just that more white males apply for the police officer job than the other categories, etc.

But somehow, the black females get promoted faster than the white males, and a black female is put in the Captain's position above all the others. You are going to hard time convincing any of the white males that the black female police Captain earned her promotion, but was put there through affirmative action.

And what that means is that the black female police Captain will have to work hard to get any respect from the white male police officers, because they will assume she is incompetent, unless she proves otherwise.

And this hurts everyone involved, especially the black female police Captain, who now feels like she is a victim of racism.

So every black female cop is incompetent, but becomes a Captain anyway, and that's why cops beat the shit out of minorities? You're dumber than I thought.
I did not say that.

I've read a lot of your posts I'm sure you didn't intend to say a lot of things you say.
So really, this thread proves the point.

Liberals will back up the story of any black man who lies and says that cops are out to kill him, simply because he is black. And that's not being whiny.

But if a white male points out the perfectly true fact that it is legal to discriminate against white males for college admissions, employment, promotions, and government contracts, then I'm a whiny bitch.

Thus proving that liberals are complete, fucking assholes who shovel shit with their hands because it's coming out so fast from their mouths.

Liberals sure do suck, and YOU sure are a whiny little bitch. Start taking responsibility for your own shortcomings. You didn't get into Harvard because you weren't good enough. Deal with it.
I never said I was good enough to get into Harvard, but neither was Obama, who was admitted because he was black, and for that reason alone. And he was made President of Law Review, the most prestigious position a law student can aspire to, also because he was black, even though he didn't publish a single article.

When Obama got out of Harvard, and Affirmative Action could no longer help him, he got mediocre jobs, and did mediocre at them. He wrote two books, but really a white man Bill Ayers wrote them for him. He was a community organizer, which means he was a black agitator, a job that requires fundamentally almost no intelligence.

Awesome post. You are dripping with jealousy and butthurt. Maybe you should take a break from politics. Go find some 10 year olds and pretend to be king.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.
But the problem is still fresh.

Not really.
It is in the real world.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

And that, more than anything else, is the single greatest advantage of being a white guy.

Which makes all the blaming and victim mentality by white guys so disappointing. As their pissing away their greatest advantage.
Being a white male means I have no one to blame but myself.

If I fail to get a job, I can't say, "Whitey is holding me down."

If I lose my job, I can't sue anyone, because I belong to the only race and gender class that has absolutely no Civil Rights protections. I can sue for my age, but the Supreme Court punched the gut out of age discrimination lawsuits when it ruled that businesses were making a legitimate business decision when they fired older, better paid workers and hired younger, lower paid workers to replace them.

And if they fire me and hire an immigrant from another country, well, that's perfectly legal too, because that is also a legitimate business decision.

I know for a fact that if I was any other color but white, I would have been admitted to a better college, and a better law school, and I would have gotten a better job out of law school, and I would be making more money today.

And all of this is legal because I am a white male, and it's legal to give minorities who get lower grades and test scores better slots in college and law school than white males who do better.

So really, I guess I can blame the fucking federal government, and the Democrats, for making it legal to discriminate against me based on my race and gender.

So, I guess I was wrong. The fucking federal government, and the fucking State of California, and the whole fucking Democrat party is to blame for the fact that (1) I didn't go to Harvard undergraduate, (2) I didn't go to Harvard Law School, (3) I didn't get a fancy job at a Wall Street Firm, because (4) my grades and test scores were good, but not good enough for a white male to get any of that, but if was a minority it wouldn't matter, I would still get it undeserved.

And this is the kind of thing that generates racism in people who would not otherwise be racist, and the government and the Democrats are doing it on purpose because they want the races to hate each other and what better way than to elevate lesser qualified minorities over the heads of more qualified white males?

They're doing it on purpose, because the entire Democratic party feeds on dividing people and making people hate each other. That's how they get minorities to vote for them, by giving them unfair advantages in life, and then convincing them it's justified because whitey is evil.

Are you still harping on that tired old saw? Get some new material.

(X)It needs to be harped on every day until the white people begin to wake up and start to speak out about what is being done to their race by traitors whom appear to want to see old whitey go extinct. You want some good material? Go visit David Dukes or The Political Cesspool website and start to learn something.

I'm too old to start learning how to be a racist pig. Get the stick out of your butt, and stop trying to find somebody to blame for your own failures.

(X)What f'n failures are you talking about that I may have done? Because I am pro-white I am a "racist pig"? It is alright to be of being homo,Native Indian,Asian, Black or East Indian but when a white person says he is proud of his own race and culture, he is a "racist pig". Get lost fool. You have been led to believe that white people is the problem.
If it were not for the white race you probably wouldn't be sitting at your desk playing with your computer as you are now doing, loser. Those mentioned above would never have invented the computer nor what you are enjoying today. If it were not for the white race we would all probably all be living in tents or straw huts. I despise people like you who appear to have this hatred for white people, and their achievements, that has made your silly ass life more bearable. And for being white I am willing to show my pride of what my white people have done for the world. Live with it. Just because a white person shows pride in his/her race does not mean that they are racists. Only fools will come up with that bull chit. If white people were so racist then why do we allow in hundreds of thousands of non-whites every year into this country, uhmm? Get a life will you.
Here's the thing, you have a police station full of white male police officers, a smaller number of black males, a smaller number of white females, and an even smaller number of black females. And this is not through discrimination, it's just that more white males apply for the police officer job than the other categories, etc.

But somehow, the black females get promoted faster than the white males, and a black female is put in the Captain's position above all the others. You are going to hard time convincing any of the white males that the black female police Captain earned her promotion, but was put there through affirmative action.

And what that means is that the black female police Captain will have to work hard to get any respect from the white male police officers, because they will assume she is incompetent, unless she proves otherwise.

And this hurts everyone involved, especially the black female police Captain, who now feels like she is a victim of racism.

(X)Thanks to affirmative action most blacks have attained a police chiefs job. If one ever watches some TV cop show, they will always see in most of those shows black women or tiny little white ugly looking women running the police departments or other police agencies. It's a laugh to say the least. In real life those people on TV would never make police chiefs. The system has become a joke, and unfortunately it is a joke that is being played on the white male and female all of the time.

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