Being Atheist At "Christmas".

Christmas is for sheep who like to follow the dumb things other people do. Let's face it, most people who celebrate it don't even follow Jesus' teachings, even the self-professed religious people. As for buying stuff, it's a total scam to sheer the sheep while they smile.
Hmm... I thought it was a time to enjoy the company of friends and family, exchange gifts, and stories of the past year. And to share future plans, and food with those close to you...
It is.

And I only buy Xmas presents for 5 people. 4 kids 1 dad.

Same. We buy for kids and parents only. (and hopefully, eventually!, grandkids, but not yet...)
Christmas is for sheep who like to follow the dumb things other people do. Let's face it, most people who celebrate it don't even follow Jesus' teachings, even the self-professed religious people. As for buying stuff, it's a total scam to sheer the sheep while they smile.
Hmm... I thought it was a time to enjoy the company of friends and family, exchange gifts, and stories of the past year. And to share future plans, and food with those close to you...
I enjoy the company of family and friends all year. As for useless gifts that only support big businesses and garbage dumps, I don't need any, If during the year I need something, I go and buy it myself. Much simpler, and no begging involved. As for my children (20 somethings), I give them money on New Year's Eve so they can ease into the new year... Plus, I don't eat meat, and would have to drive back from any gathering, so just a wee drop of booze, if any. :(
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?
Christmas is for sheep who like to follow the dumb things other people do. Let's face it, most people who celebrate it don't even follow Jesus' teachings, even the self-professed religious people. As for buying stuff, it's a total scam to sheer the sheep while they smile.
Hmm... I thought it was a time to enjoy the company of friends and family, exchange gifts, and stories of the past year. And to share future plans, and food with those close to you...
It is.

And I only buy Xmas presents for 5 people. 4 kids 1 dad.

Same. We buy for kids and parents only. (and hopefully, eventually!, grandkids, but not yet...)
Your life will change for better as soon as you have a grandkid
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.

OK kids....put down those toys
Time to get dressed for Church

Ohhhhhh, Mom!
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.

OK kids....put down those toys
Time to get dressed for Church

Ohhhhhh, Mom!

well, all kids hate church.... sunday school they may like if it's made fun and relevant to their lives....
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
They stole the holiday from Santa Claus

It is Santas Birthday you know
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
I am fully aware. Yet here we are. Merry Christmas!
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
I am fully aware. Yet here we are. Merry Christmas!

Which is why I as an atheist celebrate Christmas.
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
I am fully aware. Yet here we are. Merry Christmas!

Which is why I as an atheist celebrate Christmas.
Me too. Its become something much more than a religious celebration. Its a cultural one.
Its that most wonderful time of the year. And while many would bemoan the lack of Christ in modern Christmas, its important to recognize that the Christmas holiday is so much more than just a Christian religious observation. Not only is it a holiday celebrated by most Americans; its an American tradition, whether you are religious or not. I found the following article to be an interesting read, and you may too. After all... Christmas isn't just for Christians.

A very atheist Christmas | Richard Dawkins Foundation
"Christians simply appropriated local celebrations to suit their own peculiar beliefs. Christmas is only ‘Christian’ because ancient winter pagan celebrations were incorporated by the Church."
"Christmas belongs to anyone who wants it, and just because I gave up believing in a god doesn’t mean I gave up believing in the love and joy of family. I did not give up the joy of celebration with my abandonment of the absurd. So to my religious and non-religious friends, I wish them all a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah from the heart and I hope they take it with the true spirit with which I give it – that of the spirt of humanity – something we can all celebrate".
Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. Christians superimposed their religion over existing religions so as to make it more palatable
I am fully aware. Yet here we are. Merry Christmas!

Which is why I as an atheist celebrate Christmas.
Me too. Its become something much more than a religious celebration. Its a cultural one.
And besides that I like giving presents to my wife
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.
But Jesus wasn’t born in December.
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.
But Jesus wasn’t born in December.

True, but that is when they choose to celebrate it. There ARE religions that don't for that reason though.....
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.
But Jesus wasn’t born in December.

True, but that is when they choose to celebrate it. There ARE religions that don't for that reason though.....
Actually the Roman emporer decided to celebrate at this time; because the people(pagans) he was trying to rule were already celebrating this day. Makes for an easy transition...
Being Christian sucks at Christmas

What would you rather hear about?

Santa coming down the chimney to bring you toys or some lame story about some Jewish kid born to a virgin?

Well, Christians (supposedly) love Jesus, so, it's a celebration of his birth for them. Those that believe I would think would love it. I like the beautiful hymns myself.
But Jesus wasn’t born in December.
He was actually born in January but they put down December so they could claim the tax deduction for the previous year

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