Belarus sends in Troops....but why?

You mentioned the UN. Are you seeing some way the General Assembly could be an influence? Or was that a typo?
The only power the UN would have is to expel Russia. Give them no access to vote on any resolution or even observe. Isolate them.
No way..... There is no way that it's that simple. You're choosing to be blind to reality. Regardless of what Putin is you're choosing to be obtuse considering provocations on the other side.
If you know the Bull is mad.... And you taunt him into trampling over somebody... You are also at fault.

Provocations don't matter anymore. Putin took this step. He's the only one that can un-take it. I thought the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the stupidest follies I would ever see in my lifetime. Putin just made those wars look smart by comparison. I think he's either succumbing to parkinson's disease, or things are going so colossally bad in Russia that the insane hail mary of invading Ukraine was seen as the only hope for... something.
I don't see any possibility of that JO.
War crimes tribunals can only punish the losing side.

With a US/Russia war there is no losing side, there's only two winning side.

Or vice versa depending on your POV?
So once again it's the people that lose! I listen to a BBC broadcast last night interviewing Ukrainian people. They seem intelligent and emotionally mature. I'm always impressed how easily people can be bilingual. There's no question that these are just normal people that want to live their lives. Zelensky should be burned at the stake.... He chose this for his Nation.... For what reason??
Certainly not for the reasons of freedom and prosperity.
What is going on in Ukraine that would make two of its neighbors massively uncomfortable? I don't buy the rhetoric that Belarus is a de facto satellite of Moscow. But what I do buy is that both Belarus and Moscow agree that NATO is up to no good in Ukraine and neither one of them want lethal weaponry located in that geography pointed at them. This does not make me a Putin sympathizer..... But certainly those will be the first words out of propagandists mouths...... However at this point any intelligent person would have to ask the same question. It's too easy to dismiss it as Putin's insane dream to rebuild the USSR.......There has to be something more to this than just naked aggression.

Thats a super weird take. :cuckoo:
The only power the UN would have is to expel Russia. Give them no access to vote on any resolution or even observe. Isolate them.
That's an interesting idea to introduce here. But of course that can't be done at the level of the UNSC because both Russia and China would veto.

But there has been suggestions raised by the US of giving the General Assembly the power to put some teeth into it for America's benefit.

Good contribution to the discussion but I don't see how it can ever be relevant. Can you suggest some way?
Provocations don't matter anymore. Putin took this step. He's the only one that can un-take it. I thought the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the stupidest follies I would ever see in my lifetime. Putin just made those wars look smart by comparison. I think he's either succumbing to parkinson's disease, or things are going so colossally bad in Russia that the insane hail mary of invading Ukraine was seen as the only hope for... something.
A Simple promise of non-expansionism signed by Zelensky would have prevented all of this long before anyone crossed the border. I listened to Putin the other night.... He shows no signs of dementia or deterioration of thought.... He is a sharp mentally as he's ever been even if his physical health is deteriorating. There is a possible religious angle to this thing too that most of us in the west are unaware of.
But really? You're going to commit your entire nation to pain and suffering to death and hell for the lack of making one simple uncomplicated agreement? No way man....
That's too tall a stack of bullshit to buy.
So once again it's the people that lose! I listen to a BBC broadcast last night interviewing Ukrainian people. They seem intelligent and emotionally mature. I'm always impressed how easily people can be bilingual. There's no question that these are just normal people that want to live their lives. Zelensky should be burned at the stake.... He chose this for his Nation.... For what reason??
Certainly not for the reasons of freedom and prosperity.
I'm surprised that you could get an impression from the BBC that the Ukrainian people aren't 100% solid with Zelensky. But if you did then that's something positive.

It's very much against the BBC's interests to allow any division amongst the Ukrainian people to be seen right now.

I see that so far nobody has rose to the challenge of your new thread except two or three spammers. Hopefully there are some who are capable enough??
A Simple promise of non-expansionism signed by Zelensky would have prevented all of this long before anyone crossed the border. I listened to Putin the other night.... He shows no signs of dementia or deterioration of thought.... He is a sharp mentally as he's ever been even if his physical health is deteriorating. There is a possible religious angle to this thing too that most of us in the west are unaware of.
But really? You're going to commit your entire nation to pain and suffering to death and hell for the lack of making one simple uncomplicated agreement? No way man....
That's too tall a stack of bullshit to buy.
Putin sounds like a lunatic. He gave a speech attacking Lenin's actions over 100 years ago, and how he wants to restore the Christendom to the former Russian Empire of centuries ago. The man is nuts. And any agreement that could have been made before is moot now. Putin pulled the trigger, and Russia is now a pariah state almost on par with North Korea. It's the most insane miscalculation by a world leader in my lifetime.
The answer is obvious and Pootin didn’t do his math correctly and now need his ass to be saved but the question now is if Belarus fails Will China, Iran and North Korea send troops?
Provocations don't matter anymore. Putin took this step. He's the only one that can un-take it. I thought the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the stupidest follies I would ever see in my lifetime. Putin just made those wars look smart by comparison. I think he's either succumbing to parkinson's disease, or things are going so colossally bad in Russia that the insane hail mary of invading Ukraine was seen as the only hope for... something.
A Simple promise of non-expansionism signed by Zelensky would have prevented all of this long before anyone crossed the border. I listened to put in the other night.... He shows no signs of dementia or deterioration of thought....
There is a possible religious angle to this thing too that most of us in the west are unaware of.
But really? You're going to commit your entire nation to pain and suffering to death and hell for the lack of making one simple uncomplicated agreement? No way man....
That's too tall a stack of bulls to buy.
I'm surprised that you could get an impression from the BBC that the Ukrainian people aren't 100% solid with Zelensky. But if you did then that's something positive.

It's very much against the BBC's interests to allow any division amongst the Ukrainian people to be seen right now.

I see that so far nobody has rose to the challenge of your new thread except two or three spammers. Hopefully there are some who are capable enough??
Not at all they are solid with him... I think they would also be solid with him if he decided to sue for peace originally up front and deal with the legal complications through the court system rather than letting the the military battle go forward.

I was impressed with the deep and emotional intelligence of everyone that was interviewed.
Maybe they were handpicked?
If not then they appear to be a group of very fine people.
The mistake Zelensky made looks to me like agreeing with NATO to use his land for a proxy war.
Provocations don't matter anymore. Putin took this step. He's the only one that can un-take it. I thought the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the stupidest follies I would ever see in my lifetime. Putin just made those wars look smart by comparison. I think he's either succumbing to parkinson's disease, or things are going so colossally bad in Russia that the insane hail mary of invading Ukraine was seen as the only hope for... something.
Russia turning around and going back is a relevant point to make, as it would be one possible solution that could avoid the risk of nuclear war.

Maybe somebody should make a list of possibilities that could end it, starting with the most probable or most possible, then down the list with the least.

I could see your suggestion being somewhat possible but not over the possibility of nuclear world war.

Come on Augustine, put your adult hat on. You have the balls to get involved here, now should you're smart enough to wear them.
The only power the UN would have is to expel Russia. Give them no access to vote on any resolution or even observe. Isolate them.
Why would China allow that? They know they would be next as the West suddenly realized the Uigher genocide.
The answer is obvious and Pootin didn’t do his math correctly and now need his ass to be saved but the question now is if Belarus fails Will China, Iran and North Korea send troops?
Well said Bruce! Albeit it in an awkward way.
You didn't need to turn it into spamming by mentioning N.K. and Iran.

But you have tried to start thinking!
The answer is obvious and Pootin didn’t do his math correctly and now need his ass to be saved but the question now is if Belarus fails Will China, Iran and North Korea send troops?
No way ....if Putin wanted absolute victory he would have swept in with overwhelming Force immediately. He could have assembled half a million soldiers on his border and still had plenty of reserves for the rest of the country. At this point only two thirds of force has entered another full third is waiting over the Russian border and more over the Belarusian border. This is not a matter of miscalculation. If this is indeed the beginning of world war III Then Putin already knows more than we know about what's coming next. He didn't spend a whole month in China for nothing. So far he seems completely unphased by all the sanctions... obviously he expected those too.
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A Simple promise of non-expansionism signed by Zelensky would have prevented all of this long before anyone crossed the border. I listened to put in the other night.... He shows no signs of dementia or deterioration of thought....
There is a possible religious angle to this thing too that most of us in the west are unaware of.
But really? You're going to commit your entire nation to pain and suffering to death and hell for the lack of making one simple uncomplicated agreement? No way man....
That's too tall a stack of bulls to buy.
There was no threat of Ukraine expanding to anywhere. Russia was the one already expanding into Ukraine. Putin committed his own country to suffering and death with this action. His soldiers are dying and they don't even know why, and the Russian economy is going to vanish. I feel sorry for the dark ages the Russian people are going to be thrust into.
No way ....if Putin wanted absolute victory he would have swept in with overwhelming Force immediately. He could have assembled half a million soldiers on his border and still had plenty of reserves for the rest of the country. At this point only two thirds of force has entered another full third is waiting over the Russian border and more over the Belarusian border. This is not a matter of miscalculation. If this is indeed the beginning of world war III Then Putin already knows more than we know about what's coming next. He didn't spend a whole month in China for nothing. So far he seems completely unfazed by all the sanctions obviously he expected those too.
You keep on thinking the Ukrainians will roll over and die but you are discovering they will fight…
Alright! This is a breakdown of America's talking points in that the war can't be Russia's alone. Or more to the talking point, Putin's alone.
Pootin started it…

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