BREAKING : UK/US 'lethal aid' arrives in Kyiv amid border build-up. BAD NEWS FOR MOSCOW AND ITS USEFUL IDIOTS LIKE Fox News Carlson

What? Vladimir, son of Vladimir? I was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama. That doesn't mean I can't relate to another culture, does it? I DID travel to Russia once. It was in 2007. I stayed a week with an online friend in her home village of Yaroslavl. It's an ancient village about 160 northeast of Moscow.

The weirdest thing I saw that week was a couple of Mormons. No shit. I still laugh when I think of it.

Uh... no, he's doing a bit more than that. He's sending a message that he'll send in Americans to other eastern European nations like Poland and Czech republic. He and whoever the hell it is running his senile old ass are making noises that could lead to an escalation. Ukraine is not our problem. Ukraine has no business joining NATO with our blessing or assistance.

What steps would YOU take if the decision was yours? More importantly, if you had to respond to a similar situation but this time it was Russian or Chinese troops building up an invasion-size force on our border with Mexico or Canada, what would YOU do?
You've got the Putin talking points down well.

Of course you forget that we encouraged Ukraine to get rid of their nukes with the promise that we would protect them from the Russian kind of is our problem.

What would I do?

Arm the Ukrainians so that Putin would pay a price and beef up our presence in NATO countries to show we take our Article 5 obligation seriously

In other words...pretty much what Biden is doing
Of course you forget that we encouraged Ukraine to get rid of their nukes with the promise that we would protect them from the Russian kind of is our problem.
Well said
It's past time to pull all standing U.S. forces from Europe except for a bare minimum for intel and surveillance. When the SHTF again, let 'em decide for themselves who they want to be allied to. We can sit this one OUT.
I think that would be a mistake

we need a stable europe

and that means cooperation with germany if at all possible
I cant

do you have a theory?
yes, veg. hipster politic for the last 75 years The Anglo-Saxons took care about G. security . they badly need to grow some balls , UK/USA/Australia/Canada need a hand in Europe at least

paid to provide security but instead promote narratives , crazy story ....
I don’t give a crap about Ukraine
many Jews do


Interesting how the Left that used to be the anti war crowd is now cheering for an all out war with a nuclear power that supposedly just unveiled their new supersonic nuclear missiles that can reach any American city in less than five minutes. The Left has truly gone insane.

But of course Biden, the true Russian asset that they falsely accused Trump of being, ends up giving a pass for the Russian oil pipeline going into Europe, while stopping our own. Then the dufus' on the Left wonder why suddenly everything became expensive and our economy is going down the toilet.

Front row seats for a possible production of "The End of American Empire".
I think that would be a mistake

we need a stable europe

and that means cooperation with germany if at all possible

Britain is prepared to deploy troops to protect Nato allies in Europe if Moscow invades Ukraine, Boris Johnson has said in a Commons statement.

I hope THAT all other NATO members will FOLLOW !
The US and Russia can both accept an independent neutral Ukraine.

The deadly foe for both the US and Russia is the CCP.

Only the liberal establishment is banging the drums for war with Russia.
I realize that wasn't directed at me but I have a strong opinion on it. I think Putin is nothing more than a crime boss with an army and NUKES. He's a typical short guy with an attitude and he's made it very clear that he wants to reassemble the USSR. That said, this situation isn't so cut and dried. NATO is pushing right up against the Russian border and IMO, even this little thug has it right when he points out the hypocrisy of the U.S. and NATO. We'd NEVER sit quietly while he or Xi assembled an invasion force with ballistic missiles and other advanced weapons on one of America's borders. I think we should do our best to arm the Ukrainians and let them bleed the Russians until the Russians decide to back off but not ONE U.S. soldier should be put in the position of being a tripwire for widening this conflict. If Putin is getting his ass handed to him and it looks like he'll be humiliated, I have no doubt he'd seriously consider a quick strike with low-yield tactical nukes.
Well, you said a few things there that would put us directly into the combat...For instance, you said that NATO was pushing right up against Russia's border over this. This is something that I didn't know. Now, if this breaks out into an invasion and NATO forces are attacked, we have an obligation to come to their aid...

As for doing our best to arm the Ukrainians, what have we sent them? bullets? What about some weapons that would make a difference? This reeks of lip service to me...

On the sanctions front...I am so tired of hearing about sanctions being levied on one bad actor or another, and it does little to nothing to alter these bad actors actions...They just end up hurting the people of said country...They are NOT a strong signal, nor are they effective...They are just a way of saying we did something....

On the Nukes front, that would be a grave mistake...As it would mean WWIII...And we had better hope that is not the case...But, I will say that the global board sure looks like that's what the world is setting up for....

Britain is prepared to deploy troops to protect Nato allies in Europe if Moscow invades Ukraine, Boris Johnson has said in a Commons statement.

I hope THAT all other NATO members will FOLLOW !

British Army is 85.000.
They deploy to Eastern Europe beyond the show-effect and the Scottish seperatists might take over the island.
He'll provide Stingers and Javelins and sanction the fuck out of Putin.
Really: Joe Biden will "sanction the fuck out of Putin?"

By Dan De Luce

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is trying to fend off efforts in Congress to impose sanctions on a Russian natural gas pipeline to Europe, putting it at odds with Eastern European allies and some Democratic lawmakers.

While the Biden administration and the German government have lobbied lawmakers against the sanctions, Ukraine has appealed publicly to Congress to press ahead with the measures, saying the nearly complete pipeline project will make Kyiv even more vulnerable to Moscow’s pressure tactics.

The political fight in Congress is playing out even as the White House is warning Russia to pull its troops back from Ukraine’s border or face harsh economic penalties.

And do you think I trust them?

I hope you're right. I hope I'm just overreacting, but I have my fears and I pray that they are never fulfilled.

Well, it's not about trust. The issue was what Biden would do.

These people are DIFFERENT to the people running Obama's foreign policy.

And different people have different views on what should happen.
Really: Joe Biden will "sanction the fuck out of Putin?"

By Dan De Luce

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is trying to fend off efforts in Congress to impose sanctions on a Russian natural gas pipeline to Europe, putting it at odds with Eastern European allies and some Democratic lawmakers.

While the Biden administration and the German government have lobbied lawmakers against the sanctions, Ukraine has appealed publicly to Congress to press ahead with the measures, saying the nearly complete pipeline project will make Kyiv even more vulnerable to Moscow’s pressure tactics.

The political fight in Congress is playing out even as the White House is warning Russia to pull its troops back from Ukraine’s border or face harsh economic penalties.

Look at all the new Russian trolls we have now
the Scottish seperatists might take over the island.
You mistook Scotland for Northern Kurdistan, UK is a democracy you can get your independence via referendum / election
and Poland transferred stored T-72 tanks (with new Ukrainian markings) to Ukrainian army. :clap:


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