Belarusian message to Putler" : Lukašenka : "We Will Hand Out 7 Million Machine Guns, Assault Rifle


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Question: will it chill down Muscovites´s FASCIST BAMBOO - IMPERIAL PLANS? I am personally with Lukašenka 100% on this , great move

" Lukašenka : We Will Hand Out 7 Million Machine Guns, Assault Rifles To Every Adult Belarusian, If War Comes, God Forbid"
New samples of weapons were demonstrated there. According to Radio Liberty, this was also reported in the program News 24 years on the STB TV-channel.

While examining the weaponry innovations, Lukašenka expressed an opinion that all adult citizens of Belarus should know how to use weapons.

''As I once said, no kidding, if we have enough shooting weapons, like assault rifles, pistols, machine guns, and ammunition thereof - then, if the war comes, God forbid, we will arm every family. Everyone will protect our territories (let's take way little kids though). Old men, even women - 7 million people, those 7 million people will receive weapons so they could protect themselves,'' Lukašenka said.



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