Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

You mean afraid of overreaction from Christians when they find out you don’t believe what they do?
Like the violence that has increased on the far left towards pro life advocates? It cuts both ways, the extremes lack tolerance and that in of it's self is wrong, that is why we would be better off without either.
On the other hand, if you believe in the writings of Paul, why corrupt his (alleged), writings with interpretation and supposition? If it's true, believe it. If you need to interpret and rewrite it, maybe start your own denomination?
Shrug. I was merely pointing out how your suppositions about one verse did not mesh with the all the words in Chapter 3.

The argument in favor of Mary sinning is not helped by that one verse in that particular context.

Besides, a better question is, Why just one woman? All women cannot be the mother of Jesus, but what is wrong with more women being born full of grace, and therefore without sin?
Like the violence that has increased on the far left towards pro life advocates? It cuts both ways, the extremes lack tolerance and that in of it's self is wrong, that is why we would be better off without either.
Not mentioned:

One side is denying a right tied directly to the sovereignty over one's own body for fully half the population, and one side is fighting for that right.

So we can focus on the similarities, but the differences also matter.
Shrug. I was merely pointing out how your suppositions about one verse did not mesh with the all the words in Chapter 3.

The argument in favor of Mary sinning is not helped by that one verse in that particular context.

Besides, a better question is, Why just one woman? All women cannot be the mother of Jesus, but what is wrong with more women being born full of grace, and therefore without sin?

It's all unbiblical. Mary is just a normal Human.
That's because G-d's Word is THE final authority on morals and ethics, contrary to what you Reprobate excuse for a human being think. His ways are unchanging.
Actually, ‘god’s’ word and man’s word are the same; man created religion and ‘god’ – just as man created morals and ethics.

Morals and ethics are another example of how humans used religion as population control; indeed, all laws were religious in nature.
Why attack Paul? He became an apostle after Judas Iscariot. His Epistles are very much Canon.
Not attacking Paul. Just offering what I think are legitimate questions as to the authenticity of his writing, whether he wrote anything at all and events in the bible that can only be described as having supernatural underpinnings.
I'm not so sure about that. In the verses surrounding 3:23, Paul is referencing the Law and the Prophets. He is addressing the Jews.

He doesn't specifically start addressing Gentiles until 11:13.

Did you read the beginning of Chapter 3? Greeks are specifically mentioned and while all non-Jews are Gentiles, not all non-Jews are Greek. Paul speaks of the universal bondage of sin.
Nope. The secular world is evil, reprobate and doomed. And G-d does NOT allow slavery, nor rape, but they are pointed out in scripture as historical fact. Plus since you are not born again, your "understanding" of G-d's infallible Word is zero!
Secular and religious are equally evil.

Man has an infinite capacity to justify his acts of evil – whether religious or secular.
"Tradition" in no way abrogates the Bible. Sorry, she is just a normal human.
Tradition sufficed for 300 years. You don't understand the Bible. You read it as if it was a canned presentation without regard for the contemporaneous events or symbolism. You read it as a Darbyite.
Secular and religious are equally evil.

Man has an infinite capacity to justify his acts of evil – whether religious or secular.
And, for all of their flaws, the ancient religions were still our first (and, naturally, therefore worst) attempts at codifying morality and ethics, at philosophy, at science, at social engineering, etc.

We don't begrudge alchemists for trying to advance science based on what they knew. We thank them for their progress toward the scientific enlightenment that was and is chemistry.

But we don't read or adhere to alchemical texts anymore, other than as an academic exercise to highlight them as an obsolete curiosity of history.

It's time to put away the childish toys of our ancient past.
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On the other hand, if you believe in the writings of Paul, why corrupt his (alleged), writings with interpretation and supposition?
Particularly since ‘Paul’ was responsible for creating the Jesus myth.

As historian Paul Johnson noted, ‘Paul’ saved Christianity from being just another failed and forgotten Jewish sect, along with countless other failed and forgotten Jewish sects.
It's all unbiblical. Mary is just a normal Human.
Do you believe she was favored or endued with grace as Luke writes the angel said? Or perhaps there was no angel, or perhaps Luke was using hyperbole? Maybe Luke got it all wrong and the angel said, "Hey, you! Lowly peasant girl!" and Mary said, "Hey"? And, that being the case, Mary certainly wouldn't have said future generations would call her blessed, so she must have really said they would call her sinful above all others?
Particularly since ‘Paul’ was responsible for creating the Jesus myth.

As historian Paul Johnson noted, ‘Paul’ saved Christianity from being just another failed and forgotten Jewish sect, along with countless other failed and forgotten Jewish sects.
Yes, and therin lies the fraughtness of the topic of history for the Christians.

Jesus was basically the leader of a small, apocalyptic Jewish sect.

How many of the Christians can rattle off names of others who actually led larger sects and who also claimed to be the messiah?

They can only name one. And that is because their particular set of mythologies was chosen as "the true one" by a Roman emporer for the sole purpose of political expedience.

One can draw a straight line from that one historical event to every gaudy church in America.

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