Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

No I didn't. You're a liar.

It's right here for all to see.


No you aren't. You deny many of the tenets of Christianity. By removing the supernatural from God you deny the story of Creation, you deny the virgin birth, you deny the resurrection. You are a run of the mill deist at best.
Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?
Belief in a ‘higher power’ that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

And Judeo/Christian ‘values’ were created by man, as were ‘god’ and other religious manifestations.

Judeo/Christian ‘values’ – as with the ‘values’ of other religious dogma – are devoid of divine authority and inspiration, a reflection of theists’ arrogance, fear, and ignorance.
How exactly do you KNOW that God does not exist?
declaration of independence, the basis of american beliefs, morals, and purpose of life. like it or not, the USA is a nation based on belief in God. why else is "in God we trust" on our money?
Why wasn't it on our money from the start? If the country were "based on it", why did it take 180 years for a congress to have to implement it as the official motto by passing new legislation?

Reality does not align with your fantasy.
The virgin birth is doctrine. Just as original sin and the immaculate conception are doctrine.

You typed this Surada, not me.


No you aren't. You deny many of the tenets of Christianity. By removing the supernatural from God you deny the story of Creation, you deny the virgin birth, you deny the resurrection. You are a run of the mill deist at best.
Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?
Why wasn't it on our money from the start? If the country were "based on it", why did it take 180 years for a congress to have to implement it as the official motto by passing new legislation?

Reality does not align with your fantasy.
our founding documents are clear on this topic. you are making a fool of yourself.
Indeed. And nowhere do they state "in God we trust" is the basis of our country.

That's why that had to be fudged 180 years later.

Thanks for agreeing finally.
as I told winger, you have to live and die with your beliefs. I feel sorry for you but its your choice and seems that you have made it.
Indeed. And nowhere do they state "in God we trust" is the basis of our country.

That's why that had to be fudged 180 years later.

Thanks for agreeing finally.
what is the significance of "endowed by their creator" in the declaration of independence? try to think about the question before responding.
as I told winger, you have to live and die with your beliefs. I feel sorry for you but its your choice and seems that you have made it.
Yes, that's what people of low intellectual chara mcter do. They quickly flame out and fall back on a tantrum.
what is the significance of "endowed by their creator" in the declaration of independence?
To appease creationists at the convention. Political expedience.

You know, you don't have to just make up lies. You can actually go read about this stuff in history books.

Also, it saves you from embarrasisng yourself in front of people who HAVE read up on it.
declaration of independence, the basis of american beliefs, morals, and purpose of life. like it or not, the USA is a nation based on belief in God. why else is "in God we trust" on our money?
A mad Floriduh Man introduced a bill that passed in 1955.
You are an uneducated fundamentalist and creationist. Rapture ready and armed with prophecy by the Darbyites.

I told you before, remember what you type because I will. Yes, I am fundamentalist and yes IAM A Creationist. Those things make me a Christian. You as I have repeatedly shown through your own words denied the Virgin Birth. I am a Christian, you are not and that's ok , you just need to accept what you aren't because the facade is over.

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