Believe in Something. Even If It Means Sacrificing Everything

"Believe in something" is the stupidest slogan ever created. Did Hitler believe in something? Stalin? Ho Chi Minh? The Ayatollh? Farrakhan? Bin Laden? Colon believes cops are pigs. If you believe that you should hang youself. Go for it Colon.

All depends on what you choose to believe in...I'd suggest using the slogan to fit what one believes in and in Kaperdick's case it would read "Believe cops are pigs" flaunt that one you kneeling POS and while he's at it if he wants to really experience sacrifice since he's virtually unemployed because he sucks at football he should enlist in the military, he'll find out what true sacrifice is and at the same time perhaps become a real man.

He's no role model to anyone but ghetto trash, leftists and anti American jack wads.

As for Nike? Fuck'em....Under Armor is a better product anyway
Boycott Nike for child slavery and being a corporate traitor to America.
my first amendment right correct?

More like your America Express, Visa, MasterCard right. You don't even have to say anything to stop buying their products. They have corporate headquarters in the Netherlands, Shanghai China and Beaverton, Oregon. They have embraced the globalists, and I'm not too sure they really care what you have to say.

Idiotic at best, because you cannot sacrifice "everything", until you have sacrificed what it is you believe in.
Unless, of course, your belief is to leave everything to chance in hope of things working out for the best.
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Idiotic at best, because you cannot sacrifice "everything", until you have sacrificed what it is you believe in.
Unless, of course, your belief is to leave everything to chance in hope of things working out for the best.

Which is all it is. If sales drop in the coming months, you'll see how fast they switch their motto. Pissing off customers, people dumping their Nike stock, they'll make up a new excuse why they got rid of the KaperKlown.
How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Boycott Nike for child slavery and being a corporate traitor to America.
my first amendment right correct?

More like your America Express, Visa, MasterCard right. You don't even have to say anything to stop buying their products. They have corporate headquarters in the Netherlands, Shanghai China and Beaverton, Oregon. They have embraced the globalists, and I'm not too sure they really care what you have to say.
Nike will see.
Boycott Nike for child slavery and being a corporate traitor to America.
my first amendment right correct?

More like your America Express, Visa, MasterCard right. You don't even have to say anything to stop buying their products. They have corporate headquarters in the Netherlands, Shanghai China and Beaverton, Oregon. They have embraced the globalists, and I'm not too sure they really care what you have to say.
Nike will see.

Yes, Nike will continue to see increased sells and their stock will be above where it was when the first ad aired by next week.
Boycott Nike for child slavery and being a corporate traitor to America.
my first amendment right correct?

More like your America Express, Visa, MasterCard right. You don't even have to say anything to stop buying their products. They have corporate headquarters in the Netherlands, Shanghai China and Beaverton, Oregon. They have embraced the globalists, and I'm not too sure they really care what you have to say.
Nike will see.

Yes, Nike will continue to see increased sells and their stock will be above where it was when the first ad aired by next week.

Doesn't mean crap. It won't mean anything for several weeks or perhaps a few months. Then the results will be in, but not beforehand.
Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.

Nike going to take their $39B worth and help whatever the hell cause this disrespect of America is over?
Kap going to?
Any NFL player?

Leftists are just bullshitters who invented a new excuse to piss on America.

The unemployed third rate QB no NFL team wants does have one big fan though:
View attachment 214781

One more example that you don't (can't) think for yourself, and one more data point that you are a Trumpanzee.
Laura Ingraham did more with one town hall in Chicago, then any stupid fk nfl player in two years for Chicago. You know, the city that kills more blacks than any other! Go view it!

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How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.
Boycott Nike for child slavery and being a corporate traitor to America.
my first amendment right correct?

More like your America Express, Visa, MasterCard right. You don't even have to say anything to stop buying their products. They have corporate headquarters in the Netherlands, Shanghai China and Beaverton, Oregon. They have embraced the globalists, and I'm not too sure they really care what you have to say.
Nike will see.

Yes, Nike will continue to see increased sells and their stock will be above where it was when the first ad aired by next week.

Yes, believe in Nike sales and stock value, even if it means sacrificing everything. :21:
White rich guys still exploiting blacks! The Democrats are truly stupid and racist
How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

silly response-------ONE STANDS when the national anthem plays or the flag is hoisted.-----ONE DOES NOT flop to the ground. ONE LIFTS HIS
WINE GLASS for a toast (usually standing) ---ONE DOES NOT sit on the floor and spill the wine under the table. ONE STANDS when the bride walks down the aisle ---ONE DOES NOT turn one's back and emit a fart. ONE DOES NOT ENGAGE IN RUDE AND VULGAR ACTIONS.
It is very simple-----that knee bullshit is RUDE AND VULGAR
Why hasn’t Kapernick kept up his skills by playing in the CFL or new Alliance for American Football? He had an opportunity with the Ravens and blew it. The reality is that his days as a starter are done and he can make more money as a martyr.

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