Believe It

"Israel will take action to prevent Syrian 'weapons leakage' to Hezbollah."

Netanyahu: Israel will take action to prevent Syrian 'weapons leakage' to Hezbollah -
If anything, you can take what the Israelis say to the bank. They say what they mean and mean what they say. If anybody has ever had any dealings with Israelis in business or elsewhere, you would also know that this is exactly how they are culturally on a person to person basis as well.
Israel will milk conflict for millennia. It simply wouldn't exist without it. They were born of conflict, they thrive conflicted, and they would implode without an enemy. It's one big war machine.
Israel will milk conflict for millennia. It simply wouldn't exist without it. They were born of conflict, they thrive conflicted, and they would implode without an enemy. It's one big war machine.
Wow, that was deep. Did Confucious say that or you?

When the Syrians just massacred each other with their Arab Spring, Israel had the moral decency & good common sense to just stay out of Syria's internal affairs.

But when missiles are being sent to Hezbollah in Syria to be used against Israel, well, that's another story.

Netanyahu: Israel will take action to prevent Syrian 'weapons leakage' to Hezbollah -
Looks like Hezbollah is really getting involved in the fighting now right in Syria.

Hezbollah in big Syria battle, Obama 'concerned' | Reuters
As long as the Syrians just keep on massacring their own people in their own country, may both sides be victorious.

When the Syrians just massacred each other with their Arab Spring, Israel had the moral decency & good common sense to just stay out of Syria's internal affairs.

But when missiles are being sent to Hezbollah in Syria to be used against Israel, well, that's another story.

Netanyahu: Israel will take action to prevent Syrian 'weapons leakage' to Hezbollah -
Looks like Hezbollah is really getting involved in the fighting now right in Syria.

Hezbollah in big Syria battle, Obama 'concerned' | Reuters
Holy mackeral. That being the case, who would be so damn dumb as to mess with Israel?

Israel will milk conflict for millennia. It simply wouldn't exist without it. They were born of conflict, they thrive conflicted, and they would implode without an enemy. It's one big war machine.

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