Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

Because things are not done like that anymore. It wasn't like that when I was s kid.

And I didn't deny it happened to you back whenever. I'm talking about how it is now.

Ok then. So, you now admit that that scenario, ie students subject to physical discipline without parent consent is a possible scenario. Thank you. I am willing to let the matter drop now.

That is one possibility of many. I forget what was your exact question that led to weird tangent of you denying historical reality?
Boo fucking hoo

No adult that has any level of maturity cam be bullied by a child.

It doesn't matter what this kid said to the teacher. The guy showed by his lack of control that he cannot be trusted to be in charge of the safety of any child.

I guarantee you that you could line up any number of children you want and have them throw insults and threats my way that I would never strike any of them because I actually understand that children cannot do a goddammed thing to me

Your excuses for the bullies is noted. THe reality remains. Sometimes the children use their power to bully the teachers.

This is part of the breakdown of our schools. And part of a pattern of general cultural decline. IMO.
Of course we do. We have the video of a supposed grown man running down a kid and striking him in the face.

That is assault on a minor

Case closed

Don't you find it odd that the teacher has FORTY YEARS in, and was fine until this moment?
No they can't. And any adult who says a child bullied them is no more mature than a child

There are plenty of bullying methods other than physical assault. You do know that right? Many of them are easily usable by physically weaker people.

Your unsupported assertion makes no sense.

I think all classrooms should have cameras.
Torn on this one. If there are, review should be very strictly limited. Not subject to random FoI requests. Likely only available to law enforcement of the school board disciplinary commitee. There are some people calling for camera in the classroom be available for review by any parent, if not outright livestream. How would you like to have a camera on you while at work, to be looked at and criticized by people who have no idea what your job entails?
Well, most of you are rushing to judgement based on very limited information. That puts me, as the more reasonable one, in the position of "defending" him.

If we had more information, who knows how shit would break down.

LOL. If it came out that the kid was a neo-nazi, you'd turn on him so fast it would make your head spin.


You're defending an adult hitting a kid so hard, he suffered a concussion.

And then you call that, "reasonable."


There is something seriously wrong with you.
Got it. Good people are to take it like bitches. Let the bullies rule the streets and the class rooms. That is your position.

My position is a teacher can't physically strike a student because the student says mean things to him.
Is the kid being investigated?

Don't know. Nor does it matter. There's no evidence the teacher was acting in self-defense. So there is no justification for his actions. The teacher faces consequences of his own actions. Stop blaming the victim.
Ok then. So, you now admit that that scenario, ie students subject to physical discipline without parent consent is a possible scenario. Thank you. I am willing to let the matter drop now.

Now you're lying about my position. My position is NOT a possible scenario. I agreed that's how it was many, many years ago. It's not like that now nor has it been for decades.
Is the kid being investigated?
If the kid was making credible threats he would be. And that would have been reported in more than hearsay on Reddit. If he said mean things to the teacher, it would not have made it beyond the principal's office.
My position is a teacher can't physically strike a student because the student says mean things to him.

Note that you are the one that is using spin to make your case, not me.

That is your brain realizing that you are losing the debate and that you thus need to use deception to try to salvage your position.

My point stands. Everyone has a limit. The tactic of bullies using that, to destroy people, is a real issue in our society. We need a response.

Just letting the bad guys have their way, is your position. Not surprising. It is pretty normal for libs.
Don't know. Nor does it matter. There's no evidence the teacher was acting in self-defense. So there is no justification for his actions. The teacher faces consequences of his own actions. Stop blaming the victim.

The facts of the case don't matter to you?

What a shockingly honest admission.

Is this, to you, about the teacher being a conservative? Is that all you care about?
Now you're lying about my position. My position is NOT a possible scenario. I agreed that's how it was many, many years ago. It's not like that now nor has it been for decades.

Wow. You are bat shit crazy. You admit that it was recently was the way things were done, and yet claim it is impossible.

You are fucking nuts.

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