Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

If the kid was making credible threats he would be. And that would have been reported in more than hearsay on Reddit. If he said mean things to the teacher, it would not have made it beyond the principal's office.

"Mean things"? Odd that you afraid to actually address my point, which was NOT about "mean things".

That indicates that you know my ACTUAL point, is a strong point. And that you fear it.

Thanks for the compliment.
Translation: you pulled it out of your sphincter.

Not even a GOOD deflection. Pathetic, in fact.

I didn't mean to deceive you. I thought my various uses of words like "if" or "scenarios" made it clear that I was trying to make sense of the incident with most of the information being withheld by authorities.

What part of that seems, wrong to you?
The teacher's family was threatened. It's understandable why he might react the way he did.

Says you, citing you.

And when I provide a link of someone reporting that the kid threatened to rape the teacher's daughter, will you have the decency to apologize for calling me a liar?

You won't provide a link, because you can't.

Libs like to ask for shit, that they have no interest in. When you provide it, it is like throwing a pebble into the ocean. No plop, no ripples, it means nothing.

THey just ask, to be dicks.

Watch. Post the link. None of those that made such a big deal over the link, will adjust their positions by one tiny bit.

No link will be posted, because it doesn't exist.

He is just saying what needs to be said, to support the lynch mob that is after the conservative. That is all the meaning his words have.

No, that's you, boy.
Just so we're clear

You're OK with any adult backhanding one of your brats if they mouth off correct?

I suspect he gets aroused at the thought.

So then you'd be OK with any adult backhanding one of your brat grandchildren correct?

Of course he would, he's fine with torturing children.

Yes, you punks. The pattern of starting shit, and then crying victim when someone responds appropriately.

You're so full of shit your breath stinks.

A spanking is NOT a physical assault. You are the dumbshit here, not me.

THe classrooms today, WITHOUT spankings, are far less civilized than they were in my day, WITH SPANKINGS.

Yes, it is. Your arousal at the thought of hurting children does not change that fact.


I apologize for calling you a liar.

He may not be lying. He might just be a mix of very gullible and fairly stupid.
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The video does not show him 'slapping the shit' out of the kid. The fall was a prat-fall. You can see the kid bending his right knee to soften the fall. That would not have happened if he was actually knocked out. He would have fallen like a sack of potatoes probably on his face or on his butt and not with his legs under him.

No, the kid had his head banged off a CONCRETE BLOCK WALL, you fucking idiot. The teacher should be publicly tortured to death for it.

from: Indiana teacher slaps student: What we know about Jimtown High School, Mike Hosinski incident
"In court documents filed Friday, officials describe their investigation of the incident, say the boy told an officer the impact caused him "throbbing" pain in his head along with a bloody nose and lip. The officer, according to records, observed an abrasion and lump on the student's head, as well as an abrasion in his mouth."

The police officer observed an abrasion, a lump on the head and an abrasion in his mouth. That is a pretty solid slap.

Not just the slap, the kid's head hit the concrete block wall!
Link to "concussion".
It's a sign of the times that now young people consider the slightest bump of the head to be a life-threatening concussion. I even see this attitude among student athletes and more importantly their parents.

The softest generation.
Time for the guy to retire when he is unaware that there are cameras all over the freaking place and every kid has a personal one in his cell phone. You can't hit a kid because he is disrespectful.

No, time for him to be executed by public torture over at least a year. Pay the executioners/vivisectionists by the hour and decibel based on his screaming.
Lots of defense of child abuse here

I suspect the ones defending it have engaged in it, and enjoyed it.
Yeah, and we also know what the miscreant kid did to prompt that reaction. He threatened to rape the teacher's daughter. One eyewitness said he threatened to burn his house down.

No, an anonymous post on Reddit (that might be the child-abusing teacher, or you) claimed that.
What is a beloved conservative doing slapping a kid like?! If that was my kid and I saw that video this guy would be more than out of a job. Why in the world would you defend somebody like that?!

Because those two LIKE child abuse.
You fuckwad, that still doesn't give that teacher the right to hit that kid. There is something seriously wrong with you.

Of course it does

You think it's just fine for an adult to strike a minor.

And teachers don't get a pass on the law. If anything they should be held to a higher standard because they are supposed to be professionals trained in the education of children.

So just admit it

You wouldn't want anyone smacking one of your kids for mouthing off but it's OK for everyone else's kids

He prefers to hurt his own children.
If the threat was credible the teacher should have called the police.

BTW it wasn't credible

If it happened...which I suspect it did not.
Now you are tap dancing

He always does.
So, is the kid being investigated? After all this teacher had FORTY YEARS under his belt. Unlikely he would just do this for no reason.

Or this is just the first time he got CAUGHT.
No they can't

The power disparity is far too great.

Adults have for more power if not physically then in every other area of society.

And if an alleged trained professional educator cannot handle trach talk from a child then he should not be teaching

I saw two angry teenagers destroy a teacher's life. Six months later, he blew his brains out with a shotgun.

They made the whole thing up.
Probably, yes they did.

And also if you were paddled in school I am willing to bet it was not done out of anger.

No, it was probably done at least in part for the sexual gratification of the abuser.
I wouldn’t care.

A grown man hitting a child is cowardice.

Or sexual perversion.
That is nonsense. This teacher did not have more power. He is ruined. He will be lucky to avoid jail time or keep his pension.

The kid proved himself to be far more powerful.

He should be vivisected. Anything short of death by torture is not harsh enough.
As the camera clearly shows

but without a camera in the classroom he might have gotten away with it there

And probably has.
Well, most of you are rushing to judgement based on very limited information. That puts me, as the more reasonable one, in the position of "defending" him.

If we had more information, who knows how shit would break down.

LOL. If it came out that the kid was a neo-nazi, you'd turn on him so fast it would make your head spin.

While you are falling over yourself as you defend the indefensible.
Link to "concussion".

Someone on here suggested it. But searching news articles for it turned up only a bloody lip & nose, and an abrasion and lump on his head, which he complained was throbbing. So I retract "concussion."
A child cannot bully an adult.

No they can't. And any adult who says a child bullied them is no more mature than a child
A child can ruin an adult's life if they are evil enough.
Don't you find it odd that the teacher has FORTY YEARS in, and was fine until this moment?
Many priests had 40 years in before they got caught molesting alter boys. It just means this is the first time he got caught.
It's a sign of the times that now young people consider the slightest bump of the head to be a life-threatening concussion. I even see this attitude among student athletes and more importantly their parents.

The softest generation.
You need to test-drive a serious concussion and CTE.
He prefers to hurt his own children.

If it happened...which I suspect it did not.
He always does.

Or this is just the first time he got CAUGHT.

Now who is just making up shit?

I saw two angry teenagers destroy a teacher's life. Six months later, he blew his brains out with a shotgun.

They made the whole thing up.
Thanks for the admission. We all know such things are possible. But as a society, we don't have a response.

Anything happen to the kids?
Note that you are the one that is using spin to make your case, not me.

That is your brain realizing that you are losing the debate and that you thus need to use deception to try to salvage your position.

My point stands. Everyone has a limit. The tactic of bullies using that, to destroy people, is a real issue in our society. We need a response.

Just letting the bad guys have their way, is your position. Not surprising. It is pretty normal for libs.


That teacher was charged with battery, as he should have been. What did I lose?


A child can ruin an adult's life if they are evil enough.

Many priests had 40 years in before they got caught molesting alter boys. It just means this is the first time he got caught.

You need to test-drive a serious concussion and CTE.

We don't have the information we need to pass judgement here. The teacher could have been a monster who hid it.

Or the child could be the bad guy, using his "child" protections as a weapon against a hated authority figure.

Both are possible. Jumping to a conclusion, is not a good idea.

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