Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

If you look on Reddit you can see all sorts of claims.

I saw one that said the Apollo moon landing caused climate change. I have seen plenty of Flat Earthers making claims there. You can find plenty of claims that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax.

Anonymous reddit posts are proof of nothing.
The claim was sourced on this thread. The kid threatened to rape Hosinski's daughter, got taught a lesson for it, and Hosinski has made out very nicely from the donations!

Enjoy your summer, Mike. You earned it!

Uhhh, no. Nothing like that happened. Your source is a lie, just like everything else sourced from right wing blogs and anonymous claims online. You ppl truly live in a bubble of your own fantasies.
Yeah, the judge saw it for what it was. A nothingburger. The kid deserved it. Mr Hosinski had a sterling record for 40 years. He was just pushed a little too far that day by that kid threatening to burn his house down and rape his daughter.
Agreed. 15 years ago, 1st simple assault and battery was $129.50, plus court costs, even here in TN. I am glad it did not mess with his teacher retirement.
Hosinski gave that bad apple a measure of discipline he likely had never experienced in his so-called home.
So you are sitting around bragging about a grown man attacking someone else's kid. Some of you Trump Humpers are weak as hell, had he put his hands on the right kid he wouldn't have to worry about what the school or the courts were going to do to his coward ass.
So you are sitting around bragging about a grown man attacking someone else's kid. Some of you Trump Humpers are weak as hell, had he put his hands on the right kid he wouldn't have to worry about what the school or the courts were going to do to his coward ass.
The claim was sourced on this thread.

No, it was not. It is just propaganda, and nothing more.

But fine, please give us this proof that it really happened. I know you have been challenged for it in the past and blew it off. I expect nothing more now.
What reason did that kid give him?

None that was ever legally presented, or stated by an actual witness.

Oh, there is a lot of bullshit about he threatened to rape a daughter and burn his house, but that is purely fictional. That has never appeared in any actual witness statement, or in court or school records.

Hell, the person in here that made that claim has yet to even present proof that the man has a daughter. Or the teacher actually reported that to law enforcement or anybody else.

Now I make no attempt to hide that I tend to be on the "Conservative" side of the political spectrum. But I also recognize that this teacher was dead wrong, and he was not being persecuted. I see him as no more being persecuted than an individual with multiple felony convictions who pulls a gun on a cop is a victim. And I laugh equally at both sides when they try to portray such people to me as "victims".

He did get off lightly, but I am sure there will still be a civil case coming.
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If you look on Reddit you can see all sorts of claims.

I saw one that said the Apollo moon landing caused climate change. I have seen plenty of Flat Earthers making claims there. You can find plenty of claims that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax.

Anonymous reddit posts are proof of nothing.
All the leftwing media reported Nick Sandmann confronted that Injun guy. Then it was proven he didn't. Therefore, leftwing media sources are proof of nothing.

But in this case, you asserted Hosinski's daughter was NOT threatened. So now it is your job to provide a link that backs up your claim.
So you are sitting around bragging about a grown man attacking someone else's kid. Some of you Trump Humpers are weak as hell, had he put his hands on the right kid he wouldn't have to worry about what the school or the courts were going to do to his coward ass.
Mr. Hosinksi is a big strong man. You wouldn't have laid a glove on him, my friend.
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Uhhh, no. Nothing like that happened. Your source is a lie, just like everything else sourced from right wing blogs and anonymous claims online. You ppl truly live in a bubble of your own fantasies.
OK. You say it's a lie. Now the burden is on you to prove it.
See how this works?
None that was ever legally presented, or stated by an actual witness.

Oh, there is a lot of bullshit about he threatened to rape a daughter and burn his house, but that is purely fictional. That has never appeared in any actual witness statement, or in court or school records.

Hell, the person in here that made that claim has yet to even present proof that the man has a daughter. Or the teacher actually reported that to law enforcement or anybody else.

Now I make no attempt to hide that I tend to be on the "Conservative" side of the political spectrum. But I also recognize that this teacher was dead wrong, and he was not being persecuted. I see him as no more being persecuted than an individual with multiple felony convictions who pulls a gun on a cop is a victim. And I laugh equally at both sides when they try to portray such people to me as "victims".

He did get off lightly, but I am sure there will still be a civil case coming.
How do you know it never appeared in court or police interviews? All you know is what the leftwing media told you, and they were DYING for this conservative icon teacher to get nailed. They were all over this story in March.

Now ax yourself this: Now that Hosinksi got probation and a small fine, how many leftwing outlets have you seen reporting that story?
I rest my case.
No, it was not. It is just propaganda, and nothing more.

But fine, please give us this proof that it really happened. I know you have been challenged for it in the past and blew it off. I expect nothing more now.
Goodness, it really roils you leftwinger that the judge thought this case was so trivial, he basically let Hosinski off completely.
He did get off lightly, but I am sure there will still be a civil case coming.
It's pretty cut-and-dried self defense, so I doubt there will be a suit.
And I'm sure the kids family doesn't want any investigation of their obviously dysfunctional home life.
But we'll see. It depends if the far left decides to back a frivolous suit for this kid just to harm the teacher. They are that filled with hate, so I guess it's a possibility.

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