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Ben Carson admits he LOVES affirmative action - That makes him a racist

That was 15 years ago. I would like to hear him now.
Carson: We need compassionate action, not Affirmative Action

Oh can the "racist" crap and just admit Carson is not qualified and has no chance of being elected to anything.

No, don't try to make it about Obama either.

Just once, try addressing the real issue without playing the RW race card.

"Race card"..... Ben Carson came form nothing to make something of himself. Obama had everything handed to him. He was coddled. Obama was not qualified to run shit he's an embarrassment to this country and the whole world knows it.... accept of course you leftist clones in this country

Obama was raised like a white kid so that translates, in your mind, to being coddled? That makes a lot of sense in LA LA LAND! It ranks right up there with your other bigoted, fractious notion that he is unqualified or an embarrassment to HIS country: the good ol' boyz' USA!

Obama has accomplished so many positive things during his tenure as president it would take several forum pages to list them all!

Obama went to private schools and was raised in Hawaii by his bank V.P. grandmother and his Marxist grandfather. It's not about race idiot, but you seem to be a little simpleminded. So i'll excuse your Idiocy.
Carson came from nothing to something with the help of AA. He is just one example of a Black man that would have been held back if not for AA.

You're an idiot.... He's an example of a man who actually had a parent who cared and made him study, and instilled some kind values in him. His mother did that.

I agree Carson had an awesome parent. He also used AA which you can deny as much as you want to but he admits it himself.

Beyond Affirmative Action - Dr. Ben Carson - Page full

In my mind, I was pretty hot stuff. Only after I got to Yale and became cognizant of my classmates' many accomplishments did I realize that the admissions committee had taken a substantial risk on me and that I had been extended special consideration. My early academic experiences were traumatic, and but for the grace of God, I would have flunked out.

Everybody has asked the question, and they learned to ask it early of the abolitionists, "What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! If you see him on his way to school, let him alone, don't disturb him! If you see him going to the dinner table at a hotel, let him go! If you see him going to the ballot- box, let him alone, don't disturb him! [Applause.] If you see him going into a work-shop, just let him alone,--your interference is doing him a positive injury.

April, 1865, Frederick Douglass

The speech from Douglas was eloquently done but extremely naive. That is understandable... for he could not foresee the coming storm of invidious hatred that would follow emancipation. That question was asked with the same nefarious intent that the German people asked of Hitler: What shall we do with the Jew?

Douglas’ naivete is evident when he failed to account for discriminatory practices that, in effect, shook his hypothetical “apple tree” and threatened to completely uproot it: tree, branches apples and all! In that environment, what tree can bear fruit? When there s no water for it and no nourishment...why do you marvel at the stark nakedness of it’s branches and the withering fruit thereof!

JQPublic1 2014
I think Douglas was giving whites the benefit of the doubt. He had to have known the infantile fits of rage whites are capable of when witnessing Black success. Its well documented that whenever whites see Blacks succeeding they attack. Its like an instinctive response. I think he was appealing to the human side in hopes of shaming them from further attacks instead of being naive..

You're no better than the rest of the racist on the board. Racist is a racist. it dosent matter the race of the racist
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This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
Once again we see a Dumbocrat attacking an African-American. Everything here is a dog-whistle to scream "n*gger".

Liberals proving once again they are the party of racism.
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
Carson needs to admit his comprehensive ignorance of politics and concern himself with medicine instead.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.

Yes indeed. For decades up until say 1965 democrats despised blacks. Then they switched and have been persecuting whites ever since. Repubs are the party that believes in a color-blind society.
That was 15 years ago. I would like to hear him now.
Carson: We need compassionate action, not Affirmative Action

Oh can the "racist" crap and just admit Carson is not qualified and has no chance of being elected to anything.

No, don't try to make it about Obama either.

Just once, try addressing the real issue without playing the RW race card.

"Race card"..... Ben Carson came form nothing to make something of himself. Obama had everything handed to him. He was coddled. Obama was not qualified to run shit he's an embarrassment to this country and the whole world knows it.... accept of course you leftist clones in this country

Obama was raised like a white kid so that translates, in your mind, to being coddled? That makes a lot of sense in LA LA LAND! It ranks right up there with your other bigoted, fractious notion that he is unqualified or an embarrassment to HIS country: the good ol' boyz' USA!

Obama has accomplished so many positive things during his tenure as president it would take several forum pages to list them all!

Obama went to private schools and was raised in Hawaii by his bank V.P. grandmother and his Marxist grandfather. It's not about race idiot, but you seem to be a little simpleminded. So i'll excuse your Idiocy.

Only a certified maniacs like Glen Beck or Joe the plumber would attempt to tie Obama's parents or grandparents to Marxism. His grandmother was a conservative Republican. The grandfather of Obama has no ties to Marxism either except in the twisted mind of Glen Beck...and crazies like you. Membership in a Unitarian Church is no red flag for marxism or communist sympathies! But even if they were, their freedom to be marxists or whatever should not be barred by intolerant assholes like you. Nor should their political aspirations be subjected to anything more or less than that of the racist bastards who control the GOP.

Who cares about that crap?. The question is why is africa so primitive today compared to the rest of the world.? Africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet.

Why the hell are the red states so primitive compared to the rest of the nation? Why the hell did Ireland spend 400 years relitively uneducated when at one time it was the repository of education in Europe? It could not have something to do with foreign occupation?

Irish? HAHAHA. The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. Anyway irish are doing fine now but africa is in the stone age and has been there for thousands of years. THINK
You are just too stupid to debate with. We have hit you over the head with images and bulet proof facts but you still insist on pursuing images of African as a monolithic chaotic state when, in fact, it is a continent of many nations...some with glittering modern cities and infrastructure. I winder why we even give you an audience. It benefits no one, to do so. You are so hopelessly clueless and bigoted!
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
Once again we see a Dumbocrat attacking an African-American. Everything here is a dog-whistle to scream "n*gger".

Liberals proving once again they are the party of racism.
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
If you are black there is an undercurrent of racism in every part of social discourse within the USA. Granted, there are individuals who are not racists but they too flee when blacks move into the neighborhood. Women hold their purses tighter when a black approaches, no matter how liberal. But the larger picture of national racism has traditionally comes into focus when there is a perception that Blacks are, on the whole, making some kind of political gain or when they gather in large numbers to protest a perceived wrong.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.

Yes indeed. For decades up until say 1965 democrats despised blacks. Then they switched and have been persecuting whites ever since. Repubs are the party that believes in a color-blind society.
Yes, just like the Nazis did but that lack of skin color differences didn't stop them from finding some other reason to exterminate innocent people! Just like those former KKK democrats who turned to the nearly all white GOP when Blacks started to make political gains there!.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Ha. The darling of the white wing recognizes the contributions of affirmative action. I support AA, but not someone who has sold out to the white wing ignorant racists, like those posting here.
Leave to a faggot using words like "white wing" to use the handle "Atticus Finch". The funny thing is, every white liberal views themselves as Atticus Finch when they are defending thugs like Michael Brown and Trayvon Brown with zero evidence. The problem is, they can never find their Tom Robinson because such a character so rarely exists outside of fiction.

What losers you guys are.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Ha. The darling of the white wing recognizes the contributions of affirmative action. I support AA, but not someone who has sold out to the white wing ignorant racists, like those posting here.

WTH are you talking about. Why do you libs always think a black Conservative is a sell out. Really? What has the DNC done for blacks in the last 50 years? Let me tell you. Less than nothing. Not nothing- less than nothing. They are worse off now than before.

And of course you give no reasons as to why Mr. Carson is a poor candidate in your mind? He is living the American dream and saving and changing lives; yet I'm sure you voted for Obama.:deal::eusa_doh::eusa_naughty:
Dr. Carson is just the GOP's Obama if he runs. He would be inept, inexperienced, and out of his depth as a leader. Hopefully the GOP isn't stupid enough to nominate an affirmative action candidate like the Democrats did, look at the results.

I am sure he is a good man, and a superb doctor, but he isn't qualified to be the leader of the world's preeminent superpower. That is just an absurd notion.

He may have so popularity at first if he runs, but like Herman Cain, he will fizzle out when in comes time for primary elections because he lacks substance.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Ha. The darling of the white wing recognizes the contributions of affirmative action. I support AA, but not someone who has sold out to the white wing ignorant racists, like those posting here.

WTH are you talking about. Why do you libs always think a black Conservative is a sell out. Really? What has the DNC done for blacks in the last 50 years? Let me tell you. Less than nothing. Not nothing- less than nothing. They are worse off now than before.

And of course you give no reasons as to why Mr. Carson is a poor candidate in your mind? He is living the American dream and saving and changing lives; yet I'm sure you voted for Obama.:deal::eusa_doh::eusa_naughty:

Simple, he's willing to pander to ignorant bigots like you and other white wingers. Were he not kissing you ignorant ass, you'd brand him a loser.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Ha. The darling of the white wing recognizes the contributions of affirmative action. I support AA, but not someone who has sold out to the white wing ignorant racists, like those posting here.

WTH are you talking about. Why do you libs always think a black Conservative is a sell out. Really? What has the DNC done for blacks in the last 50 years? Let me tell you. Less than nothing. Not nothing- less than nothing. They are worse off now than before.

And of course you give no reasons as to why Mr. Carson is a poor candidate in your mind? He is living the American dream and saving and changing lives; yet I'm sure you voted for Obama.:deal::eusa_doh::eusa_naughty:

Simple, he's willing to pander to ignorant bigots like you and other white wingers. Were he not kissing you ignorant ass, you'd brand him a loser.

how is he pandering to "us"? I'll assume you are black and hate whites. Guess what? Lots of good black Conservatives who have seen the light. You and your JOKE of a Party do not own them; get over it. It's 2014.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Ha. The darling of the white wing recognizes the contributions of affirmative action. I support AA, but not someone who has sold out to the white wing ignorant racists, like those posting here.

WTH are you talking about. Why do you libs always think a black Conservative is a sell out. Really? What has the DNC done for blacks in the last 50 years? Let me tell you. Less than nothing. Not nothing- less than nothing. They are worse off now than before.

And of course you give no reasons as to why Mr. Carson is a poor candidate in your mind? He is living the American dream and saving and changing lives; yet I'm sure you voted for Obama.:deal::eusa_doh::eusa_naughty:

Simple, he's willing to pander to ignorant bigots like you and other white wingers. Were he not kissing you ignorant ass, you'd brand him a loser.

what has the DNC done for blacks? I'll wait....
HAHAHA. More conspiracy talk. So tell us why don't whites use that targeted interference to keep blacks out of pro sports? You're telling us whites won't let blacks get corporate jobs that pay $200,000 a year but whites do let blacks make $30 million a year in pro sports!!!

And then you cry that the board is always laughing at you!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You do realize I am talking about history right?. Nowadays I may have to work 10x harder but a white person couldnt stop me if their life depended on it. I'm a titan but then again I know my history and thats what makes me strong and unstoppable.

The board notes you evaded the question so i'll ask again. Why doesn't this giant anti-black conspiracy you're always ranting about work in pro sports.??
Who told you it was some conspiracy? Most low intellect white people like you are nothing but pawns.You have fallen hard for the message that you cant get ahead because of all the non whites. You specifically aren't smart enough to sit still through a cartoon let alone sustain a conspiracy. What is very real is a racist infrastructure to society that was built long ago and whites regardless of being racist or not benefit from.

To answer your question directly one only needs to look at who benefits the most from pro sports. No one is going to watch a bunch of white guys play basketball or football. The owners of the teams are billionaires. They can afford to give up millions to make more billions. They know they have to put the best product on the court/field and it sure is not white guys. This mentality probably stems from the peculiar white male practice of loving to watch in awe Black males exercising their masculinity. This is the same mentality that drove slave owners to pit Black males against each other in fights or force them to rape Black girls while they whacked off. The benefit is that they can make money off of it.
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