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Ben Carson admits he LOVES affirmative action - That makes him a racist

This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
Once again we see a Dumbocrat attacking an African-American. Everything here is a dog-whistle to scream "n*gger".

Liberals proving once again they are the party of racism.
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
If you are black there is an undercurrent of racism in every part of social discourse within the USA. Granted, there are individuals who are not racists but they too flee when blacks move into the neighborhood. Women hold their purses tighter when a black approaches, no matter how liberal. But the larger picture of national racism has traditionally comes into focus when there is a perception that Blacks are, on the whole, making some kind of political gain or when they gather in large numbers to protest a perceived wrong.
Now that's comical. It's like saying it's racist for someone walking down the street to move over further every time a car passes. That's not racist - it's called common sense. There is a massive disproportionate number of black people in prison in this nation. If a woman holds her purse tighter when a black person approaches (and I would love to see you prove that accusation), she's not being racist - she's simply playing the odds. Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - it is not "gripping your purse tighter". Like many in America, you're desperate to make a case for racism even where none exists.
This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect... Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect... Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
Once again we see a Dumbocrat attacking an African-American. Everything here is a dog-whistle to scream "n*gger".

Liberals proving once again they are the party of racism.
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
If you are black there is an undercurrent of racism in every part of social discourse within the USA. Granted, there are individuals who are not racists but they too flee when blacks move into the neighborhood. Women hold their purses tighter when a black approaches, no matter how liberal. But the larger picture of national racism has traditionally comes into focus when there is a perception that Blacks are, on the whole, making some kind of political gain or when they gather in large numbers to protest a perceived wrong.
Now that's comical. It's like saying it's racist for someone walking down the street to move over further every time a car passes. That's not racist - it's called common sense. There is a massive disproportionate number of black people in prison in this nation. If a woman holds her purse tighter when a black person approaches (and I would love to see you prove that accusation), she's not being racist - she's simply playing the odds. Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - it is not "gripping your purse tighter". Like many in America, you're desperate to make a case for racism even where none exists.
I anticipated that someone like you would come out of the woodwork and misconstrue what I have written. The above bold and red print, underlining the real focus of my statement, has been highlighted for your benefit., read with understanding..
This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!
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[ Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - .

No - that is not racism. You are in favor of thought crimes and that must stop. If you want to hate someone based on skin color, why should i care?. Racism is when the govt mandates persecution of people based on skin color. And that is affirmative action.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. !

Jobs handed out by AA don't count, you fool. That's like saying generous welfare payments have allowed blacks to move out of poverty!!!

Blacks have to advance on their own instead of relying on gifts from white people.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. !

Jobs handed out by AA don't count, you fool. That's like saying generous welfare payments have allowed blacks to move out of poverty!!!

Blacks have to advance on their own instead of relying on gifts from white people.

You mean like too many white folks have advanced by being white and not being told -- directly or more likely indirectly -- "only Caucasians need apply."

Have you ever been held back by AA? Everyone I've met that says they have, turned out to not get a job/promotion because the employer found out they were ignorant and a screwup despite having all the advantages.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. !

Jobs handed out by AA don't count, you fool. That's like saying generous welfare payments have allowed blacks to move out of poverty!!!

Blacks have to advance on their own instead of relying on gifts from white people.
Whites had 350 years of AA. Welfare was started to help poor whites. Whites have never advanced on their own. They always had to get people of color to help them.
Once again we see a Dumbocrat attacking an African-American. Everything here is a dog-whistle to scream "n*gger".

Liberals proving once again they are the party of racism.
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
If you are black there is an undercurrent of racism in every part of social discourse within the USA. Granted, there are individuals who are not racists but they too flee when blacks move into the neighborhood. Women hold their purses tighter when a black approaches, no matter how liberal. But the larger picture of national racism has traditionally comes into focus when there is a perception that Blacks are, on the whole, making some kind of political gain or when they gather in large numbers to protest a perceived wrong.
Now that's comical. It's like saying it's racist for someone walking down the street to move over further every time a car passes. That's not racist - it's called common sense. There is a massive disproportionate number of black people in prison in this nation. If a woman holds her purse tighter when a black person approaches (and I would love to see you prove that accusation), she's not being racist - she's simply playing the odds. Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - it is not "gripping your purse tighter". Like many in America, you're desperate to make a case for racism even where none exists.
I anticipated that someone like you would come out of the woodwork and misconstrue what I have written. The above bold and red print, underlining the real focus of my statement, has been highlighted for your benefit., read with understanding..
What does that have to do with the fact that you proclaimed "a woman holding her purse tighter" as an example of racism?
This whole frigging country is racist but at least the democrats have made an unprecedented gesture towards diversity. Blacks ARE mostly democrats so are you saying Blacks are racist against themselves? They aren't all that liberal but they are democrats
I disagree with your unsubstantiated claim that supporters of AA are racists. Whites promulgated it and were more instrumental in executing it. Its just plain stupid to say those white supporters are racists against whites because of AA. Bizarre.
This whole country isn't racist. Just the left. Since that is the side you surround yourself with, I could see how you would think it's the "whole country" since it's everywhere you look in the liberal world. The left in this country has a very long and very ugly history of racism, hate, and violence.
If you are black there is an undercurrent of racism in every part of social discourse within the USA. Granted, there are individuals who are not racists but they too flee when blacks move into the neighborhood. Women hold their purses tighter when a black approaches, no matter how liberal. But the larger picture of national racism has traditionally comes into focus when there is a perception that Blacks are, on the whole, making some kind of political gain or when they gather in large numbers to protest a perceived wrong.
Now that's comical. It's like saying it's racist for someone walking down the street to move over further every time a car passes. That's not racist - it's called common sense. There is a massive disproportionate number of black people in prison in this nation. If a woman holds her purse tighter when a black person approaches (and I would love to see you prove that accusation), she's not being racist - she's simply playing the odds. Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - it is not "gripping your purse tighter". Like many in America, you're desperate to make a case for racism even where none exists.
I anticipated that someone like you would come out of the woodwork and misconstrue what I have written. The above bold and red print, underlining the real focus of my statement, has been highlighted for your benefit., read with understanding..
What does that have to do with the fact that you proclaimed "a woman holding her purse tighter" as an example of racism?
The sentence I wrote doesn't have the word racism in it. I left it our for a reason. That reason ought to be clear when read in context with the opening statement where I said ," granted, there are individuals who are not racists." Meaning inadvertently sometimes people do things that appear to be racist while not being racists. I then went on to give two examples, one being the woman holding her purse tighter when blacks approach. I don't see that as racist, I see it as an autonomic response to intense daily inculcation by the news media of how bad blacks are. I have explained it, now live with it!

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. !

Jobs handed out by AA don't count, you fool. That's like saying generous welfare payments have allowed blacks to move out of poverty!!!

Blacks have to advance on their own instead of relying on gifts from white people.
Blacks are as American as you and most are not impoverished. They are entitled to the same gifts YOU get ...not from White people but from TAXPAYERS of ALL colors and creeds. Dumbass!
The wiki article on him has this quote

In 1999 Carson wrote:

"A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America.

I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action."

Ben Carson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like obozo, benji is a white-hating racist. You can't support affirmative action unless you're a racist. It is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

If a very accomplished white surgeon went around saying stupid hyper-partisan shit that gins up the Teabagger base, would the GOP prop him up as proof they're not... anti-surgeon?

No. It's because he's black that the GOP props up the very accomplished but politically misguided surgeon. They hold him up as proof that they're not racist and black people embrace their agenda.... 6 black people.

Affirmative action still helping Carson out.
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.
[ Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity - .

No - that is not racism. You are in favor of thought crimes and that must stop. If you want to hate someone based on skin color, why should i care?. Racism is when the govt mandates persecution of people based on skin color. And that is affirmative action.
You shouldn't care. And that is why racism is not illegal bonehead. People are free to be as hateful as they want to be.

Racism is hating someone before you even know them simply based on their ethnicity. Period. The fact that you need someone to explain that to you is flat out disturbing.
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.
Again - another liberal dying to scream "n*gger" at an educated black man who is too smart to vote himself into slavery and on to the government plantation. The racist liberal dog-whistles are all being blown at full force!
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.
Again - another liberal dying to scream "n*gger" at an educated black man who is too smart to vote himself into slavery and on to the government plantation. The racist liberal dog-whistles are all being blown at full force!
Black people dont use that word. Thats for inbred trailer park dwellers. Personally, I call him a token because thats what he is. The Republicans already copped to the southern strategy. They only want Black votes now because they are about to die out with the next round of old white guys.
This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this:

Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Have you seen enough? I think for most reasonable people you have. But, if you really are interested in studying the core of Blackness you ought to visit several Black churches to get a feel of how most Blacks live... Black are fervently Christian oriented. Those types differ greatly from the public image of Blacks you have locked in your head.

Finally, it is easy to tell blacks to "clean up their own house" when the house of Caucasians, including most Jews, has floors covered in the blood of other Caucasians. Have you forgotten that the Germans and the European Jews they murdered are considered White.. You should know the term Jew is not a racial designation, but one of religious tradition and ritual. The genocide in Germany was indeed Whites killing Whites if we are to adhere to the current definitions apropos race. The Nazi definition doesn't count anymore!


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