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Ben Carson admits he LOVES affirmative action - That makes him a racist

You shouldn't care. And that is why racism is not illegal bonehead. People are free to be as hateful as they want to be.

You mean anti-white racism is not illegal. Hell, it's govt mandated as in affirmative action.
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.

How many times does the board have to explain this to you? The only racism in america is affirmative action and liberals support that. YOU are the racists. THINK
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.

How many times does the board have to explain this to you? The only racism in america is affirmative action and liberals support that. YOU are the racists. THINK

I think your posting history makes it clear that you are an ignorant racist yahoo.
Lest just call Carson what he is. The latest in a line of token Blacks used by the GOP right wingers to pretend they are not the bastion of racism.

How many times does the board have to explain this to you? The only racism in america is affirmative action and liberals support that. YOU are the racists. THINK

I think your posting history makes it clear that you are an ignorant racist yahoo.

HAHAHA. As usual, all you have is namecalling. thanks for admitting i'm right.
This is the 21st century Douglass's premise is more on the mark today than it ever was. Liberty is a good thing. Being someone's victim isn't going to get you anywhere.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.

Douglas' premise was put to the test during the Reconstruction era. During and after that period Backs made substantive political gains and many moved to middle class status.Resentful Whites, angered by this, erupted into unprecedented violence and triggered the rise of the KKK.

Eventually, in 1896 the USSC decision Plessy vd Ferguson curtailed civil rights in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The separate but equal doctrine lasted for almost 60 years and, ironically, segregation brought Douglas' 1865 speech to fruition in many respects. Blacks did stand on their own two feet and built several thriving communities that were the envy of whites who lived near them. Those Blacks were no body's victims until marauding white terrorists destroyed, murdered and ravished Rosewood fla. and Greenwood, OK. There are your victims and, yes that didn't get them anywhere.

But which party was most responsible for Plessy vs Ferguson being instituted? Before you anti-democrat windbags start to point fingers, I will show that the GOP was no better than the Democrats in that regard. In an anti-civil rights ploy during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries the Lily White Movement was created and took root in the Republican Party.Elements of both parties were complicit in that political agenda.

But getting back to Douglas' 1895 speech. The reality of it brought out the worst in millions of whites and the pogroms against blacks persisted into the early 20th century and beyond. The Warren Court ended American Apartheid in 1954. But the bipartisan reception among the rank and file Americans was hostile and at times violent. If you were Black, standing on your own two feet was increasingly difficult. Getting a job in the white world at that time often meant having to put up with racial slurs, jokes , vandalism and outright physical confrontation. The worst tasks were relegated to blacks with no chance of advancement. Education was a luxury few could afford.

Something had to change... The premise of Douglas' speech had become an untenable illusion . Then a set of events occurred in the mid sixties that ushered in the answer.... Affirmative Action!

Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.
Bullshit...liberal, fascist in the" Democratic" party are responsible for KKK and segregation, reconstruct ect...
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

JROC said:
Jews were not allowed to have jobs either, Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in regular hospitals, so we got funding and opened up our own. Sit around and be a victim.
Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

JROC said:
White people aren't responsible for black people slaughtering black people, babies being murdered ect...
I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

JROC said:
Clean up your own house and quit blaming others. a large portion of the white people here came in after slavery. They don't owe you anything. Anybody can make it here, unless you blame others, then you're stuck there.
The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
So you are denying that The GOP's Lily White Movement had anything to do with segregation when the party abandoned it's principles of Freedom and justice for all? Did not the GOP cloak itself in silence for 58 years as American Apartheid unfolded? That is complicity by inaction if nothing else!

Ashkenazi Jews were/are Caucasian in appearance. Don't pretend that they had the same tribulations in America as Black people who could not simply remove a star of David or shave a beard and become "White",whatever White is.

I agree to a large extent. But is that the whiteness in you speaking or the Jewishness?
Do you judge non-Jewish Whites with the same yardstick you judge Blacks with? Do you judge the German Christians who murdered Jewish Babies by the millions and slaughtered over 6 million Jews. DO you dare to make that comparison?

The Jews hardly made it here at all...Ship loads were turned back at the height of the Nazi genocide. Have you forgotten? Do you blame the Jewish victims for their own demise?
If Blacks were left alone during segregation, they would have prospered on their own as exemplified by Rosewood, fla. Greenwood OK, and early Harlem.

You want blacks to "clean up their own houses and quit blaming others? Most have, thanks to opportunities afforded by AA. However, a small portion of the male populace, according to FBI crime statistics, are arrested disproportionately for violent crimes. Whites are arrested for just as many crimes in raw numbers or more, depending on the year, but you want Blacks to clean their house while their tax dollars are wasted on police protection that doesn't materialize until its time to draw a chalk mark around a body! You are hereby rebuked!

Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.
Dude i lived in Detroit my whole life. My high school was 70% black. Detroit has been run by blacks for over 40 yrs and i'm not white in appearance actually especially when I had the biggest afro or Jewfro in school:biggrin: but that's besides the point.The biggest problem in the black community is 72% out of wedlock birthrate. No fathers, no respect for older people, no respect for other black people. None... You wanna come to Detroit? I'll show you around. 2 and 3 yr old babies are being killed in front of their parent before they are shot as well. So don't give me your bullshit. Jews arent killing each other. So when i say clean up your own house, that's what i mean. I like to keep it real. You should try it:thup:
Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.

Notice, I use the term conservatives, not Republicans, because there are plenty of liberal Republicans, and you're either for or against the slaughter of babies. Unions used to be against illegals where are they now? SEIU is right there with Obama. No Obama didn't start it, but be is is insists on pushing ahead with his executive amnesty which has never been done before, and is against the law. Unions leaders have sold out to Obama. How about we take care of our own citizens Black people and poor whites need jobs not handouts wouldn't you agree?

Are you insinuating that the decline of Detroit is attributed to being run by blacks for 40 years? Is that an a priori assumption or did you arrive at that conclusion a posteriori? Realistically, after a brief review of Detroit history, I discovered myriad reasons for the decline. Discrimination and racist police sparked the riot of 1967 despite the mayor being black. Blacks didn't have absolute power over Detroit just because of the mayors.

From that topic you jump to the much publicized 72% out of wedlock birth rates. I guess we have to take those dire statistics at face value since us common folk don't have the tools necessary to verify anything we are told by government agencies! Here is one for YOU to ponder: The Black birthrate has declined 60% over the past decade. If that doesn't ease your angst somewhat try this

[quote]Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.

Notice, I use the term conservatives, not Republicans, because there are plenty of liberal Republicans, and you're either for or against the slaughter of babies. Unions used to be against illegals where are they now? SEIU is right there with Obama. No Obama didn't start it, but be is is insists on pushing ahead with his executive amnesty which has never been done before, and is against the law. Unions leaders have sold out to Obama. How about we take care of our own citizens Black people and poor whites need jobs not handouts wouldn't you agree?

There a plenty of conservative Democrats whether you want to believe it or not! But I'm beginning to wonder what all of this talk of abortion and immigration has to do with the OP? Allow me to get the conversation back on track. Does Carson's admission that AA afforded him the opportunity to showcase his skills undercut his conservatism in any way? Do you know his views on immigration and abortions?
Wow!! am i supposed to be impressed with seeing your kid once a month? Really? That's not a crisis to you? Liberalism is a cancer throughout American society. Not only blacks, certainly poor whites. Yes the black birthrate in down. Lots of abortions, the leftist love black population control.


The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.

Notice, I use the term conservatives, not Republicans, because there are plenty of liberal Republicans, and you're either for or against the slaughter of babies. Unions used to be against illegals where are they now? SEIU is right there with Obama. No Obama didn't start it, but be is is insists on pushing ahead with his executive amnesty which has never been done before, and is against the law. Unions leaders have sold out to Obama. How about we take care of our own citizens Black people and poor whites need jobs not handouts wouldn't you agree?

There a plenty of conservative Democrats whether you want to believe it or not! But I'm beginning to wonder what all of this talk of abortion and immigration has to do with the OP? Allow me to get the conversation back on track. Does Carson's admission that AA afforded him the opportunity to showcase his skills undercut his conservatism in any way? Do you know his views on immigration and abortions?

Do you approve of the way black conservatives are demonizes just because they don't fall in line with liberal Democrats? Is there a problem? are Black people allowed to be free thinkers?

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The links indicated at least once a month , that is considerably different than just saying once a month. There is no need to embellish the purported facts, they are dire enough without your help.

That abortion statistic is staggering . However African Americans only account for 36%. So that number is even more astronomical when the total for all races is considered. Yeah, I know you're going to replay that proportional tune again but clearly, the abortion problem extends well beyond the black community. And don't be so naive as to think it is only liberals who get abortions, plenty of conservative girls get abortions too.!

As for your chart; what are you trying to tell me with that? Please post the one showing the leading causes of death for whites and hispanics; let's make a comparison.

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.

Notice, I use the term conservatives, not Republicans, because there are plenty of liberal Republicans, and you're either for or against the slaughter of babies. Unions used to be against illegals where are they now? SEIU is right there with Obama. No Obama didn't start it, but be is is insists on pushing ahead with his executive amnesty which has never been done before, and is against the law. Unions leaders have sold out to Obama. How about we take care of our own citizens Black people and poor whites need jobs not handouts wouldn't you agree?

There a plenty of conservative Democrats whether you want to believe it or not! But I'm beginning to wonder what all of this talk of abortion and immigration has to do with the OP? Allow me to get the conversation back on track. Does Carson's admission that AA afforded him the opportunity to showcase his skills undercut his conservatism in any way? Do you know his views on immigration and abortions?

Do you approve of the way black conservatives are demonizes just because they don't fall in line with liberal Democrats? Is there a problem? are Black people allowed to be free thinkers?
Most of the Blacks who vote are conservatives...social Democrat conservatives. They share your views on abortion and they are mostly devout Christians who are typically the pillars of the Black community. The broad line that separates them from the Reicht Wingers is their humanity and altruistic Christian ideology. I see you avoided my questions concerning Carson. You don't know a thing about him do you? If you don't want to stay on topic this may be my last post to you here!

People with strong families generally aren't getting abortions by the millions. That's the issue, family structure has broken down in the black community, as well as with poor white and Hispanics (Which isn't a race) this is the result of American leftism. You don't see a problem? it seems to me you just make excuses, which is pretty sad actually, you defend it. Then we got scum like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson profiting off the misery of their own people. Go to these neighborhoods, it seems like you're far removed to me. Talk to these older people whose houses are being striped, bars on the windows, who some may be afraid to go out of their house. Were is fucking Obama speaking out? People like him hang out with their elitist leftist friends and you praise them as if they actually give a shit. Conservatives are horrified by the abortion rate. Blacks people who helped to build the country are no longer the largest minority group. they've been replaced by "Hispanics" whom Obama is pandering to at the moment, who Obama and his leftist buddies are letting in the country unlawfully by the millions while the Black teenage unemployment rate is near 25% and the adult black unemployment rate is 12%. Where's your outrage?
Did I really defend abortion? Please point out the sentence of a paragraph in which I defended abortion. I can't seem to find it. For me, and members of my family, I am pro life. However, that does not give you or me the right to impress our personal opinions about abortion onto people whose circumstances may differ dramatically from our own.
For many on the right, though, I suspect the anti abortion critique is solely done for economical purposes. You don't want tax dollars paying for abortions. On the other hand, if the mother decides to bear the child and subsequently reaches out for help through welfare, again the right wingers raise their voices in protest.

You speak as if all of this abortion scandal and influx of Latin immigrants started under Obama. In truth, this whole affair started long before Obama became a political factor.
Conservatives have more to gain from the influx of immigrants then liberals do; The right Associates unionism with liberals. The Union, of course are hurt by illegals who the business community uses to exploit as a weapon against low paid unskilled minorities.
Keep seeking the truth, you are almost there.

Notice, I use the term conservatives, not Republicans, because there are plenty of liberal Republicans, and you're either for or against the slaughter of babies. Unions used to be against illegals where are they now? SEIU is right there with Obama. No Obama didn't start it, but be is is insists on pushing ahead with his executive amnesty which has never been done before, and is against the law. Unions leaders have sold out to Obama. How about we take care of our own citizens Black people and poor whites need jobs not handouts wouldn't you agree?

There a plenty of conservative Democrats whether you want to believe it or not! But I'm beginning to wonder what all of this talk of abortion and immigration has to do with the OP? Allow me to get the conversation back on track. Does Carson's admission that AA afforded him the opportunity to showcase his skills undercut his conservatism in any way? Do you know his views on immigration and abortions?

Do you approve of the way black conservatives are demonizes just because they don't fall in line with liberal Democrats? Is there a problem? are Black people allowed to be free thinkers?
Most of the Blacks who vote are conservatives...social Democrat conservatives. They share your views on abortion and they are mostly devout Christians who are typically the pillars of the Black community. The broad line that separates them from the Reicht Wingers is their humanity and altruistic Christian ideology. I see you avoided my questions concerning Carson. You don't know a thing about him do you? If you don't want to stay on topic this may be my last post to you here!


Umm.. Ok, since you don't live in the world of reality i guess we're done. Conservative Democrats hardly exist anymore. To the extant that they do they've sold out to the radical leftist Obama wing. Can't hardly get black clergy to be disgusted enough by the Marxist, to oppose Obama and his kind and to vote against it. That being the case, they have no morals.. they're sell outs and slaves of the "Democratic" party. No need to work for the black vote, it's been bought and paid for:thup:

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