Ben Carson as Vice President?

:banana: :banana2: :banana:
I know it would go against conventional wisdom, but picking Carson as Trump's running mate would underscore their difference with Hillary Clinton's corruption. Although the VP officially serves as President of the Senate, this is largely a ceremonial duty. Legislative experience may be a more important qualification for the President's Chief of Staff, where someone like Newt Gingrich might be best suited.

Wouldn't it be a refreshing change for a Vice President to be selected on the basis of character and leadership?

I swear to God the right screamed for years about how President Obama lack experience and now those like you want Donald John Trump to take Ben Carson and that would be the one of those tickets that when looked back on will be consider the dumbest move in the GOP history!

I know you will disagree and tell me how it will be the winning ticket in November, and I am telling you if Trump does it you better get use to President Clinton!

Wouldn't it be a refreshing change for you to post an intelligent comment?
You never have, so why are you asking others to do what you cannot?
If you libtards ever grow up, you will be embarrassed by your postings.

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