Ben Carson is OVER (when this gets out)


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ben Carson had been sued for malpractice at least six times including by a girl who suffered facial disfigurement and woman who claimed he left a SPONGE in her skull

Look what he did to this poor girl - and it's just one of many.

Apparently he's not such a great doctor after all.




My heart goes out to all his victims.

Including the dopes that will vote for him in upcoming primaries.
Ben Carson had been sued for malpractice at least six times including by a girl who suffered facial disfigurement and woman who claimed he left a SPONGE in her skull

Look what he did to this poor girl - and it's just one of many.

Apparently he's not such a great doctor after all.




My heart goes out to all his victims.

Including the dopes that will vote for him in upcoming primaries.

Need a few more details here, Madge. Preferably something more reliable than the tabloids.
Ben Carson had been sued for malpractice at least six times including by a girl who suffered facial disfigurement and woman who claimed he left a SPONGE in her skull

Look what he did to this poor girl - and it's just one of many.

Apparently he's not such a great doctor after all.




My heart goes out to all his victims.

Including the dopes that will vote for him in upcoming primaries.

sued 6 times?

out of how many operations?

Left a sponge in a girls brain?

Just once?

out of how many operations?

Do you have a second job making mountains out of molehills, or is that your main one?
so what's your crystal ball predictions on the Shrillary, the commie Bernie ?

leftwinger wet dreams
sued 6 times?

out of how many operations?

Left a sponge in a girls brain?

Just once?

out of how many operations?

Do you have a second job making mountains out of molehills, or is that your main one?

You're talking to a bed wetter who's probably on welfare. She's never done a single productive thing in her life, yet she's ready to believe an article from the same publication that has run stories about:

The moonbat messiah had an affair with a blow up doll. AKA Caroline Kennedy too bad we all know he's a faggot.

Hitlary's bulldyke lovers exposed in email scandal I thought there was no email scandal?

Joe Biden's Coke scandal I don't recall you heralding the "magazines" credibility there.

And to further demonstrate the absurdity of even reading that trash we have the Lochness Monster story.

We should believe the one about Carson though right bed wetter?

Choke on your own vomit and die.

Bens alright , so he made a 'mistake' , sad to see . Still Ben is alright but I see him as a wuss , not fit for the presidency because he is too wusslike . ------------ Go TRUMP !!
i'm thinking a poster is in order; a picture of the dead bodies of the SIX THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED BLACK AMERICANS MURDERED EACH AND EVERY YEAR IN LIBERAL-RUN CITIES where there isnt a Republican, Black, White, Hispanic or otherwise around for miles; killed in the places where the Left deludes themselves they protect and defend the groups the hold nearest and dearest

the Left is guilty of Political malpractice
i dont see any FINDINGS of malpractice in the posts of left-wing nutjobs

go figure....................
this item is from one of the articles a left-wing nutjob posted:

Carson, however, has faced several malpractice allegations that date back to the early 1980s. A spokeswoman for Carson did not respond to a detailed list of questions sent by the Guardian for this article, but in at least one case, an agreement was reached with the plaintiff to not disclose any outcome of her settlement. That plaintiff told the Guardian she would still vote for Ben Carson.
Ben Carson had been sued for malpractice at least six times including by a girl who suffered facial disfigurement and woman who claimed he left a SPONGE in her skull

Look what he did to this poor girl - and it's just one of many.

Apparently he's not such a great doctor after all.




My heart goes out to all his victims.

Including the dopes that will vote for him in upcoming primaries.

Do you actually know any surgeons or better yet, attorneys that represent surgeons?

Might bring a bit of perspective to your shallow little world.
Hillary's chances are looking better and better every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is hilarious is that there may not be anyone left to vote for on the GOP side of the coin.
But it's OK THAT OBama and his snake party is going around SUEING US and our States.

what is wrong with the left in this country? they only live for their party and the rest of us can go to hell

this is the lowlife dirty politics of the left/progressive/democrats folks

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