Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.
Pete Sessions House GOP learning from Taliban - On Congress -

Sessions thinks that those polices are harmful.
He has the right to think that because it's true.
The proof is in our histories past.
The left seem to have a real problem with understanding the rights ideology.
Either that or they really hate our Founders and our Constitution or just love to fight. :dunno:
I'm thinking it's the latter. :)

More likely, it's just that the right wing is a bunch of nasty obstructionist liars who spout off about the constitution when they know nothing about it and care more about their party and trying to beat Obama than they do about the country.

Some on the right are saying the same thing about the left.
I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.

Yes he did.
He has been consistent with how Americans are so divided in their ideology.
Cons got it. The Libs didn't.
It's how we look at things philosophically.
So of course Libs will see what he said differently.

Perhaps he has said something about the country being divided in the past, but that is not what this particular statement said. It's odd that the repub party, who has worked so long and hard to divide the country would complain because their efforts succeeded.
Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.
Pete Sessions House GOP learning from Taliban - On Congress -

Sessions thinks that those polices are harmful.
He has the right to think that because it's true.
The proof is in our histories past.
The left seem to have a real problem with understanding the rights ideology.
Either that or they really hate our Founders and our Constitution or just love to fight. :dunno:
I'm thinking it's the latter. :)

More likely, it's just that the right wing is a bunch of nasty obstructionist liars who spout off about the constitution when they know nothing about it and care more about their party and trying to beat Obama than they do about the country.

Some on the right are saying the same thing about the left.

Of course they are. Facts don't agree with their assessment though.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."

What do you think Ben Carson meant when he said that ISIS have got the wrong philosophy?

That was where he was contrasting them, in the biggest understatement of the year.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he compared them to the founders, which the other poster is ignorantly denying.

The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.
You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."

What do you think Ben Carson meant when he said that ISIS have got the wrong philosophy?

That was where he was contrasting them, in the biggest understatement of the year.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he compared them to the founders, which the other poster is ignorantly denying.

The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.

Bullshit. While almost anything is technically possible, we both know that ain't going to happen.
So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.

Yes he did.
He has been consistent with how Americans are so divided in their ideology.
Cons got it. The Libs didn't.
It's how we look at things philosophically.
So of course Libs will see what he said differently.

Perhaps he has said something about the country being divided in the past, but that is not what this particular statement said. It's odd that the repub party, who has worked so long and hard to divide the country would complain because their efforts succeeded.

How about both parties are doing it because they are.
The left see it in the right, the right see it in the left.
I keep saying that we have to get the incumbents out of both parities or we won't see any changes or compromises.
They have both been at war with each other every since Bush Jr. got elected.
What do you think Ben Carson meant when he said that ISIS have got the wrong philosophy?

That was where he was contrasting them, in the biggest understatement of the year.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he compared them to the founders, which the other poster is ignorantly denying.

The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.

Bullshit. While almost anything is technically possible, we both know that ain't going to happen.

Throughout our history each generation has done better than the last but not any longer.
No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.

Yes he did.
He has been consistent with how Americans are so divided in their ideology.
Cons got it. The Libs didn't.
It's how we look at things philosophically.
So of course Libs will see what he said differently.

Perhaps he has said something about the country being divided in the past, but that is not what this particular statement said. It's odd that the repub party, who has worked so long and hard to divide the country would complain because their efforts succeeded.

How about both parties are doing it because they are.
The left see it in the right, the right see it in the left.
I keep saying that we have to get the incumbents out of both parities or we won't see any changes or compromises.
They have both been at war with each other every since Bush Jr. got elected.

Bush was a terrible failure, and both parties now agree on that, but he never received the constant, relentless obstruction, false accusations (which all investigations proved to be baseless), and flat out lies that have been seen against this president.
That was where he was contrasting them, in the biggest understatement of the year.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he compared them to the founders, which the other poster is ignorantly denying.

The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.

Bullshit. While almost anything is technically possible, we both know that ain't going to happen.

Throughout our history each generation has done better than the last but not any longer.

There consistently being more and more money made each year, but it is all going to the top 1%. That has never happened to this extent, in modern times, before. No wonder the progress of an entire generation has been stifled.
The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.

Bullshit. While almost anything is technically possible, we both know that ain't going to happen.

Throughout our history each generation has done better than the last but not any longer.

There consistently being more and more money made each year, but it is all going to the top 1%. That has never happened to this extent, in modern times, before. No wonder the progress of an entire generation has been stifled.

That always happens when the economy becomes stagnant. They sit on their wealth and it accumulates.
It's because our young are going to have to pay that huge debt off that is going to stifle them.
No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.

Yes he did.
He has been consistent with how Americans are so divided in their ideology.
Cons got it. The Libs didn't.
It's how we look at things philosophically.
So of course Libs will see what he said differently.

Perhaps he has said something about the country being divided in the past, but that is not what this particular statement said. It's odd that the repub party, who has worked so long and hard to divide the country would complain because their efforts succeeded.

How about both parties are doing it because they are.
The left see it in the right, the right see it in the left.
I keep saying that we have to get the incumbents out of both parities or we won't see any changes or compromises.
They have both been at war with each other every since Bush Jr. got elected.

Yep, both sides are making sure the other side is not going to succeed. Obama is now taking that stand in the WH, he ready to veto anything the the GOP gives him.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.

Because of American policies of freedom, that plumber's son or daughter can become an entrepreneur and make 10 billion on their own.

Bullshit. While almost anything is technically possible, we both know that ain't going to happen.

Throughout our history each generation has done better than the last but not any longer.

There consistently being more and more money made each year, but it is all going to the top 1%. That has never happened to this extent, in modern times, before. No wonder the progress of an entire generation has been stifled.

That always happens when the economy becomes stagnant. They sit on their wealth and it accumulates.
It's because our young are going to have to pay that huge debt off that is going to stifle them.

The economy becomes stagnant when they sit on their money. This is not a cyclical thing. It has been going on for quite a while .
Paying off the debt with falling income while the rich just keep getting richer certainly will stifle them.


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Wow, only a complete degenerate racist pile of human filth could make that leap.

oh, it's hufpoo, and lakballs

that explains the lack of reality and hatred

oh the irony...

here's some facts for you;

If a media outlet made this leap for obama, you would be told to scream racism and, like a recorder, you would.

but since you were told something else, you repeat something else.

four legs good
two legs better

and you don't even know it

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