Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."

What do you think Ben Carson meant when he said that ISIS have got the wrong philosophy?

That was where he was contrasting them, in the biggest understatement of the year.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he compared them to the founders, which the other poster is ignorantly denying.

The Founders philosophy was the opposite of ISIS. But they were willing to die for it and they were united.
We are no longer a nation that is united.
We are a nation divided by different philosophies.
One side wants bigger more intrusive controlling government.
One side wants smaller less intrusive government and more freedom.
The Founders were united in democratic principles of liberty, equality, individualism and laissez faire economics.
No only that, but the founders felt if you passed enormous wealth on from generation to generation, you would turn America into "old Europe". Even though it's true, Republicans will never believe it. Someone born with 10 billion dollars is hardly equal to someone whose father is a plumber.
If you can't give any examples, you might as well be sitting there beating a tin pan with a wooden spoon.

You will just twist it like you always do and refuse the facts.
Everyone has their believes and yours is always warped because of your hatred toward Conservatives.
You know Liberals and Conservatives and Independents have a lot more in common than they have in their differences and this is what we should all be working on.

We are more divided every day with less and less in common. To many, on all sides,:we already live in different countries. There is nothing in any of the other factions to support.

That is what Washington D.C. and the media wants you to think. They are running the shows to manipulate our opinions.
We were never as divided as when this administration took over.
They are doing it on purpose to dived the nation.
It's a far left play book.

We all want our kids to have a good education.
We all want Americans to have good jobs.
The Vast Majority want our Borders secure.
We all want to help the poor get out of poverty.

Bullshit. Was it in the Democrats playbook for the right to have a meeting at the first of our presidents administration to decide to oppose him every step of the way and then to stick to that strategy for the last six years? Any dividing of the country is caused by the rights constant obstruction and constant lies in an effort to manufacture false scandals. You and your entire party should be ashamed of yourselves.

Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.
CORONADO, Calif. (AP) — Republican presidential prospect Ben Carson on Thursday compared the Islamic State group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

In a speech to the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego, the former neurosurgeon and conservative favorite praised American patriots for their willingness to give their lives for their beliefs. Then he mentioned the Islamic State group.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

A Republican National Committee spokesman had no immediate response when asked to comment on Carson's remarks, which came as part of a 35-minute luncheon address.

More: Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots Willingness To Die For Cause

Well, this should certainly get ole Ben a lot of rightwing votes. Go Ben!
Wow, only a complete degenerate racist pile of human filth could make that leap.

oh, it's hufpoo, and lakballs

that explains the lack of reality and hatred
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.
Wow, only a complete degenerate racist pile of human filth could make that leap.

oh, it's hufpoo, and lakballs

that explains the lack of reality and hatred
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

you haven't had a free thought or figured anything out on your own in decades.

where's your outrage that the media is attacking a black man?

oh that's right, you were not told to be outraged so you aren't

flaming hypocrite
Wow, only a complete degenerate racist pile of human filth could make that leap.

oh, it's hufpoo, and lakballs

that explains the lack of reality and hatred
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So is that why the far left supports ISIS?
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So is that why the far left supports ISIS?
they were not told by their leaders to be mad at them for killing innocent Americans, it doesn't matter if they sawed peoples head off with a knife, they were told that they did not rep islam.

and since they can not think for themselves....
Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Not the first time...

Wow, only a complete degenerate racist pile of human filth could make that leap.

oh, it's hufpoo, and lakballs

that explains the lack of reality and hatred
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.
You will just twist it like you always do and refuse the facts.
Everyone has their believes and yours is always warped because of your hatred toward Conservatives.
You know Liberals and Conservatives and Independents have a lot more in common than they have in their differences and this is what we should all be working on.

We are more divided every day with less and less in common. To many, on all sides,:we already live in different countries. There is nothing in any of the other factions to support.

That is what Washington D.C. and the media wants you to think. They are running the shows to manipulate our opinions.
We were never as divided as when this administration took over.
They are doing it on purpose to dived the nation.
It's a far left play book.

We all want our kids to have a good education.
We all want Americans to have good jobs.
The Vast Majority want our Borders secure.
We all want to help the poor get out of poverty.

Bullshit. Was it in the Democrats playbook for the right to have a meeting at the first of our presidents administration to decide to oppose him every step of the way and then to stick to that strategy for the last six years? Any dividing of the country is caused by the rights constant obstruction and constant lies in an effort to manufacture false scandals. You and your entire party should be ashamed of yourselves.

Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.
The reason Carson and those who applauded and cheered are being mocked is obviously over your head and ability to think beyond the knee jerk level. Carson is simply using the method of comparing love vs. hate and placing himself and the audience in the love category. Founders = love, ISIS = hate. The lack of critical thinking precludes the audience from a deeper than knee jerk analysis and conclusion. Carson's catch all opinion could apply to Nazi's, Vietcong, any group of suicidal terrorist. It could apply to any group with conviction and dedication to any belief system. In other words, the comparison is meaningless drivel meant for the lowest denominator in the audience. He and the audience are being mocked for being to stupid to realize that he is in fact comparing the founders to having the same level of character as ISIS terrorist.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.
We are more divided every day with less and less in common. To many, on all sides,:we already live in different countries. There is nothing in any of the other factions to support.

That is what Washington D.C. and the media wants you to think. They are running the shows to manipulate our opinions.
We were never as divided as when this administration took over.
They are doing it on purpose to dived the nation.
It's a far left play book.

We all want our kids to have a good education.
We all want Americans to have good jobs.
The Vast Majority want our Borders secure.
We all want to help the poor get out of poverty.

Bullshit. Was it in the Democrats playbook for the right to have a meeting at the first of our presidents administration to decide to oppose him every step of the way and then to stick to that strategy for the last six years? Any dividing of the country is caused by the rights constant obstruction and constant lies in an effort to manufacture false scandals. You and your entire party should be ashamed of yourselves.

Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.
what a lying idiot

the comparison only exist for those that read, read, read and re-read his words looking for anything they could make up to attack the mans character

leftist filth, like you, buy that shit hook line and sinker

fucking hypocrite filth

You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.
That is what Washington D.C. and the media wants you to think. They are running the shows to manipulate our opinions.
We were never as divided as when this administration took over.
They are doing it on purpose to dived the nation.
It's a far left play book.

We all want our kids to have a good education.
We all want Americans to have good jobs.
The Vast Majority want our Borders secure.
We all want to help the poor get out of poverty.

Bullshit. Was it in the Democrats playbook for the right to have a meeting at the first of our presidents administration to decide to oppose him every step of the way and then to stick to that strategy for the last six years? Any dividing of the country is caused by the rights constant obstruction and constant lies in an effort to manufacture false scandals. You and your entire party should be ashamed of yourselves.

Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.
Our forefathers fought to expand liberties.

ISIS fights in order to restrict them.

All those who are more interested in fighting each other with all this finger-pointing partisan crap are only making it easier for them.
Bullshit. Was it in the Democrats playbook for the right to have a meeting at the first of our presidents administration to decide to oppose him every step of the way and then to stick to that strategy for the last six years? Any dividing of the country is caused by the rights constant obstruction and constant lies in an effort to manufacture false scandals. You and your entire party should be ashamed of yourselves.

Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.

Pete Sessions House GOP learning from Taliban - On Congress -
You have to read read read his quote to find him comparing ISIS to the founders? Are you insane?

"A bunch of ragtag militiamen defeated the most powerful and professional military force on the planet. Why? Because they believed in what they were doing. They were willing to die for what they believed in....

Fast forward to today. What do we have? … ISIS. They’ve got the wrong philosophy, but they are willing to die for what they believe..."
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.
Based on a book by By Michael Grunwald The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era?
I have yet to see actual written or recorded proof of those allegations.

The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.

Pete Sessions House GOP learning from Taliban - On Congress -

Sessions thinks that those polices are harmful.
He has the right to think that because it's true.
The proof is in our histories past.
The left seem to have a real problem with understanding the rights ideology.
Either that or they really hate our Founders and our Constitution or just love to fight. :dunno:
I'm thinking it's the latter. :)
The book you mention is anything but a condemnation of Obama. In fact, he talks about his efforts in glowing terms. Here is an excerpt from the book at Amazon
The New New Deal The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era Michael Grunwald 9781451642322 Books
For proof the obstruction meeting you might want to check out Pete Sessions interview with National Journal in 2009, or you could watch these two videos
where Newt Gingrich admits he attended and that is what happened.

Of course he tries to justify the right's tactics, but there is no doubt that meeting happened, and the outcome was to obstruct Obama on everything no matter what it caused.

What those videos of Newt said is that the Democrats were united not to reach out the Republicans from the very beginning and shut them out.
They did it with the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care bill.
Anytime they would come to an agreement Obama reneged and to try and add something else.

Bullshit. Like I said, he did try to justify what they did, but he did admit the meeting and that they agreed to oppose Obama on everything no matter what else happened. I noticed you didn't bother trying to justify Pete Sessions saying the GOP model the TALIBAN to create a GOP insurgency. The GOP has been following the strategy they laid out on the same night Obama was inaugurated.

I was unable to find the video on Pete Sessions.
Do you have a link?
They have the right to do so, especially when a President's policies will do harm to the country which is what they believe.
Not only do they believe it but his polices that did get through are harming us.

Pete Sessions House GOP learning from Taliban - On Congress -

Sessions thinks that those polices are harmful.
He has the right to think that because it's true.
The proof is in our histories past.
The left seem to have a real problem with understanding the rights ideology.
Either that or they really hate our Founders and our Constitution or just love to fight. :dunno:
I'm thinking it's the latter. :)

More likely, it's just that the right wing is a bunch of nasty obstructionist liars who spout off about the constitution when they know nothing about it and care more about their party and trying to beat Obama than they do about the country.
Like I said

you had to be told, by people that put forth lots of effort to find fault, or you would never have come to the same conclusion

unless you just hate black people

I didn't have to be told anything. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he compared the ISIS to the founders in their both having a willingness to fight and die for a cause.

So what are all America united on today that we would be willing to sacrifice and die for our cause?
Are we all united to kill the Jihad Terrorists for our Freedom and our American way of life? I don't think so.
This war is going to be a very long war against these Terrorists
Our Military still is.
That was his point.

No his point was to call Americans cowards because they don't all happen to agree with what he professes to be his agenda.

No his point was America is a divided nation and is no longer united.

He didn't say any such thing.

Yes he did.
He has been consistent with how Americans are so divided in their ideology.
Cons got it. The Libs didn't.
It's how we look at things philosophically.
So of course Libs will see what he said differently.

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