Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.

Which "folks" would that be?
The ones that don't know poverty?
Because, as the song says, that ain't me


Bed wetters "think" that the solution to poverty is simply dumping more money into "education" that leaves the inner city youth ignorant, uninformed and even functionally illiterate in some cases.

They "think" that government programs that subsidize living in poverty, will somehow reduce it. They're so absolutely clueless about poverty that they "think" providing people with the option of shunning work entirely, yet still enjoying the luxury of having cable TV, a vehicle, and unrestricted access to whatever foods they like to the point where most of them are overweight and some even develop diabetes will somehow inspire people into making better choices and enhancing their standard of living through their own merits.

Bed wetters don't even know what real poverty is. Those of us who've been to other countries and have seen REAL poverty know better.

Yet they'll continue to victimize these people to advance their collectivist agenda. They will never stop advocating dependence on the state, or brainwashing their victims that those who attempt to liberate them are working against their interests.

It's up to GOP/conservative/libertarian leadership to convince "the poor" that if they're interested in escaping poverty, they need to reject the party that has prolonged their suffering. Businesses that provide jobs are not the enemy of prosperity, government whores who retard the progress of capitalism are the criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths who prevent people from making progress.
I'm pretty much posting why Dr. Carson wouldn't have a chance.

He's got a very simplistic and "personal" view of Poverty.

If you feel that's a "winning" should say so.

Yes, I feel a winning strategy for folks in poverty is to work to get out of poverty.

Yes, I also recognize the winning strategy for democrats in selling hand-outs funded through re-distributions of "other" peoples income instead of work. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones... yeah it would appear, for some, free is better than working for it.

The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.
Yes, I feel a winning strategy for folks in poverty is to work to get out of poverty.

Yes, I also recognize the winning strategy for democrats in selling hand-outs funded through re-distributions of "other" peoples income instead of work. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones... yeah it would appear, for some, free is better than working for it.

The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Feel free, then.

Donate, advocate and vote for the guy.

But I will make a prediction right now.

Dr. Ben Carson will never be President Ben Carson.
The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Feel free, then.

Donate, advocate and vote for the guy.

But I will make a prediction right now.

Dr. Ben Carson will never be President Ben Carson.

Maybe, I don't know enough about him to vote for him yet. I prefer Rubio at this point.
That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.

Which "folks" would that be?
The ones that don't know poverty?
Because, as the song says, that ain't me

Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.
Ayup. Success stories that don't involve government hand-outs and mandates terrify democrats.

Feel free, then.

Donate, advocate and vote for the guy.

But I will make a prediction right now.

Dr. Ben Carson will never be President Ben Carson.

Maybe, I don't know enough about him to vote for him yet. I prefer Rubio at this point.

Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

You know zero about business "organziation".

There's plenty of sex with subordinates that go on.

Generally at a yearly ritual we who actually work for private businesses like to call the "Christmas Party".

Trying to normalize your terrible behavior?

"My" terrible behavior?

I've never had sex with anyone I work with during my professional career. I have a policy of not "crapping where I eat".

Generally? From what I've seen? It's the conservative, married, morally "upstanding", blowhard Republicans that do that.

You stupid ajole, slamming a Christian for back-sliding is as stupid as slamming an Olympic athlete who fails to win the Gold medal.

Your more appropriate reaction might be to commiserate with the Christian and to commend him for even TRYING to compete at that level of excellence.

You make slime ashamed.
It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.

Which "folks" would that be?
The ones that don't know poverty?
Because, as the song says, that ain't me

Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.

The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity
Trying to normalize your terrible behavior?

"My" terrible behavior?

I've never had sex with anyone I work with during my professional career. I have a policy of not "crapping where I eat".

Generally? From what I've seen? It's the conservative, married, morally "upstanding", blowhard Republicans that do that.

You stupid ajole, slamming a Christian for back-sliding is as stupid as slamming an Olympic athlete who fails to win the Gold medal.

Your more appropriate reaction might be to commiserate with the Christian and to commend him for even TRYING to compete at that level of excellence.

You make slime ashamed.

Wait, what?

What are you posting about?

Feel free, then.

Donate, advocate and vote for the guy.

But I will make a prediction right now.

Dr. Ben Carson will never be President Ben Carson.

Maybe, I don't know enough about him to vote for him yet. I prefer Rubio at this point.

Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.
Which "folks" would that be?
The ones that don't know poverty?
Because, as the song says, that ain't me

Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.

The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.
Ben Carson has never held an elected office. He would be eaten alive.

He belongs on the motivational speaker circuit, not in the White House.

He'll have his day in the sun, achieve wider name recognition, drop out of the race, and then sell a record number of books and will be able to demand higher speaker fees.


Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.

The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.

Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.

The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.

I can't?


I'm living a lie
Being poor doesn't make you an expert on poverty anymore than having cancer makes you and expert on that disease.

While you may understand the symptoms? It appears as if the cure eludes you.

Carson, himself, says he had the help of his mother with his schooling. That simply is not the case with everyone.

The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.

There's a marked difference between permanent hand-outs, which is what the Democrats are selling, and temporary hand-ups for "rough times" to help folks in small transition periods which is what you are talking about and the sort of welfare the Republicans prefer.
Maybe, I don't know enough about him to vote for him yet. I prefer Rubio at this point.

Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.
Another one not ready for prime time.

But he's alot closer then Carson..and probably a good choice for Vice.

Especially if the GOP wants to shave off a couple points from the Hispanic vote.

Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.

Yes, he could, once he switches parties.
The cure is charity to your fellow man.
NOT more government welfare where taxation forces your charity



If that were the case, then there would be no poverty.

That's not the case. And um, by the way, remember Bush's "faith based initiatives?"

Yep..that's right. Part of your "forced" taxes go to charities like the Red Cross.

Dealing with poverty is probably more granular and case by case.

Because one size definitely does not fit all.

But in a nutshell people in poverty need support to get them through the rough times, and education to get them skills to make them attractive to business.

You seriously can't get that by working three low wage jobs. And that's if those jobs exist.

I can't?


I'm living a lie


Well maybe YOU can. :D
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

And Dr. Carson chose not to stay poor. I bet you really hate that.
Yeah I suspect it will end up a Christie-Rubio ticket. But I'm rooting for Rubio I like his message even if his stance on illegal immigration is to bitter a pill for most pubs to swallow.

Either that or Rand/Rubio. I am kinda thinking the Republicans may have a "Barry Goldwater" moment to sort of kill the Tea party. But, putting Rubio in the Vice slot is pretty safe and will also get him ready for a real run.

He's pretty unpolished at this point, but some seasoning would make him a formidable candidate.

Yes, he could, once he switches parties.

He doesn't have to switch parties.

Americans are pretty fickle on that.

They generally don't vote the same party in over and over forever.

Eventually we will have a Republican President again.

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