Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Governors have executive power; of course they have advisors; but a Senator is just one of a hundred

you're silly Sallow

First off, it depends on the state.

Secondly? Governors have the same sort of power that Presidents have.

Third? I have no idea why you are pursuing this, as you were fundamentally wrong to begin with.
I think on this board and in multiple threads I've said I agreed with Rand Paul on the NSA snooping and was happy he brought a lawsuit against the government.

President Obama's done far too little to curb that.

Great; but i was asking carbi-tard

Carbitard and swallow will just regurgitate the same bullshit. Carbitard may just be more retarded, but neither one will base their posts on rational judgment, logic or facts.


Nice to see ya bud.

How's your boyfriend doing?

Thinking about that gay wedding yet? :D
That's the best leaving the door open statement I've ever seen.

"I'm not going to run, unless Jesus asks me to."

Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.

What is wrong with consulting with Jesus?

As far as bed wetters are concerned, people who believe in Jesus are a problem, not a solution.

Plus they'll use any excuse to attempt to marginalize a black man who has escaped the fascist plantation and is trying to free other people from the bonds of dependence and ignorance.
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

Yeah cause no one can choose to get out of poverty. ROFL Libtard thinks folks in poverty have no freedom of choice.

I'm pretty much posting why Dr. Carson wouldn't have a chance.

He's got a very simplistic and "personal" view of Poverty.

If you feel that's a "winning" should say so.
CaféAuLait;9119360 said:
I don't think so. You need to keep the quote in context. He explained how his Mother only had a third grade education. She worked three jobs and while working she noted that those 'rich' people were not sitting around watching TV but 'doing things' like reading. his Mom turned off the TV and made them read, he said he hated her choice.

Soon though he realized he was smarter than those people in school he use to envy for their intelligence because of his Mom's choice. He said he hated being poor but realized "poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else" and he could change his life by making a choice like that..

There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

Yeah cause no one can choose to get out of poverty. ROFL Libtard thinks folks in poverty have no freedom of choice.

The words "libtard" and "think" can't be used in the same sentence.
no; correcting your faulty logic

It is your logic that is faulty.

No elected position in the city, state or federal governments govern "alone".

On on the Federal level? Careful checks and balances are in place to assure no branch of government has too much power. That is codified in the Constitution.

You really aren't good at this, are ya?

exactly; they DONT govern alone

obama had zero executive power

your position is faulty; and you cant admit it

Neither did John McCain.
Ben Carson has never held an elected office. He would be eaten alive.

He belongs on the motivational speaker circuit, not in the White House.

He'll have his day in the sun, achieve wider name recognition, drop out of the race, and then sell a record number of books and will be able to demand higher speaker fees.
The question is, can he hold to the Separation of Church and State? One of the last things we need is a Cheerleader for the Right Wing Fundamentalists. I just waiting for them to start in with, "Thanks God I'm not one of those Sinners."

No where is the constitution is there anything that can be remotely construed as a "separation of church and state" clause.

Congress can not establish religion.

This "separation of church and state" bullshit has been used to subvert any sense of spirituality and morality in this country. It is an endeavor that has weakened us as a society and culture.

While things like the temperance movement, anti-drug laws, and gay suppression have had negative consequences, abandoning all moral virtue has allowed a "man" with ZERO virtue, integrity, character or morals to subvert the rule of law from the seat of ultimate power. We now have one of the most criminally insane authoritarian narcissists since Pol Pot at the head of government. The only thing that thwarts him and his minions from mass murder is the fact that those of us whom he would slaughter can resist.
He would be the second black man to beat Hillary.

The moonbat messiah is only half black, and judging from the results of his presidency on the current state of black people in the US, he's worst sort of "house negro" Malcom X could have imagined.
Ben Carson has never held an elected office. He would be eaten alive.

He belongs on the motivational speaker circuit, not in the White House.

He'll have his day in the sun, achieve wider name recognition, drop out of the race, and then sell a record number of books and will be able to demand higher speaker fees.

The question is, can he hold to the Separation of Church and State? One of the last things we need is a Cheerleader for the Right Wing Fundamentalists. I just waiting for them to start in with, "Thanks God I'm not one of those Sinners."

Obama can invoke God's name and offer prayers but Bush or Carson must stay within the bounds of this imaginary "separation" ??


Bed wetters are under no delusions that their messiah has even the sightest belief in a deity above himself.

He's not a muslim, he is for damn sure NOT a Christian, and he clearly hates the Jews. I doubt he can spell Hindu, or understands the concept of Buddhism or Zoroastrianism.

They tolerate his invocations of God, because they know he's undermining the faithful who are still too ignorant to understand that collectivist authoritarians are devoted to the state.

That's why the worst mass murders documented in history have been committed by leftist atheistic regimes. They make the Crusaders look like boy scouts.
There is no proper context for a statement like that.

It's incorrect first off. You don't choose to be born into poverty.

And secondly? It's offensive.

Yeah cause no one can choose to get out of poverty. ROFL Libtard thinks folks in poverty have no freedom of choice.

I'm pretty much posting why Dr. Carson wouldn't have a chance.

He's got a very simplistic and "personal" view of Poverty.

If you feel that's a "winning" should say so.

Yes, I feel a winning strategy for folks in poverty is to work to get out of poverty.

Yes, I also recognize the winning strategy for democrats in selling hand-outs funded through re-distributions of "other" peoples income instead of work. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones... yeah it would appear, for some, free is better than working for it.
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1. And when you have to fish around for stuff like that, it puts on display why it's incorrect.

2. Okay. But it doesn't change the fact it's offensive. And offensive to the very people he needs votes from. See how that works?

How is it offensive to tell someone that they can do better for their selves?

Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief
Carson and any other black who has or will espouse Republican or Conservative ideology is attacked by various lefty politicians, media pukes, clergy, and other scum. It's a given; it's automatic. And they all know going in it's coming, just like death and taxes.
How is it offensive to tell someone that they can do better for their selves?

Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.
Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.

Because in most cases that isn't even remotely true or possible.

That's a pretty shitty opinion to have of your fellow man.
That the MAJORITY of our poor have zero chance of improving??

No wonder your party is so good at peddling your welfare handouts. You keep people convinced that Uncle Sam is their only chance for survival.

good grief

It's not a "shitty opinion"'s basically the fact.

You folks seriously don't understand poverty or root cause.

Otherwise? You'd be pushing for support and education of those that find themselves trapped in poverty.

Which "folks" would that be?
The ones that don't know poverty?
Because, as the song says, that ain't me
Yeah cause no one can choose to get out of poverty. ROFL Libtard thinks folks in poverty have no freedom of choice.

I'm pretty much posting why Dr. Carson wouldn't have a chance.

He's got a very simplistic and "personal" view of Poverty.

If you feel that's a "winning" should say so.

Yes, I feel a winning strategy for folks in poverty is to work to get out of poverty.

Yes, I also recognize the winning strategy for democrats in selling hand-outs funded through re-distributions of "other" peoples income instead of work. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones... yeah it would appear, for some, free is better than working for it.

The bed wetters know that a winning strategy is a guy who knows how to articulate a conservative message and can inspire the victims of fascism to seek independence. They know they can not discredit the entire growing population of influential black conservatives forever.

They're terrified of men Like Dr. Carson for obvious reasons.

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